Drummer1 Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 7:53 wheel stops. Now going forwards. Spencer roots them on with the bullhorn.7:56 The wheel slows, then speeds up. Now stops. Now rolling backwards again. GM wants her bleach.GM is lobbying big time, says that she cannot win mental challenges. She wants her hair dye. Wheel speeds up backwards. Spencer loves the bullhorn. 8pm McCrae falls. GM is HOH.
Drummer1 Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 8:01 - GM is congratulated by everyone. Amanda breaks a plate over Spencer's head. (it was a fake plate)
georgectv Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 My unofficial times of the HOH Comp:Julie Chen says the comp starts now at 6:52:13pm bbtSpencer out at 7:22:45pm bbt, 30min 32secCandice out at 7:22:49pm bbt, 30min 36 secHelen out at 7:23:05pm bbt, 30min 52 secAmanda/Elissa out during FISH between 7:23:18-7:24:00pm bbt, 31min 5secs-31min 47secsAndy/Judd out during FISH between 7:26:30-7:27:18pm bbt, 34min 17secs-35min 5 secsJessie out at 7:47:37pm bbt, 55min 24secMcCrae out at 7:59:33pm bbt, 1hr 7min 20 secsGina Marie wins HOH!
georgectv Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 8:09pm bbt The house is open again and the HGs are back inside. Lots of random talk about the comp and hugs from everyone for GM.8:12pm bbt GM tells the other HNs from the week she hopes they are ok with it, but she is going to have 'just a sip' of soda(figuring it's ok for her now, since she was a HN but won the HOH). She goes to the SR to get a 2 liter, followed by Andy/Judd who congratulate her in private. She returns to the kitchen, opens the bottle, then changes her mind, saying if she could wait all week, she can wait until midnight when the other HNs can celebrate with her.8:15pm bbt Evidently the megaphone that Spencer got when he opened the box has to be used any time he talks. Aaryn clarifies at 8:16:55, Spencer has to talk thru the megaphone until the nomination ceremony.
georgectv Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 8:18pm bbt Judd tells Amanda the boxes contained a BBQ steak cookout, $5,000, and this(the megaphone)(I 'believe' I saw Helen holding the BBQ card outside, meaning Candice won the $5k, but I can't officially confirm that)8:19pm bbt BB tells Spencer to put on his microphone(seriously? he's talking in a megaphone! lol). Spencer/Amanda laugh over how hard Amanda hit Spencer with the plate when they were joking around after the HOH comp ended.8:22pm bbt Aaryn joins Spencer/Amanda, saying she is already nervous over the MVP nomination. Amanda says she isn't worried, if the MVP wants to come after her again, after she didn't receive any votes this week, then go ahead, since she has a good idea of who the MVP is...
JackyStacky Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 #BB15 8:00pm BBT: Lots of hugs and celebration for Gina Marie winning HOH. She is teary, McCrae is drinking some gatorade. #BB15 8:03pm BBT: Gina Marie is the new HOH. The first 3 who dropped all got a 'prize'. Spencer got a megaphone, Helen got a BBQ, and Candice got $5,000 #BB15 8:08pm BBT: HGs are finally able to enter the house. Everyone filtering in. They're glad no have-nots this week. Helen says it's a good week for the wedding because everyone can celebrate #BB15 8:12pm BBT: Helen is "so excited" for Gina Marie. Says she always brings herself down, but she can do it and she proved it. McCrae getting into the shower. Amanda unpacking her bag. Lots of recaps/retells from HGs #BB15 8:14pm BBT: Amanda/Spencer have quick convo, she says she really appreciates his vote, and understands he had to do what he had to do, but she's not mad at him and knows he's a loyal person #BB15 8:25pm BBT: FOTH mixed with the normal Thursday night bed scramble. Gina Marie is letting Amanda/McCrae have her HOH bed tonight- so she gets to sleep in her original bed with Aaryn #BB15 8:31pm BBT: Gina Marie/McCrae/Helen/Aaryn in back bedroom. GM saying she's happy and she knew something good was going to happen today. Helen says "thank you for your vote", and she loves her loyalty. They're saying