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Monday, July 29 Live Feed Updates


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5:02 PM BBT Helen is talking to Aaryn in the HoH room. Helen is telling her that she has no plans to take Amanda out this week. She trust Amanda. Fruthermore, since their deal leaked it would be horrible for Helen's game to keep Howard at this point. They then discuss how they think the deal was leaked to Candice.

5:09 PM BBT Helen is telling Aaryn that Howard and Spencer are the ones that have no problems about lying to her. She says they prey on Candice and Andy and try to turn them against her when she is the one that has been working with them. Amanda walks in and Helen admits that she has considered that this deal may have been fake and that the whole house was against her. She tells Amanda that if something crazy goes on with the voting and that Amanda goes home then that means the whole house has been lying to her (Helen).

5:13 PM BBT Helen tells Amanda that she is very safe this week if she is reading the house right. "But you never can tell until you see the vote." Aaryn asks Helen if Elissa is MVP. Helen says she isn't but she and Amanda think it's still possible that Howard may be MVP. Elissa might have been the target last week and Gina Marie was put up just to throw everyone off.

5:17 PM BBT Amanda informs Aaryn that before Gina Marie was put on the block she was planning on voting against Aaryn. Aaryn is speechless. They also entertain the idea that Amanda was put up by the MVP to frame Howard. Aaryn "If someone is that smart we are screwed." Helen "If the house doesn't do what it is supposed to do this week then I will hit the fan." They decide to all count to three and name the person that they think is MVP. All of them "1, 2, 3, Judd."

5:29 PM BBT Helen finds it extremely fishy that Judd said that he wanted Spencer and Jessie in jury. "Why Spencer?" If he thinks that Spencer would vote for him maybe it's possible that he also thinks Howard would vote for him also. Judd may have put Amanda up because she wants Spencer out.

5:26 PM BBT I find myself incapable of following their justification why Judd is the MVP. If you want a good old fashion head-spin flash back to 5:00 PM BBT Camera 1.

5:31 PM BBT Aaryn "Judd is a brilliant brilliant human being." Amanda "He knew there was a guy alliance day 3." Helen "We need to be super sweet to him." Aaryn "He told me he had a backdoor plan last week but didn't want to tell me what it was in case it didn't work." Amanda "Every time he hears a big word he asks what it means. He knows what it means. He acts like a farmer but he dresses impeccably."

5:36 PM BBT Amanda "Judd is a genious." Aaryn "I told him that the other day and that the farmer thing was an act. He freaked out and then told Elissa that he wanted me out. I knew he was good at lying. I knew the second he made me believe whatever he wanted." [Really people, stop. I can't take it anymore -Goldylucks]

5:40 PM BBT Meanwhile in the house Spencer is alone on the BY sofa staring down at his feet and Elissa is in the hammock reading.

5:44 PM BBT Judd with a bowl of ice cream has joined Spencer in the BY. Just general chit chat. Aaryn, Helen, and Amanda are still in the HoH discussing Judd's brilliance and how he is the only one that makes sense as MVP.

5:47 PM BBT Helen "He is like three people with his ability to manipulate people."

5:56 PM BBT In the BY Spencer is talking to Judd about his impeccable work ethic and his charity work. Helen, Amanda, and Aaryn are still discussing Judd's brilliance. They also think that based on the questions Julie asks him that he must be portrayed as a really likeable person to viewers.

6:06 PM BBT Helen says that Elissa is starting to come around in regards to Aaryn and her willingness to work with her. Helen "She still cries about the racial slurs and stuff." Aaryn "There have been zero racial slurs, zero zero zero."

6:10 PM BBT They have stopped talking about how brilliant Judd is. In the HoH room Helen, Aaryn, and Amanda are now trash talking Jessie. Jessie is finding ways to make sure that Helen and Aaryn don't talk privately. Helen "Stop taking naps in the day if you don't want us to talk....the second day we get to jury I want to blindside Judd and Jessie. They will have no idea it's coming. They will think they are safe as clams and get the cameras ready because it's going to be war." Helen "I am not letting another Dan Gheesling win this season."

6:16 PM BBT Aaryn to Helen and Amanda "Jessie knows I'm a good person. Just wait until you see it. She's afraid Candice will figure it out and Candice is afraid Elissa is going to find out." [Really, you can't make this stuff up. -Goldylucks]

6:21 PM BBT in the HoH Helen tells Aaryn and Amanda that if the votes don't go the way she thinks it is supposed to go that she is going to stand, cuss, and get evicted from the house." They count their votes and determine that they have Spencer, Gina Marie, Andy, and Spencer on board. They all really trust Andy.

