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Amanda - DE/Week 7


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Guest 6Borders

If you watch that girl on the feeds she is always looking at the camera when she is acting out or when she is having sex with her

Yep, constantly. She reminds me of Jace (BB5 I think) with the whole Brad Pitt routine just to get as much camera time as possible. The difference is Amanda is 20 times more disgusting than Jace and apparently a "producer pet" at a courtesy audition! (Jase said he was a firefighter from Decatur and was actually living right down the street from the BB House).

Amanda is one of the most disgusting HG's to play this game (I liked Chima and Natalie better), she's completely delusional calling her and McCrae the next Jeff & Jordan, and I am sure she is completely aware that McCrae is a production tech and will work on him about furthering his career with her connections.

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Well, to be fair, she has invested a lot of time into teaching him about grooming and sex and such. I'm sure she is looking forward to having the opportunity to show him all of her helpful videos, like how to clean his butt crack. It'll really suck if she put all that work into him only for him to go to jury house and be with Jessie. ;)

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Guest 6Borders

LOL. She would probably demand to know where the house is and go there screaming his name. I think that amanda has gone off the deep end.

Yep, over the river and right down the Falls!

That would be hilarious to have the house see what is going on in the jury house..McCrae in the pool with Jessie, or sitting on the lounge in the evening sharing a glass of wine and a cig. I might even chip in on a jury cam for that!!!

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Well, to be fair, she has invested a lot of time into teaching him about grooming and sex and such. I'm sure she is looking forward to having the opportunity to show him all of her helpful videos, like how to clean his butt crack. It'll really suck if she put all that work into him only for him to go to jury house and be with Jessie. ;)

LOL. You are as bad as Wicked.

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OMG that would be so epic! Amanda would go crazy the entire time she stayed in the house - it would totally throw her off!

I think she will forget about him every step she gets closer to the final prize.

I think she and Howard will meet up when the show is over.

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Oh crap!

Amanda proclaims she wants to get married tonight. McCrae says why?

I know they had talked about their fake wedding in a few weeks.

This is my take. I noticed that Mandy and Cray and been hamming it up for the cameras. I think that production told them things are boring and they are trying to get stuff for the show. Amanda loving to be in the spotlight wants their fake wedding tonight to make sure they get it for the show.


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I don't think a McNasty wedding is going to make it any less boring.

But she thinks their showmance is epic and people LOVE her and McNasty. She would never think it possible that America would put her up. Mandy thinks they are the stars of this season.

The wedding is tonight at 10:00 BBT

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Mandy thinks they are the stars of this season.

I really think producers need to seriously consider doing a first this year: the Big Brother After Season Reality Show.

Cameras would follow the most delusional houseguests for the next 6 weeks as they absorb and adjust to life after

the show. That's the show I really want to see.

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Well, to be fair, she has invested a lot of time into teaching him about grooming and sex and such. I'm sure she is looking forward to having the opportunity to show him all of her helpful videos, like how to clean his butt crack. It'll really suck if she put all that work into him only for him to go to jury house and be with Jessie. ;)

Maybe that would get her the vote having made him a better man LOL...the idea that he stinks bec he does not bathe...maybe that is his defense sorta like a skunk
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I really think producers need to seriously consider doing a first this year: the Big Brother After Season Reality Show.

Cameras would follow the most delusional houseguests for the next 6 weeks as they absorb and adjust to life after

the show. That's the show I really want to see.

now that would be entertaining.....great idea!

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I never watch the Mc/Mandy camera but unless others are with them the one thing I've noticed is she cannot stand it if McCrae LEAVES her for even a moment.

It's like her blood stops pumping through her veins unless he is within 3 feet.

Mandy, going into this house as what appears to have been on the outside, an independent woman..... has so demeaned herself.

BTW Wicked.......Anyone can watch reality TV when they are bored and need something mindless to pass away some time.....which is what I do and probably many others. We can watch, comment and move on.....there is NO RULE that watching BB or participating in posting demands that we LOVE IT or are DEVOTED to it.

It's a "guilty secret" for most responsible professionals.....not up to you to force their allegiance:)

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