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10:54 PM BBT Judd, Andy, and Spencer are chatting in the BY. Andy wants to go and talk to Elissa if she's up. Spencer wants to go talk to GinaMarie and ask her what her problem is. Meanwhile in the colorful room GinaMarie is whispering to Aaryn that it may become a guys versus girl thing. McCrae is taking a shower.

10:57 PM BBT Andy was unsucessful in talking to Elissa it seems. He is back in the BY with Amanda and Spencer now. Back in the colorful room GinaMarie hopes Elissa puts a guy up. Aaryn says Andy will probably go up. Judd comes in and talk stops, Judd is just as quickly out of the room. Aaryn is ultra stealth whispering which makes hearing her difficult. I believe she suspects Judd is outside the door listening still. GinaMarie is going to lay down. She doesn't want to talk to anyone anymore. Aaryn is cool though. Aaryn is going to go pee. She turns the light out before leaving the room.

11:01 PM BBT Andy, Spencer and Amanda in the BY chatting. Andy hopes he doesn't go home this week. Amanda says he's fine and that he won't go home this week. Andy doesn't want to go home this week because he hasn't had a chance to play for veto. Judd comes outside. Spencer wants to know why GinaMarie is giving him the cold shoulder. Amanda says it's because she thinks he's trying to get her put up on the block. Judd wonders if she thinks the same thing about him. Amanda agrees. Judd wanders back in and Amanda asks if Judd and Elissa are working together. Spencer isn't sure but thinks so. Amanda says it makes sense if she's not going to put him on the block. Putting him on the block would ruffle zero feathers.

11:06 PM BBT Aaryn heads outside to the HT and sits, eating a bowl of ice cream. Amanda and Andy head inside. Judd back outside. GinaMarie sticks her head out the door and says goodnight. McCrae out of the shower. Spencer now heading inside to get a cookie. Judd heads over to the HT with Aaryn. Andy outside to the HT as well. Amanda in the KT complains that production won't give her allergy medication.

11:09 PM BBT Spencer whispering to McCrae in the KT. Spencer is telling McCrae about how GinaMarie is giving him the cold shoulder. McCrae heading outside to smoke. Amanda and Spencer in the SR. Amanda asks Spencer what they were talking about. Spencer tells her how GinaMarie said earlier that she doesn't want to be seen as a flip flopper because folks back in Stanton Island won't want to date her.

11:15 PM BBT Amanda and Spencer have joined Aaryn, Andy and Judd at the HT. Aaryn just finished saying that she suspects GinaMarie won't go up because she probably told Elissa that she only voted out Helen because Aaryn told her to. Talk turns to different restaurants and how hungry Amanda has been. Aaryn says her mom used to call her a bottomless pit. GinaMarie can be seen sleeping in the chair room. Amanda gets up yelling "Why can't I get a f****** Clairitin around here?!" Aaryn says she can't get Pamprin because they want her to be pissed. FoTH.

11:19 PM BBT Feeds back. Nothing being said at the HT. Amanda walks into the SR and says she can't breathe and we get more FoTH. Feeds back and she's crawled into bed. The camera spins to look down at her and she looks directly into the camera and says "I need allergy medication please, I'm dying." Out at HT Aaryn is upset that they haven't gotten alcohol tonight.

11:23 PM BBT Talk at the HT has turned to Andy's favorite HGs from previous seasons. Jodi (BB14), Ragan (BB12) and Nakomis (BB5). Andy says Jodi would have won it all last season because she wasn't going after anyone but it ended up being one of the most tragic tales in BB history. All four feeds switch to Amanda laying in bed in the chair room with the lights on.

RT @DLanzarotta: @mortystv what Elissa is doing is smart. She letting the mccranda minions fight amoung themselves and they keep devouring each other.

11:29 PM BBT I've hit refresh on my feeds to make sure I've not frozen up. Feeds back to the BY briefly and Spencer is telling a story. Feeds switch back to Amanda. Andy comes into the room and tells her everyone is outside. Amanda says they need to tell Judd to get GinaMarie up on the block. Amanda questions why he doesn't think it will work. Andy says it wont because Elissa in her robot mind knows that she has to put Andy on the block. Andy says Judd will do what Elissa wants and Elissa wants Aaryn gone this week.

11:35 PM BBT Andy says they'll talk tomorrow. Amanda agrees and Andy heads back outside. Out at the HT McCrae says he's not a fan of Family Guy. Aaryn and Andy agree that they're over that show. Spencer and McCrae like American Dad and the alien from that show (Roger). Talk turns to Survivor. Judd says after 20 days being on Survivor they get the chance to see their family. Andy says they're in the house twice as long and don't get that chance.

11:40 PM BBT Feeds on Amanda switch to the DR/SR doors. Elissa comes out of the DR and heads upstairs to the HoH. Spencer catches a glimpse of Elissa and says "There's Elissa". Andy says it was an Elissa sighting. Spencer says "We can't be sure but if we slow the film down..." Talk turns to the darkened room HN competition. Aaryn heads inside and tells Amanda that Elissa came out of DR. Amanda tells him to tell Andy. Aaryn says Andy was sitting there, and that he knows. Aaryn offers to turn the light off for her. Amanda thanks her. Aaryn heads back outside. Meanwhile up in the HoH Elissa is getting a drink from her fridge.

11:46 PM BBT Elissa turns the light off in the HoH. Out in the HT Aaryn tells Spencer that she bets he has people writing on his wall telling him how funny he is. Spencer thanks her and says if there was a pie chart for reasons why women have been intimate with him (not those words) the majority of the chart would be because he's funny. Aaryn says she (herself) is a b****. Spencer agrees and says that coupled with her body means she should have guys banging down on the door for her. Andy agrees and says she's about a 5 out of 10. Andy and Spencer tease her saying she's average looking.

11:51 PM BBT Teasing continues in the HT. Spencer and Andy says David told them that since he didn't have a chance with Jessie or Candice he settled with Aaryn. The teasing continues (it's actually rather amusing...). Aaryn turns the conversation to "Maybe when Jeff settles down with Jordan and decides not to be a host anymore they'll let me do it." Andy and Spencer says they were told they were great. Judd says he was told it was a tie between Jodi and himself and they'll have to battle it out. They start throwing a rubber ball in the HT as hard as they can and they get a "Stop that!" Spencer cries out "For fudge sakes!" (not those words).

11:57 PM BBT Talk turns to the PoV competition and Zingbot. Spencer says they were checking someone's blood pressure and Zingbot was standing in the background and he gave him the finger. Talk turns to The Hobbit. Aaryn hopes they do a Hobbit remake. Andy says they have. Aaryn says she wants to be cast in it. Spencer says she'd make a great Smeagol and they wouldn't have to do any CGI work on her. Talk turns to GinaMarie and Nick.

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