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Spencer - Week 9


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as an answer to his question about the notation on the blueprint diagram on the wall behind his bed:

That L with a capital C in its graphic middle is, I believe, the symbol for 'centerline'.

That place you're trying to find, that delicate balance of security.

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The only thing I remember about it was his DR. He was quite proud of himself. That is why I was sure he won something. lol

That fool's proud when he craps a turd big enough to stick up out of the water.

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Spencer has not won anything and he is still in the game! He is hanging out with the Mcnasty's and Andy though. He should know that Andy is loyal to them first, him last and he is not in with that alliance. If he wins HOH and goes after Amanda, Mcnasty will have to choose for real. Now that could be interesting. But he will probably go after Elissa and let the Mcnasty's stay and run the house.

he won the puzzle pov

beside that he has sucked in most comps :animated_bouncy:

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Spencer is going to vote with the Mcnasty's to try and keep himself off the block next week since everyone knows the people left to compete for HOH will be at her command! IF he gets HOH he just might put them up, but don't really know.

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Yeah, didn't see much of Spencer last night. I imagine his zing was as interesting as his game play so it was left on the cutting room floor. Still though he had to be a happy floater this week with the girls going after each other and not being a pawn, again. Sad part is if McManda is not in the F2 Spencer is the perfect person to sit next to in the end. Aaryn, Ellisa, Amanda, McCrae and even Andy could beat Spencer in the end. Spencers best bet would be to sit next to Ginia Marie, and that's not a guarantee either.

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