nice things about Howard, he's a good person, but he was already that hard to get out, so it would take even longer if he came off. Helen says she can only pick 3 people for the BBQ, Helen gave GM first dibbs on that- GM turned it down, because she doesn't eat much. GM suggested having a contest to pick the 3.. Helen decided that Aaryn and Elissa will have them, and the HGs will vie for the 3rd spot #BB15 8:39pm BBT: Judd says to Gina Marie/Aaryn/Andy "Do you think Jessie expects me to sleep with her?" GM: "Yes". Judd says he's trying to separate himself from her #BB15 8:42pm BBT: Amanda/McCrae think that Judd is going to come out and admit he has MVP this week, and tell everyone- and possibly nominate Jessie (They have been convinced the past few days that he's been MVP). McCrae says he went to GM before the eviction and said he was going to have her back, and they can work as a 2-way street. Amanda saying that her and Spencer had a moment, and things are good with them. Andy joins them- they think Candice and Jessie are going up this week #BB15 8:46pm BBT: McCrae (to Amanda) says he's worried that Aaryn will be up there all week. Amanda says she trusts Aaryn, and the F4 deal they made. McCrae nods his head no. Amanda doesn't think Gina Marie will nominate them this week. McCrae isn't sure. Says they need to be "Howard's" this week and stay on top of her right before she goes into DR to make her nominations so her mind doesn't get changed. #BB15 8:52pm BBT: Aaryn to Judd saying she wants Gina Marie to put Spencer up #BB15 8:57pm BBT: Andy/McCrae/Amanda in back bedroom. Andy is telling them that Jessie tried to switch the vote to get Amanda out. They are talking about who they think Gina Marie is going to put up.
georgectv Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 9:00pm bbt Aaryn/GM in the cockpit, they are agreeing that the nominations will be Spencer and Candice, and Jessie the replacement nom if POV is played.9:10pm bbt Aaryn/GM are joined in the cockpit by Andy(surprise!). They discuss which two between Jessie/Spencer/Candice would be better to put up as nominees, to minimize a)who wins POV and b)who will seek revenge next week for being nominated. Aaryn tells GM to make sure when she talks to Helen that she says as HOH I want Candice out this week, because Helen respects what the HOH wants. Andy thinks this will be an easy week for the house, because whoever the HOH puts up won't matter, there are enough votes to get out who GM wants out.
georgectv Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 9:15pm bbt Aaryn again tells GM, make sure when she talks to everyone, that she states if I don't put you up this week, then you agree not to put me up next week. GM reviews the discussion that Howard/Candice had with her last night, when they told her Andy was on board to evict Amanda. GM wants to share this with Helen, but wants Andy with her when she talks to Helen. Andy says Howard/Candice did the same with him, telling him that GM was on board.9:18pm bbt Helen joins them, talk turns to the 3rd BBQ spot contest. GM says they have lots to talk about. Aaryn/Helen leave GM/Andy alone in the cockpit. They review the Howard/Candice conversation again. GM tells Andy he is not going up, they hug and join the house.
georgectv Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 9:25pm bbt Tacos are served....They discuss that GM may get a Pandora's Box this week. Everyone says she has to open it, they won't be mad at her. Andy jokes whoever opens the Pandora's box, he will put on the block. Elissa is playing with Spencer's bull horn.Andy: Can we all agree that Elissa is way more annoying than Spencer with the megaphone?
georgectv Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 9:40pm bbt Andy has pulled Helen into the cockpit to tell her what GM is thinking about the nominations. They agree they may have to lose Jessie or Candice this week. Elissa comes in with the bullhorn to interrupt them. Spencer gets the bullhorn from Elissa, leaves and Elissa/Andy/Helen are left in the cockpit talking about the HOH comp and how happy they are for GM.
