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Amanda - DE/Week 7


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I don't care. If amanda is ill then her family needs to step forward. I am not concerned about amanda's health. It isn't my place to be concerned. I would be more concerned if she was a member of my family and acting like she does on television. That wouldn't thrill me.

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Looks like they are making some changes regarding the administration of the Adderall:

"Elissa/Jessie wondering why people keep getting called into DR - talk about people having to take Adderall in DR so they can't stockpile anymore"

I remember the other day, McCrae and Amanda walked into the BY and he asked her - "Did you just take your medication" and she said "yeah why" - and then McCrae said "did you take too much or what you are supposed to" and she said "just what I was supposed to why am I acting weird?" And he said no.

My point is when he said "Did you take too much" I was trying to understand how she could have taken too much, because it is a strictly controlled substance and you can't just get more if you want it - they will not refill it until the day your last refill expires. So I was trying to understand his question - and here is the answer - she's been skipping doses and stockpiling it and then taking more on some days. Interesting. Thanks for the scoop.

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Wicked :

" Gotta LOVE it.

A bunch of dysfunctional people pointing out someone elses dysfunction. "

Perfect example of Pot calling the Kettle Black :argue:

ohh just thought.... all the season needs if for someone to OD. The PTB better monitor these puppies a bit better

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Adderral is one of those "prescription" drugs that have turned into street drugs. Kids get prescrips. and sell it to others here to other high school & college kids to make money. It's one of those drugs that do work for specific ADD/ADHD problems when needed but has been abused and over prescribed, like zanax or ambein and many of the adult drugs. Not sayin there's anything illegal about getting it or the dr.'s who prescribe it. IMO anyone can get anything "prescribed" by the right dr.......I've been to dr's who will offer a pill for every ailment and those who question if a pain pill is REALLY necessary for that broken arm (lol).

I know that Judd was also taking some kind of medication and there were times when it seemed to me that he REALLY needed something to bring his anxiety down.

BB can't be responsible for NOT giving a HG any med. they have a legal presc. for......that's a huge liability.

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Amanda-"Hey look at me cameras.....I'm such a class act"

Mcwho?-"I am such a BB fan/wizard........I let this bimbo take over my game because, well let's face it, I've never been f***** before."

Amanda-"Hey mom, don't worry about all the ppl. I've slurred there's enough of "us" to keep our realty business lucrative"

McWho?-"Hey mom, don't worry, you wanted me out of your basement & I did it"

McManda--"Have we replaced Jordan/Jeff as the BB duo's yet????HUH?????PULEEZE??????Aren't we cute??????

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Jessie asked Amanda when was she diagnosed with ADHD? and all four cameras immediately cut to the HOH room, which was empty. Shortly later we return, and Amanda asks Aaryn "did the house medic ask you if everything was OK with your medication?" and again, the cameras immediately cut to elsewhere. WTF BB? We already know that they are on meds, it's no secret.

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