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8/15 TV Show Eviction Night Thread


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1.Which Juror would you want back at this point Candice, Judd, or Jessie ?

2.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the show tonight .....

3.Who would you rather see evicted next Helen or Amanda or someone else?


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1.Which Juror would you want back at this point Candice, Judd, or Jessie ? Candice

2.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the show tonight ..... Amanda will mention the wedding

3.Who would you rather see evicted next Helen or Amanda or someone else? Amanda or Andy


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1.Which Juror would you want back at this point Candice, Judd, or Jessie ? - Jessie (please not Candyland)

2.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the show tonight ..... Ya what Slim said all I can think of is Amanda will make sure they talk about the "wedding"

3.Who would you rather see evicted next Helen or Amanda or someone else? - Amanda first choice - Helen second choice and Andy third choice.

*note I am sure they will wait until Amanda or Helen is in jury before we get to vote one back in. I think it would be so cool if neither of them were voted in my America. snap!

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1.Which Juror would you want back at this point Candice, Judd, or Jessie ? Judd

2.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the show tonight ..... Amanda will dramatically point out how unfair it is that no one will let her win.

3.Who would you rather see evicted next Helen or Amanda or someone else? Mcranda either or. like most prefer Amanda but it would make good tv to see her bitch and whine about Mcrea being gone.

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1.Which Juror would you want back at this point Candice, Judd, or Jessie ? JUDD!!!

2.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the show tonight ..... Helen will mention that she was the one who got Jessie evicted

3.Who would you rather see evicted next Helen or Amanda or someone else? No brainer!! AMANDA

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1.Which Juror would you want back at this point Candice, Judd, or Jessie ? None poor game players deserves to stay evicted

2.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the show tonight ..... Andy will cry in his goodbye message in an attempt to get Jessie jury vote and to minimize his role in her eviction

3.Who would you rather see evicted next Helen or Amanda or someone else? Helen just based on her stupidity of falling for Mccrae turning on Amanda and joining forces with her. One thing i cant stand is bad gameplay or stupid gamers


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1.Which Juror would you want back at this point Candice, Judd, or Jessie ? I agee with none

2.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the show tonight .....Aaryn will win HOH

3.Who would you rather see evicted next Helen or Amanda or someone else? McCrae, I want to sse Amanda upset over him being in sequester with Jess.


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1.Which Juror would you want back at this point Candice, Judd, or Jessie ? None

2.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the show tonight ..... Helen will be the first to run to the new HOH and tell them how great of a job they did

3.Who would you rather see evicted next Helen or Amanda or someone else? Helen

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1. None, but if I have to: Judd only because he is the only one of the three who might be able to align with someone.. the other two will just be the same old pawns.

2. As above, Helen will give some over the top congratulatory speech to winner of Hoh.

3. I don't want either to go home unless some people are going to step up and play the game. Despite who leaves, the house will just follow the other.

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Amanda wins - put up Spencer and GM tell them they are pawns to back door Helen option

McCrae wins - put up Spencer and GM tell them they are pawns to back door Helen option

Aaryn wins - put up Spencer and GM tell them they are pawns to back door Helen option

Helen wins - put up Spencer and GM tell them they are pawns to back door Amanda option

Elissa wins (Helen will control her noms) put up Spencer and GM tell them they are pawns to back door Amanda option

GM wins - (arron will control her noms) She can't put herself up so Spencer and Elissa as a pawn and BD Helen option


Who do you think Spencer will put up and who does he want out?

Do you think any of the others will make a direct nomination or will they use Spencer and GM?

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1.Which Juror would you want back at this point Candice, Judd, or Jessie ? Judd

2.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the show tonight ..... Andy will do his little wave and say "Hi Julie!!"

3.Who would you rather see evicted next Helen or Amanda or someone else? McCrae

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1.Which Juror would you want back at this point Candice, Judd, or Jessie ? Judd

2.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the show tonight ..... Helen obnoxiously attempts to be the center of attention during Julie's questions while wearing a solid color shirt.

3.Who would you rather see evicted next Helen or Amanda or someone else? Helen

Who do you think Spencer will put up and who does he want out?

Do you think any of the others will make a direct nomination or will they use Spencer and GM?

Agree with your assessment, funny too. I would have to guess that Spencer would put Amanda and McCrae. I have no idea who he thinks he would/could go farther with, maybe Aaryn? (Then, plus GM). And again, I agree with your assessments, I think if Spencer or GM lose HOH, whoever the winner is, puts up Spencer and GM. (Best shot may be Aaryn not putting up GM.)

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show time :animated_bouncy:

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helen cant even keep her lies straight :animated_bouncy:

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lol julie calling them out for not making big moves :animated_bouncy:

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helen and amanda they should be a couple :animated_bouncy:

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Both were trying a little too hard, weren't they?



2.Predict something one particular hg's will do on the show tonight ..... Andy will cry in his goodbye message in an attempt to get Jessie jury vote and to minimize his role in her eviction


andy i knew it

crying on cue :animated_bouncy:

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