sayre Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 #BB15 9:00 BBT in the wr is Judd, Ginamarie, and Aayrn talking aboutthe hoh comp. Andy and Mccrea are in the colore room talking.#BB15 9:05 BBT Mcamanda are talking with Andy about who Ginamarie may put up.Jessie is in the shower, Ginamarie and Aayrn, with Judd are still talking in the WR.. weget the foth.#BB15 9:10 BBT Ginamarie and Aayrn are talking in the lounge room, Aayrn is telling her to put upSpencer, and Jessie. Elissa is in the color room with Andy and Mcamanda. Ginamarie is telling Aayrnthat she was her friend from day one. now talking about Helen, they are talking about Helen and Elissa comingafter their group. And alot about Nick. how Spencer lied to her about Nick thats why your are going up. Aayrn is telling herthat if Helen tries to tell her anything to tell her to shut the f*** up.#BB15 9:15 BBT in the color room they are talking about the fact that no one is ahave not this week, the girls in the lounge are just going back and forth now. on who should go up this week.#BB15 9:20 BBT in the lounge Ginamarie is talking about how Amanda needs to go.in the Kt now is Elissa Mcrea and Amanda. Andy walks into the lounge now talking about putting up Jessie and Candice, hoping oneof them wins the veto then Spencer will go up. Jessie has a better chance at winning veto. Ginamarie I cant put up Judd are Mccrea I gave themmy word. Now talking about Candice flipping. Aayrn I just dont want Spencer to come back and win hoh next week.#BB15 9:20 BBT Aayrn is saying that she really wants Candice out this week, Now talking about the MVP. Andy it doesnt matter who MVP up put we havethe numbers. sounds like Candice is going up for sure. Maybe Jessie.#BB15 9:25 BBT in the storage room Mcamanda is talking about the possibily of thembeing backdoored this week. they walk out. Helen walks into the lounge talking about the contest for the BBQ.Ginamarie is talking to Andy about what she will say to Spencer if she puts him up. Everyone else is in the KT.#BB15 9:30 BBT its dinner time in the BB house they are having taco. Candice is laying down in the color room Ginamarie walks in. Candicesays her back is hurting. Everyone is eating tacos.#BB15 9:35 BBT The gh are eating will all but the have nots who cant eat until 12am. They want alcohol tonight. They are playing around with themegaphone. Andy tells Elissa I dont want you to fart into the megaphone.#BB15 9:40 BBT Eilssa is playing around with Andy and the megaphone. now just eating and talking about the hoh comp.#BB15 9:45 BBT Aayrn and Ginamarie are in the color room talking about doing another chilltown phone call. and what the phone callwill be A dumb blond joke. Helen is now playing around with the megaphone. Now Aayrn is saying the veto will be important Jessie walks in and lays down.Ginamarie is saying that she just needs to be smart about this. Aayrn says that she doesnt want to go up for MVP. but if she does she will just take herself offwith the Veto.#BB15 9:50 BBT Spencer is now making farting noises by the toilet in the mega phone is walking around the house making farting noises into the megaphone.#BB15 9:55 BBT Andy and Helen are talking in the lounge. Andy is telling Helen what Ginamarie said to him who she is putting up Candice and Jessie. Ginamarie really wants Candice togo home. Elissa comes in with the megaphone and yells Andy. Helen was telling Andy she is fine with Candice and Jessi going up. They are now just playing around with the megaphone.Aayrn is going off about Candice now.#BB15 10:00 BBT Helen and Elissa are now in the lounge with Andy talking about how great a person Ginamarie is. Helen is telling Elissa that she loves tomake fun of Andy. Shes like yea its so funny. Now talking about the HOH comp. Ginamarie is talking about her telling Mccrea that she will not put him or Amanda upeveryone else is fair game. Everyone else lied to me. ballfaced lied to me. Now talking about Spencer and how he lied to her. Now onto Candice and how much she hates her.she has too much drama in the house I dont like the drama. And Ill say that to her face. I dont like the drama you cause in the house.#BB15 10:05 BBT Aayrn is called to the DR Ginamarie is talking to Jessie not Aayrn. the girls in the lounge are still talking about the comp.