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Spencer - Week 8 Replacement Nominee


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going up on the block :animated_bouncy:

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going up on the block :animated_bouncy:

scratch that

i thought they would try to blindside helen but that is too risky at this point

she could win veto and save someone from the block

funny feeling spencer will make final 4 :animated_bouncy:

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scratch that

i thought they would try to blindside helen but that is too risky at this point

she could win veto and save someone from the block

funny feeling spencer will make final 4 :animated_bouncy:

They have to put Helen on the block because if she plays in veto and wins she might use the veto to save Elissa. Then who goes up in Elissa's place? Aaryn is not going to want to put up GM or 3AM.

The best option is Helen Elissa on the block. If one comes off Spencer is the replacement nom.

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They have to put Helen on the block because if she plays in veto and wins she might use the veto to save Elissa. Then who goes up in Elissa's place? Aaryn is not going to want to put up GM or 3AM.

The best option is Helen Elissa on the block. If one comes off Spencer is the replacement nom.

lol i said that :animated_bouncy:

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Spencer has one week to change Amanda's mind about him... otherwise he will be her bullseye next week. (Depending on who comes back in the game though.)

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^^^^^He is working on Amanda right now CeCiMom!

Spencer is telling Amanda how he was approached by Helen and Elissa and they wanted him to help them get out a big target, which was Amanda. He was also saying that he wanted to win HOH to put them both up. He has some resentment towards Helen because she has said to him - "don't worry, I'm going to let you make it to jury" and apparently he didn't like that.


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i am telling you that his sexual remarks are those of a sexual deviant. There is something there setting off my creep radar.


yes, fat boy is a disgusting pig..amazon was telling twat face (aaryn) how fat boy is the female version of her..ain't it the truth! :scared:

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yes, fat boy is a disgusting pig..amazon was telling twat face (aaryn) how fat boy is the female version of her..ain't it the truth! :scared:

Howard could definitely give Spencer a run for the money in the "distgusting pig" race. BB house: land of the fruits, nuts and deviants!

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I sometimes wonder.......do they UNDERSTAND that they are being taped? If so, where the h*** do they live? I live in Vegas which is supposedly "sin city" and have NEVER encountered such trash.

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GingerSnaps : " Howard could definitely give Spencer a run for the money in the "distgusting pig" race. "

Howard would be left at the starting gate against Spencer. Not a fair challenge.

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GingerSnaps : " Howard could definitely give Spencer a run for the money in the "distgusting pig" race. "

Howard would be left at the starting gate against Spencer. Not a fair challenge.

The difference is that Spencer is right in your face with that stuff and Howard was an ear whisperer with his deviant sex talk. To be fair to me, since there is so much speculation here on this board about HGs, I gather I can speculate also and say that if Howard could say those disgusting things then there is more where that came from and that makes him no better than Spencer.

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oh ... I guess you could look at it that way.

Just seems like - that with the cameras and mics on 24 / 7 we would have caught more remarks from him

What was heard was enough, in my opinion. As many have said here on these boards, you don't need an avalanche of comments to prove your character, just one will do.

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lol... I'm not saying Howard's an angel ... just that I don't think he's in the same category as Spencer with the

frequency of his crass remarks.

psst... love ... "BB house: land of the fruits, nuts and deviants!"

good one

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oohhh .... lol... originally first stopped in Spencer's thread to say.....

When the game is over - Spencer should get a T-shirt that says

......... DESIGNATED BB PAWN........

I had a hard time trying to make the letters follow the shirt - that's good enough I suppose


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