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BB15 General Discussion - Part 3


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On many of the individual BB players boards, many of you complain about the players lying and backstabbing, isn't this the BB way ??

Why be upset or appalled by this behavior ? Also, manipulation....this experiment of watching people 24/7 and being surprised, disappointed, or appalled doesn't make sense to me.

Some applaud player's game play, but what is acceptable game play ?

To decry someones lack of morals because of gameplay makes no sense either.

All BB winners lie to someone, backstab someone...

The immaturity of players, the lack of common sense and boorish behavior from people who forget they are being watched may be something to comment on.

I was NOT a Danielle fan, worried about Ian's behavior, marvelled at Dan's manipulations, and groaned at Shane's choices last season. But this season so much hate for players seems unnatural, and I don't understand it. Please note that I am often offended at their behavior.

Just my two cents.

This is a Big Brother forum and that is why we post here. To observe and comment on our opinions whatever they are. God Bless the USA (oh and Canada too) geeeeez

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Marty, I have a request for you -

Should you decide to climb the BB fence again this week, and leave the HG's a note written in secret code urging them who should be evicted, please this time do not forget to attach the decoder ring.

Hawknose :)


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Marty, I have a request for you this week.

Should you decide to climb the BB fence again this week, and leave the HG's a note written in secret code urging them who should be evicted, please this time do not forget to attach the decoder ring.

Hawknose :)


hey hey hey - only you and I know about my 7th cousin 3 times removed is Andy in the Big Brother house.

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If she hasn't figured it out yet, this will be the week that Helen realizes only Elissa (which does her little good) has her back. Andy defected weeks ago. Aaryn see's a better future with the McDirtbags and Helen has done nothing for Spencer so he is fine with her going out the door. Helen is DUN unless she wins veto and then HoH.

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Spencer appears to be throwing away the have/have not food, head cheese and habaneros. Seems like a huge waste of money. The HG's are not happy about the food but hey if you would have listened to us when we nominated Amanda with the MVP we might have been a little nicer.


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On many of the individual BB players boards, many of you complain about the players lying and backstabbing, isn't this the BB way ??

Why be upset or appalled by this behavior ? Also, manipulation....this experiment of watching people 24/7 and being surprised, disappointed, or appalled doesn't make sense to me.

Some applaud player's game play, but what is acceptable game play ?

To decry someones lack of morals because of gameplay makes no sense either.

All BB winners lie to someone, backstab someone...

The immaturity of players, the lack of common sense and boorish behavior from people who forget they are being watched may be something to comment on.

I was NOT a Danielle fan, worried about Ian's behavior, marvelled at Dan's manipulations, and groaned at Shane's choices last season. But this season so much hate for players seems unnatural, and I don't understand it. Please note that I am often offended at their behavior.

Just my two cents.

I agree but would like to ask you what your take was when several seasons back there was a Muslim guy who was last with a woman and she swore and promised that he would be safe if he let her have the HOH. With her face to face promise to him, he let her have it and she reneged on her word. How did you feel about that? For me, that was objectionable dirty pool. Telling a person in the house what they want to hear is qualitatively different from that situation. Do you agree?
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I don't think anyone is complaining about how they are playing the game, which is bboorriinngg, but we are complaining about the lack of moral compass in these ppl that has nothing to do with the game, this bunch outside of Elissa are morally corrupt, I thinks all is fair in BB, its part of the game to lie and manipulate, but I strongly object to the way they tear ppl down , bash for no reason, and it's all unfounded, the nasty racial slurs, seriously, I don't think I've ever remembered any season where the group were all so disgusting

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I agree but would like to ask you what your take was when several seasons back there was a Muslim guy who was last with a woman and she swore and promised that he would be safe if he let her have the HOH. With her face to face promise to him, he let her have it and she reneged on her word. How did you feel about that? For me, that was objectionable dirty pool. Telling a person in the house what they want to hear is qualitatively different from that situation. Do you agree?

You're not gonna like this, but it was a stupid move by Kaysar, (Muslim, schmuzlim, means nothing) when you give your trust, you take the responsibility, she took advantage, Kaysar has even said so.

I believe in everyone's right to an opinion, celebrate our right to do so. LOVE this site and the ongoing discussions.

