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Aaryn - DE/Week 7 (DE HoH & PoV Winner)


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I think it would be naïve in this day and age to think that anything you say or do in public could not be all over the internet within hours. In the past, yes, you could be a fool on BB and have it never reach your employer but now? I don't have to watch BB OR have the feeds....I open my webpage, look at twitter and being older, I would think I didn't get it as much as these young HGs should have known.

Aaryn said the other day that her parents are going to be so mad at her but she'll deal with it later. But I also heard her say that she grew up drinking beer while riding around with her dad in his truck....so who knows.

I guess if I gave anyone a benefit of the doubt, it would be her only because I work with kids who've been raised by crazy parents and until they figure things out, they really don't know better. Not EXCUSING! Just a perspective.

As a person, I think she is an evil conniving person.....as a teacher, I think she is salvageable.

Thanks. I agree. You said what I was thinking but had trouble putting into words.

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Aaryn was saying that Elissa told her that when Rachel got home there were so many negative things said about her that she couldn't go online for a year. Then she was saying who has time to read that drivel anyway? She doesn't need anyone's approval and she doesn't care what people say about her. It sounded like a preemptive strike against the American public, because I can guarantee she is gonna have lots to read when she gets home.


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She walked in with the attitude that she is better than anyone else. She hooked up with "the cool kids" and despised everyone else in the house. But even the cool kids weren't good enough for her. David was a loser in her eyes and Kaitlin useless. GM is a joke and only useful for a vote. She hated when the situation got to the point where she had to start being nice to the rest of the house. It is pretty much a sure thing that her opinion of BB viewers is pretty low. But she has taught herself the art of putting on the nice girl mask and she is very good at it. She will be wearing it when she leaves the house and will probably fool a lot of people.

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Aaryn is good looking and her Dad has a 27 000 acre ranch. She will be just fine.

I have to agree. There are enough like-minded people in Texas (and elsewhere) and money talks too. I think Aaryn's skin is thick enough that it just won't bother her that much, and also she's so self-centered that she won't care.

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Well, I do believe that aaryn has shot-down any hope for much of a show biz career if that was her intention. Whether aaryn does well or not I think that she isn't half as clever as she thinks and neither does she seem a very happy person. She just can't be quiet.

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Well, I do believe that aaryn has shot-down any hope for much of a show biz career if that was her intention. Whether aaryn does well or not I think that she isn't half as clever as she thinks and neither does she seem a very happy person. She just can't be quiet.

Well she never was gonna be able to be a top model and I could not see her acting even on a soap with that voice.;)

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Aaryn told the HGs that she grew up riding around drinking beer with her Daddy in his truck (I thought, wow, your dad taught you how to drink & drive!)......she also told about how her "allowance" was based on having to recycle his beer cans/which was about $30. a week.

She may outwardly look like a pampered princess but the more I see her determination I wonder.......she may have had a financially good life.......but it could have been devoid of any emotion......of all the HGs I see Aaryn as a "work in progress".

NOT EXCUSING.....just trying to pull back the curtain a little.

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Aaryn is very photogenic. Very. Pretty face. Some people won't care that she is hateful. I don't see her waiting tables, though. LOL People change. People might not change but say they do. I get the feeling that aaryn knows that she went too far and she has to patiently plow through it with these people that she cannot stand and will never see again if she has anything to do with it. I think that she will be fine and won't waste a second looking back.

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Oh, I don't know......I see Aaryn as someone who will watch this show, realize how wrong she's been, take all her Daddy's money and do something good with it. Maybe start an inner-city program with Helen as the counselor. (NO I'm not joking, just hoping for the best :)

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I've lived in TX and southern states. She's mild by comparison to many ESPECIALLY the further south one gets. But I've also lived in area as a minority and their racism towards whites is no less vicious believe me!

It is everywhere!

Not everyone watches BB and won't care overly much to HEAR second hand about some reality TV's contestants faults.

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I have to agree. I live in Oklahoma near the Texas border and sadly the things she has said are mild and nothing new to this area. Although her comments may have made national news and offended many I doubt she will get much flack over it back home.

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I was watching the video link above, and on the sidebar I saw TMZ with David Girton - I haven't seen this until now - the quality is awful but it's interesting - they sat that he didn't make any remarks but I clearly remember him making a comment towards Candice

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