sayre Posted August 12, 2013 Share Posted August 12, 2013 #BB15 9:00pm BBT Andy is in his hohr listening to music, Aayrn and GM are in the color room,Helen, Elissa and Spencer are in the KT talking, Mcamanda are in bed.#BB15 9:05pm BBT Aayrn is in the shower, Mcamanda is talking in the bed, Amanda is saying no that makes me look dumb, why dont you tell me how you feel, and so on.Spencer is laying in the hammock by himself in the BY. Mccrea you are not allowed to talk about your DR sessions with other HG so says BB.#BB15 9:10 BBT Andy walks into the BY and lays in the hammock with Spencer oh and there is a spider in the yard, and thats about it.#BB15 9:15pm BBt Andy is telling Spencer that Jessie has to go, he asked Spencer if she has asked him if he talked to Andy about using the veto.Spencer is like no. Andy is saying how Jessie is trying to get him to use the veto to backdoor Amanda. Andy like thats going to happen. (not). now they are talking about theHoward, Judd thing.#BB15 9:20pm BBT Spencer is saying that he doesnt feel sorry about cutting Howard lose, now they are talking about hoh, Spencer is asking who do you think I should put up if Iwin hoh. Andy is talking about Helen and how he really doesnt want to see her go. Now just talking about Helen. and reasons to trust her. Spencer is saying if I get hoh I will talk to you about it.heres my thing if Helen fell then Elissa will follow. Helen is holding Elissa up right now. Andy if Elissa went it would lite Helens fire, Spencer is saying the GM wantsElissa out really badly so does Aayrn. Andy is like yea.#BB15 9:25pm BBT now they are talking about on down the road they will have to deal with Amanda and Mccrea, Spencer is now talking about Amanda saying shes so fing stupid, its really bugging me.Andy is like yea, yea. Now he just talking about Amanda. There is somekind of music playing in the mccrea is making out in the color room alot of kissing noises. (Yuckie). in th wr GM and Helen is doing makeup it looks like (thanks BB for changing the cam from team mccrea kissing).BB15 9:30pm BBT GM and Helen are in the wr doing makeup Andy and Spencer are just talking about different hoh comp Gm is told to go to the SR (feeds are buffing alittle tonight they are repeting alittle.)#BB15 9:35pm BBT Aayrn and Elissa are baking in the KT. Spencer and Andy are in the BY , Elissa is saying that she wants to win hoh just once to get to see her family, Andy and Spencer talk about how america sees GM.Andy is saying I bet america really likes GM (no we dont) feeds are really acting up tonight. Spencer is wondering how america sees Jessie. and we get the foth.#BB15 9:40pm BBT Spencer is like I think Aayrn thinks that we are all so fing stupid, shes like ugh I have to listen to you again, ok you talk Ill just sit here are do my nails and pretend to be listening to you. Spencer is like shes really pretty but its an empty pretty.she has this cheereleader attude about life. Andy is saying that she probably wasnt well liked has a child, and missed out on alot that maybe why she is the way she is.#BB15 9:45pm BBT Aayrn is asking Elissa what they used when they put on her eyelashes, she asked GM if she wants a cookie. Spencer is onto Jessie, Helen comes out to fold cloths.They want to play hot potatoe later, Helen burnt the fish it was gross. Aayrn and Elissa are talking about protaine. And what it taste like. Spencer and Andy go to round people up for hot potatoe.Andy asked Elissa or poops whats you making (I guess Elissa is now poops), Andy asked team mccrea what they are doing under the covers Amanda says playig tent. (I think they were doing more then that.)Amanda says she want alcohol tonight.#BB15 10:00pm BBT Amanda is saying tomorrow is the wedding, yay Andy is saying he cant wait for the wedding sleepover.they are now talking about playing hot potato. Aayrn is like I want to play with a real hot potatoe. Spencer that wont work it would cool off. they are trying to get team Mccrea to play hot potatoethey dont want to.