#BB15 10:10 BBT Helen and Elissa are talking about the MVP Helen is saying she hates it and she just wants it to go away. She is saying thatthis season is so much harder then other seasons. so much more work. Ginamarie is onto to Nick again.#BB15 10:15 BBT spencer is talking about winning the blowhorn YAY, Helen and Elissa are just talking in the lounge room.#BB15 10:20 BBT Mcamanda is making out. Judd walks into the lounge room Helen is talking about the BBQ contest. and if Boogie ever won an HOH.and who won the most HOHs Jenelle. Andy comes in who won the most hohs Jodie did.#BB15 10:30 BBT nothing new to report they are just waiting for Ginamarie to get her hohr.#BB15 10:35 BBT Helen is talking about her contest for the BBQ Aayrn walks in and then goes into the room with Ginamarie and Mcamanda and tells them what all Helensaid in the lounge room. Spencer is making noises again with the blowhorn. now they are all in the room with Ginamarie and elissa Helen is cleaning up in the KT.the have not happy hour is in thirty minutes Aayrn is now telling Helen what the plan is. Helen is talking about the BBQ saying how she was caught off guard with everyone saying no toher BBQ.#BB15 10:40 Now talking about Candice and how they dont want her in jury, Aayrn is saying that she will winAmericana player. Helen is talking about how Candice was all last week trying to derail her plan. Aayrn is saying how she lied about how Helen and Elissatold her that they wanted Her out. Helen is like we didnt say that that is a lie. Now they are doing the votes. Everyones else is in the other room just talking.Aayrn says she feels bad for Candice. They walk out.
Cajunboiler Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 BBAD10:01 PM BBT Helen, Elissa, Judd in lounge. Andy walks in and Helen asks who has won the most HOH's? Andy says "Jodi from season 14" and then they start naming all the houseguests that aren't memorable and didn't win anything. Helen: "Jodi is being shown more in our season than in her own season." They laugh.Spencer and GM are sitting at the kitchen counter talking. Spencer says they didn't tell him there would be penalties if he didn't talk into the megaphone. Just general small talk about GM's HOH room and Pandora's box.Amanda and McCrae are in their bed doing what they do best and Amanda says, "She's not going to put us up."10:08 PM BBT Judd, GM, Helen, Spencer, Andy, Jessie, and Elissa are in the lounge laughing. Elissa grabs the microphone and speaks into it. Andy: "I feel like everyone is going to hate Elissa and not you (Spencer)." They laugh.Amanda and McCrae are continuing to speculate about who GM is going to nominate. We can hear Elissa on the megaphone and McCrae says, "God, I never want her to have that thing. Instantly annoyed."Feeds switch to the lounge with Elissa talking into the megaphone. They're continue to joke about houseguests that didn't win anything giving them shoutouts.10:15 PM BBT Aaryn, GM, Amanda, McCrae are now all in McManda's bed. They're now talking about the HOH competition. GM was worried about people seeing her arm fat jiggle. Aaryn said she was annoying herself when she was cheering on everyone else because she felt she was annoying the houseguests. They then start talking about production laughing at GM asking if she won HOH. Aaryn and McCrae then talking about a "creeper" guy staring at them and feeds switch to the lounge where Elissa, jessie, Judd, Andy, and Helen remain. Candice walks by the door and Helen says, "Good Morning, Candice!" Spencer walks in and Elissa starts talking about production and feeds switch to the bedroom with McManda, GM, Aaryn, and Andy has joined them. Cameramen can't make up their minds and feeds switch once again to the lounge. There's really not much game talk going on now, just general chitchat about the HOH competition. Helen says she is bringing Aaryn and Elissa to the bbq, Aaryn because she held up her deal and Elissa because she is her closest friend. Helen says there can be a competition tonight for the 3rd spot since GM declined it.10:29 PM BBT Aaryn and Helen talking strategy. Helen says Jessie asked her for a spot in the BBQ and then asked Helen who she gave it to already. When Helen told her Aaryn, Jessie asked "Why did you give her one?" and Aaryn said she heard that comment as she walked by. Helen and Aaryn are singing GM's praises. Aaryn says she believe GM will win America's player and Helen