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Jessie - Week 6 Nominee/PoV Winner


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always endurance comps where the worthless ones shine :animated_bouncy:

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Jessie crying again. She feels left out, she almost won HOH and no one gives a sh*t about her - its not fair, people here have money, they take trips to Europe every year, on and on the pity party goes - Amanda and McCrae giving her a soft shoulder to cry on


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Now Jessie and Amanda are having a fight, Amanda verbally smacked her up, then went to Helen and Elissa and totally threw her under the bus!

If you have flashback access - roughly 12:30 BB time -

Now Candice having a meltdown.....

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OK, there is something going on here. I get snippets.Every time they bring up a guy named "Matt" they cut to fishes. I think he works in production. Jessie has been flirting or something with this guy, she apparently has a crush on him. I've heard the name several times, but didn't understand. Elissa mentions it the most. Her attitude toward Judd also shifted rapidly away when he entered the picture recently. This is why she has been so anti-Judd showmance lately!

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Amanda and Helen are apologizing to Jessie in the Photobooth room. Jessie is so much a sheep that she is letting them off the hook way too easy, and she is instead apologizing for her nastiness despite the fact that she was attacked. Now Helen is near tears again. Sigh.


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Jessie wins POV and GM and everyone is furious and they want F'ing Cadice to to. It seems that during the POV competition that Amanda was asking for the POV from Judd I guess. They are all rallying around Amanda saying the is 100% save. I guess the Candice and Amanda fight was off camera.

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Worthless as andy and just as big a gossip in her own way. Always with the tears and the whining. Man-crazy. Go away.

seems the worthless ones are winning now

so it means andy will probably be the hoh on thursday :animated_bouncy:

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Jessie just said that at the BBQ she was the master griller and she never thought there would come a day when three people would rely on her to grill.

See she needed to be useful - must keep Jessie feeling useful or Jessie feels unwanted and becomes unhappy.

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OK so after the BBQ, Jessie, in her good mood decides to grab Judd from behind in an embrace, and he kind of resisted, and she let go. Then, Elissa walks in and Judd embraces her and asks if she had a good time at the BBQ - Jessie, discarded, stalked off......I reacted too slow to get pics of the whole "happening" and I only make note of it because of how Jessie behaves......might be nothing, or it might be the beginning of her next episode. EDIT: Uh oh - she just told Andy she's almost out of cigarettes.....


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On tonites show when Jessie and Amanda were having their little confrontation on the couch outside....

I actually thought Jessie held her own with Mandy.

Mandy was trying to cut Jessie down thwack, thwack, thwack... but Jessie kept her voice firm and tried to

stand up for herself thru the thwacking.

lol... they've all had possible plans that were talked about ... even Andy was part of the 'plan' that they

were 'thinking' about.

BUT Mandy doesn't think there should be any plans that would possibly include her being the target ... sheesh

Didn't Jessie get the Memo ???

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