#BB15 10:05pm BBT Aayrn says she feels like she is in a alcohol rehab. Elissa is taking out the protain muffins. they are getting ready toplay hot potatoe and the frog game.#BB15 10:10pm BBT Jessie is telling Aayrn about a dream she just had, Everyone else is getting ready to play the game Andy and Spencer are in the SR getting snacks.#BB15 10:15 BBT Jessie is talking to Aayrn saying the Helen told her that she is really the target this week, Aayrn is like no youre not. Amanda and Mccrea are outside. Andy Elissa, GM Aayrn are in the kT Jessie is in the BYHelen is doing cloths. Jessie is now telling Amanda her dream.#BB15 10:20pm BBT nothing new to report, Elissa and Andy are talking about cake batter and how good it tastes, Jessie is still telling her dream.#BB15 10:30pm BBT they are in the LR getting ready to play hot potatoe.#BB15 10:35pm BBT Aayrn is talking about how many wrinkles she has on her face and how rubbing alcohol is really bad for your skin. (personal note I dont think so)they are now playing hot potatoe.#BB15 10:40pm BBT they are just playing hot potatoe Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
niteslacker Posted August 12, 2013 Share Posted August 12, 2013 10:30-10:45 PM BBT Hot potato and Simon says are played. No game chat. Talk is briefly about the DR smelling like farts.10:47-11:00 PM BBT McCrae and Amanda have moved off to the colorful room while GinaMarie and Spencer play musical chair. Idle chit chat as some of the HGs make something to eat. Talk turns to previous seasons of BB.11:05 PM BBT GinaMarie, Aaryn, Amanda and McCrae are chatting in the colorful room. Conversation is about their dislike of Candice and Howard. Aaryn asks GinaMarie if she wants to fight Candice and GinaMarie says no she already asked. Andy speaks with Amanda briefly in the WA and tells her that Aaryn is pushing for Spencer to go home over Jessie. Amanda tells him it's ok and that they should all head upstairs to chat.11:05-11:12 PM BBT Amanda, Aaryn, and McCrae are up in the HoH chatting. Andy joins them and Amanda asks for information to cross reference who has been saying what. Amanda says that "she" is trying to get Andy to use the veto on her to backdoor Amanda. It's hard to hear because McCrae is obstructing his mic.11:17-11:30 PM BBT They continue to run scenarios and what everyone has said. Aaryn can't believe that Helen wants to backdoor Amanda but Amanda says Helen has brought this up before. Andy says he's been cooling her off for weeks about not not targeting Amanda. Talk turns to who to target next week. Helen comes in and chat changes.11:31-11:40 PM BBT Aaryn is heading to bed and McCrae wanders out as well. Helen saying Jessie is acting too happy at the moment. Amanda agrees. McCrae and Andy comes back in. Helen says Jessie is way too confident and she's afraid that Jessie has concocted a plan to get her backdoored this week. Amanda laughs saying that's not it at all. She thinks it's funny that Helen would think this. Andy laughs as well.11:45-11:52 PM BBT Amanda hopes GinaMarie doesn't make it further in the game than she does. Amanda, Helen, and McCrae continue to run various scenarios. Andy is back. More scenarios ran. They think Elissa sucks at comps and Aaryn is great at comps. Andy points out that her comp wins were one with a partner, one was a crap shoot, and the third was a question that everyone else got wrong. Helen points out that she won veto as well. Andy says it was less than a minute in length.11:57 PM BBT Alcohol has arrived in the BB house and Amanda calls for everyone to come on down. Andy and Helen stay up in the HoH for a bit longer to chat. Andy questions if she's heard his name thrown out. Helen laughs saying he's the safest one in the house because she's never heard his name thrown out there. They head down to join the rest of the house in the KT as they sort through the alcohol. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
morty Posted August 12, 2013 Author Share Posted August 12, 2013 Cover coverage continues here: Monday, August 12 Live Feed Updates Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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