agrees. Helen: "If I was in America, I would be picking her too." "$25,000 will be huge money for her." Now Aaryn is bashing Candice and Helen says Candice isn't talking to her. Aaryn is upset that Candice said that only one good thing has happened to her during this whole game, and Aaryn feels that comment was disrespectful. They say that they have the votes now with both of them, GM, Elissa, Amanda, McCrae, and Andy and the MVP nom won't matter.Most of the houseguests are in the bedroom joking. Spencer is fake farting into the bathroom and annoying Elissa. Then the conversations once again revolve around the HOH competition.10:48 PM BBT GM tells the houseguests that it's 15 minutes until the have nots can eat. They all cheer. Then she says to wait, it's an hour and 15 minutes. They all groan.Aaryn and GM are now in the bathroom. Aaryn is once again complaining about Candice's "one good thing" comment. Aaryn: "You want to say, 'the only one good thing that didn't happen to me.' Bitch, how about you didn't get evicted." "Fuck you." GM: "She's a fucking asshole." Aaryn: "She has no integrity. She is inconsiderate. She's disgusting, a bitch, a liar, a manipulator." (Pot calling the kettle black?) Aaryn and GM now talking about Aaryn's eyebrows. Candice comes walking in. She touches GM on the shoulder and says, "Good job again, y'all." GM: "Thanks, Sweetheart. I wanted to talk to you and say, I know you're probably sour and I know how it feels. I'm sorry, and he was a great guy and you guys had a good connection and the same thing I felt about Nick." Candice is crying. GM: "Everyone told me, you will see him, you will get over this, just focus on the game and everything will be A-OK, and congratulations on the money. I applaud that. It's great. You're going to be upset and cry, but you know what, you let it flow." "I hope everyone tries their best and does great and we have fun times and good times and it sucks everyone has to go. I wish we could all frickin stay." "When I get my room, if you don't want to stay long, I understand that because Helen had gotten HOH and I went to just congratulate her and everyone's all excited and I just wanted to mope by myself." GM says they are also there for her (Not even a minute ago, GM called Candice a fuckin' asshole.)
Cajunboiler Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 10:59 PM BBT Camera is now back on the majority of the houseguests in the bedroom. Candice has walked by and some houseguests have roped her into trying to talk about the HOH competition. After talking a little bit about the HOH competition, she walks back into her bedroom. The rest of the houseguests continue to talk about the competition. Candice walked out of the bedroom and laid down in a bed to join the bedroom crew of Spencer, Jessie, Elissa, Aaryn, Helen, Andy, Amanda, and McCrae. Not sure where Judd and GM are. Now conversation has switched to past houseguests. Andy: "Was Jerry the oldest houseguest to ever play the game." Spencer: "Yea, besides Helen." They laugh. They now try to figure out who was the youngest. Amanda thinks there was an 18 year old one season. They say Daniele was 20, but Amanda is sure there was one younger. (Michelle from BB4 I believe was the youngest houseguest to ever play the game at age 19, part of the Ex-factor season, same season as the famous buzzard crotch comment by Jack about Dana).11:12 PM BBT Aaryn shows Spencer that he can speak softly with the megaphone and demonstrates. Then Spencer takes it back and starts talking loud. Aaryn takes it back and talks loud to Spencer followed by BB saying "Aaryn, stop that." They laugh. Spencer has the microphone clipped to the megaphone. Aaryn mentions to the group that Jeremy and Kaitlyn were strategizing to keep Jeremy in the house while Aaryn and Spencer were sleeping in the same room and they heard the entire conversation. More talk about Jeremy and his promises followed by things Julie said during the live show including the halfway point coming up and Kanye naming his baby North. Spencer says that Kate Middleton can bring good genetics that the royal family needs.GM is in the DR.11:26 PM BBT There is still general chit chat in the bedroom. Elissa is cleaning up in the kitchen, and you can hear the megaphone from the bedroom. She waxes on with one paper towel, then waxes off with the same paper towel. Judd is laying