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Spencer appears to be throwing away the have/have not food, head cheese and habaneros. Seems like a huge waste of money. The HG's are not happy about the food but hey if you would have listened to us when we nominated Amanda with the MVP we might have been a little nicer.


absolutely right! :laugh4::lookaround:

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I don't think anyone is complaining about how they are playing the game, which is bboorriinngg, but we are complaining about the lack of moral compass in these ppl that has nothing to do with the game, this bunch outside of Elissa are morally corrupt, I thinks all is fair in BB, its part of the game to lie and manipulate, but I strongly object to the way they tear ppl down , bash for no reason, and it's all unfounded, the nasty racial slurs, seriously, I don't think I've ever remembered any season where the group were all so disgusting

ITA even worse than "Maggie's season" these people are pathetic! I wish Elissa would play like Rachel and win but I think she's too sensitive for these dolts..but at least she has class and behaves like a lady..Gm and the rest of them wouldn't know class if it slapped them in the face :kwasny:

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but I strongly object to the way they tear ppl down , bash for no reason, and it's all unfounded, the nasty racial slurs, seriously, I don't think I've ever remembered any season where the group were all so disgusting

Has anyone else notice the pattern of how the HGs immediately isolate\ostracize the next HG that is targeted to for eviction? It practically happens right after the last person walks the door, they start trash talking more about one person far more than other others. It's a bit like watching Lord Of The Flies. This week it will be Elissa I think.

In general, BB fans enjoy when a season has two sides that go after each other, with 2-3 floaters. IMHO, that is how the producers cast the show every season in terms of chemistry; the producers pick people who they feel will gravitate toward one side or the other and struggle for control of the house. This season was busted with that two side model because it is a single minded house, and its really about a pecking order of who is least liked or has weakest connections with the other HGs.

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Has anyone else notice the pattern of how the HGs immediately isolate\ostracize the next HG that is targeted to for eviction? It practically happens right after the last person walks the door, they start trash talking more about one person far more than other others. It's a bit like watching Lord Of The Flies. This week it will be Elissa I think.

In general, BB fans enjoy when a season has two sides that go after each other, with 2-3 floaters. IMHO, that is how the producers cast the show every season in terms of chemistry; the producers pick people who they feel will gravitate toward one side or the other and struggle for control of the house. This season was busted with that two side model because it is a single minded house, and its really about a pecking order of who is least liked or has weakest connections with the other HGs.

That is my exact take on the game this season. And yes I do prefer the 2 sides. I like that battle between teams. Not just everyone in trash mode to try to make sure the next person leaves the house. It is hard to watch a season with so many mean people and no "real" loyalty to anyone.

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That is my exact take on the game this season. And yes I do prefer the 2 sides. I like that battle between teams. Not just everyone in trash mode to try to make sure the next person leaves the house. It is hard to watch a season with so many mean people and no "real" loyalty to anyone.

It seems like we would have had a back and forth battle if Jeremy and Nick had stayed in the house but those early MVP weeks threw a wrench in the works........

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Has anyone else notice the pattern of how the HGs immediately isolate\ostracize the next HG that is targeted to for eviction? It practically happens right after the last person walks the door, they start trash talking more about one person far more than other others. It's a bit like watching Lord Of The Flies. This week it will be Elissa I think.

In general, BB fans enjoy when a season has two sides that go after each other, with 2-3 floaters. IMHO, that is how the producers cast the show every season in terms of chemistry; the producers pick people who they feel will gravitate toward one side or the other and struggle for control of the house. This season was busted with that two side model because it is a single minded house, and its really about a pecking order of who is least liked or has weakest connections with the other HGs.

You are so spot on here, echo. They come in from the HoH comp and within the hour, they have decided who the main target is for the week. Then small groups are pulled together so they all know who will be their victim and the bashing begins.

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What i think is funny his that they trash someone who has done something that they themselves have done. like Aaron wanting to be left alone and telling GM to shut up and F off yet when El. wont talk to her she doesnt understand how someone would act like that. Mccrae i think is really jealous of El. having money and a good life. This all is starting to remind me of a house of Daniell's from last year. They are really vicious. Spencer i think has real evil thoughts that i find a little scary.

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