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BB15 General Discussion - Part 3


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It could be as good as australia's. It was as good as australia's.....yes? No? I've never seen BB australia. I want BB US to be good again. It can be. We need to express our discontent with CBS and let them know that BB15 was the worst one yet. Do it.

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It could be as good as australia's. It was as good as australia's.....yes? No? I've never seen BB australia. I want BB US to be good again. It can be. We need to express our discontent with CBS and let them know that BB15 was the worst one yet. Do it.

Slim, Australia's version is pretty amazing, it's mostly social... Viewers vote to evict so most wont like that concept.. They nominate each other by point system.. They get like 5 points to split between 2 houseguests, 6 people are nominated due to the amount of points they get and the viewers do rest. It's not really competition based but they do play a showdown comp once a week where they get perks and a special voting power. The Uk version is somewhat similar to the Aussie. If you can,check out a couple of days of the current Aussie season on YT. I also want to see BBus become a great game again, they need a major production change, MAJOR. It's the same BS season after season.

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Slim, Australia's version is pretty amazing, it's mostly social... Viewers vote to evict so most wont like that concept.. They nominate each other by point system.. They get like 5 points to split between 2 houseguests, 6 people are nominated due to the amount of points they get and the viewers do rest. It's not really competition based but they do play a showdown comp once a week where they get perks and a special voting power. The Uk version is somewhat similar to the Aussie. If you can,check out a couple of days of the current Aussie season on YT. I also want to see BBus become a great game again, they need a major production change, MAJOR. It's the same BS season after season.

Thank you, nyse. Sounds interesting. Wish I had dropped BB15 and started BBAUS. I am one of those persons who would love to see viewer vote control the house. It is the only move left to BBUS. The format as-is isn't working anymore, in my opinion. They would have to somehow stop block voting but I think it would make for an incredible show and an incredible morty's forum to have us debating about votes.

I will check-out BB Australia.

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I'm also enjoying BBAU and BBUK. One thing I like about their way is that HGs can't talk about who they are nominating. They can't get together and gang up on one person. Often one or two people really stand out from the rest and end up with a majority of votes but each person as made their own decision on who to nom.

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Amanda and McWhipped up in the HOH bed last night all alone whispering so people (feeds) can't understand them. I wish there was a no whispering rule. :kenshin2:

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Tonight should be an interesting night. Helen evicted. I can hardly imagine that the moment is here. She has been the BB15 dynamo. I just hope that if helen goes and helen returns that it isn't more of the same old, same old as it has been for the past few days. I see no point in that for them or for me. Some drama and great change would be the ticket right about now. Get on it, Grodner.

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If production doesn't give some kind of protection for whoever comes back into the house for at least one week I fully expect them to walk right back out the door next week. The people in that house are so friggin' paranoid I just don't see them not continuing with the mob mentality of the house voting together. Hopefully they'll prove me wrong but I have my doubts.

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If production doesn't give some kind of protection for whoever comes back into the house for at least one week I fully expect them to walk right back out the door next week. The people in that house are so friggin' paranoid I just don't see them not continuing with the mob mentality of the house voting together. Hopefully they'll prove me wrong but I have my doubts.

The last time they brought back an evicted HG they gave them a 1 week immunity.

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Judd is the worst result of a juror coming back IF what we all want to see is Amanda or McCrae be put on the block. He completely believes that it was Helen and Elissa that sent him out the door. He will crawl right back up Ama/McC butts, imo.

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Personally: I'd like to see Candice come back, win HoH put Amanda/McCrae up, one of them come down and Aaryn go up... and Aaryn gets evicted at Candice's hands.

Strategy: I'd like to see Helen (or even Jessie) come back, win HoH put Amanda/McCrae up and McCrae goes home.

My daughter and son (who only watch the tv show and no feeds) want to see Judd come back because they think he is hilarious. (And, even more so when they can't understand a word he's mumbling! lol... ugh)

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