down in the Have not room and Amanda walks into the bedroom. They talk a little bit about Jessie and Candice, but Judd is obstructing his microphone so it's making it difficult to understand. Amanda walks out and Judd continues to lay down in the Have-not room.Spencer is still having fun with the megaphone in the bedroom. Spencer has the room laughing pretending to be the guy from "Saw," "McCrae, you lived your whole life delivering pizzas. You must now cut off your ass and deliver it to your mouth." He then does Jessie, "Jessie, you've spent your whole life and looking hot. I have you chained to the bed and when the clock ticks to zero, you will give yourself a hysterectomy with a spoon and an ice pick." For Amanda, "Amanda, I want to play a game with you. You spent a small portion of your life living in homes and using keys to get into the doors. I have a key in the back of your eye. You will pull your eyeball out and remove the key, then you will use the key to stab your tits and drain the fluid out." For Elissa, "Elissa, you have spent your life turning water on when you poop. To be able to survive today, you have to poop without the sink running." They laugh. Helen: "We should let Spencer have the megaphone the whole season." 11:40 PM BBT Gm got her HOH room during the commercial break (thanks BBAD). She has a photo of Nick in the HOH room. GM also shows a picture of her not being a natural blonde. GM also has her crown. She says it was a big achievement in her life. She's basically giving a speech about how she used to be fat and used to have braces, and how it helped her to push herself more and more to be a better person. It took her 7 years to win it. She choked up a little bit. For her letter, it's from her friend Jen who is in one of her pictures. It starts off, "GM, if you're reading this, congratulations!!!" And GM calls the exclamation points, "Experation points." It's the generic, "We're rooting for you!" type of letter. GM has butter in her fridge, "I live for butter, my mom probably told them that." GM is now looking at the photo of Nick and starts crying.11:54 PM BBT GM continues to talk about her friends and family. GM has a bag of all-red only starbursts (OMG, you can get that?). GM is now saying that she declined Helen's offer for the BBQ. GM is now explaining the rules. "The person that can imitate me the most." Yep, those are the rules. They're going to be doing it tomorrow at Noon. (As GM is talking, she says that people that she knows are on America's Got Talent. I think the "Struck boyz" that are on America's got Talent are somehow connected to her. They were eliminated from the competition this week though. BTW)End of BBAD
Trancutie Posted August 2, 2013 Posted August 2, 2013 11:08PM BBT Judd in HN sleeping, Elissa in KT cleaning up. McCrae,Amanda,Spencer,Aaryn,Jessie,Helen,Andy and Candice in Br making fun of Spencer and general talk.11:16PM BBT General chit chat in the Br, Elissa alone in the Kt. Looks like Ginamarie is in the Dr11:31PM BBT The Hg still making fun of each other. Spencer is talking through the megaphone and he is trying to entertain the Hg.11:37PM BBT Ginamarie comes out of DR screaming who wants to see my HoH room. Ginamarie said that she is nervous, she is now saying a speech before she goes in. She told them thanks for being so good in the game. 11:40PM BBT And there is a picture of Nick, Ginamarie is explaining her family to the Hg. Ginamarie got a crown She also said what does not kill you makes you stronger. Ginamarie said she used to be fat and wear braces and did not win a pageants until she won in 2003. Ginamarie got lots of items that everyone can use. She also got a letter from her girlfriend Jen. Lots of talking from Ginamarie.11:51PM BBT Ginamarie is crying at the picture of Nick. The letter was from her friend and dance teacher for 23 years. 11:53PM BBT Everyone still in Hoh but Candice she is making something to eat.11:55PM BBT The Hg reminds Ginamarie that this is the time for Pandora box. When Helen won the BBq from the Hoh she offered Ginamarie a spot, Ginamarie is going to hold a contest at noon on Friday for the person who imitates her.
morty Posted August 2, 2013 Author Posted August 2, 2013 It's midnight and the Have-Nots can eat, and we can move on to: Friday, August 2 Live Feed Updates
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