6:24 PM BBT Meanwhile in the BY Jessie and Elissa joke around with Judd and Spencer on the BY couches that the twist this year is that Elissa and Jessie are lesbian sisters.

6:25 PM BBT Andy has invaded the HoH room. The conspiracy theories had to switch to more generalized topics. Helen goes outside to get in the hot tub. Andy tells Aaryn that he slept a long time and will probably be up very late. He tells Aaryn that he will keep his eyes open for shady stuff to be going on.

6:30 PM BBT Amanda tells Aaryn and Andy that she is heading downstairs to wake up McCrae. Andy follows her out and they both sneak into the cockpit. Amanda starts telling Andy all about the things she swore upstairs was just between the three ladies. She tells him how Judd has only argued to keep people in the house that would be a jury vote for him. She credits Judd with being the mastermind to get out Kaitlin.

6:37 PM BBT Amanda is telling Andy in the cockpit why Judd must be the MVP. Amanda "He's really smart, he's scary, I mean he's really smart." Andy says that he or Amanda needs to stay up really late because Judd is so dangerous. [The conspiracy theories have reached an all new level of crazy -Goldylucks]

6:45 PM BBT Mr. Super Scary Evil Mass Manipulator (Judd) and Aaryn have joined Amanda and Andy in the cockpit. Amanda and Aaryn start drilling Judd. Amanda "Did you talk to Spencer." Judd "Yes. We were the only ones up." Amanda "What did you talk about?" Judd "Regular stuff." Amanda "Bull crap, you schemer."

6:51 PM BBT Helen, Elissa, and Gina Marie are at the hot tub. Andy, Judd, Amanda, and Aaryn are in the cockpit. Just general chit chat.

6:58 PM BBT Amanda and Aaryn have left the cockpit. Andy and Judd briefly talk about Howard leaving before Spencer walks in. Amanda goes to wake up McCrae and kissy face ensues.

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7:10PMBBT Andy asks Spencer if there is any new game talk since they last spoke. Spencer says he is willing to take the backlash but, he is trying to get Amanda out. Spencer "To me, it's either now or never, I came to play and big moves need to be made" He also says that Gina Marie will vote with him and they will make her aware on Thursday. He is now giving Andy his word as a "Christian man" that he will go home before Andy. They feel they have 4 votes guaranteed to get Amanda out.
In the SR GinaMarie and Judd are discussing whether to get rid of Candice or Howard.

7:13PMBBT If it is a tie on the live show, Spencer is planning on standing up and telling Aaryn that 4 people have her back in the game and that it is her opportunity to vote Amanda out! He is going to make himself the target to separate the house again. He is telling Andy this is the right thing and they have to stop the numerous lies in the house. Andy wants to talk to GinaMarie to see where she is. Spencer says they should wait til Thursday. Spencer says she is very loyal and because her and Aaryn are on the outs, they can bring them in.

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7:18PMBBT Spencer and Howard are out in the BY. Clearing off the pool table laundry pile. Andy is in the cockpit with Judd, Andy says to Judd that Spencer thinks GinaMarie is on board. Judd says "Ya, but don't over think it. She is down." Judd thinks they should be honest about who is going home. He feels Howard's game has changed this week. Now the convo is about voting out Howard. Judd thinks their alliance is too big. Andy says they can change once this week is up. Now Andy is saying that He, Judd, McCrae and Amanda are the "closest" 4 person alliance (the more I listen to Andy the more confused I am, he bounces all over the place)

7:25PMBBT Howard walked in to the cockpit, he asks Andy and Judd if everything is alright, Andy is saying ya he is down and he is going to talk to GinaMarie. Amanda walks in and the convo changes again. She is still complaining about her stomach.

7:30PMBBT Judd, Amanda and Andy are talking game. Amanda got some alkaseltzer for her pain. She asks if anyone has come up to them today about the game while she was in pain. They say that GinaMarie was approached but she "did what she was supposed to" Judd says that he is worried if Howard stays he and Andy will be targets. Andy looks spooked everytime someone talks game.

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7:36PMBBT It seems that it depends on who Andy is talking to or who Judd is talking to as per what way their votes are swaying this week. (I am as confused as anyone)
If Howard or Spencer are in the room it is Amanda.
If Amanda or McCrae are in the room it is Howard.
If no one is in the room they flip flop.
Amanda is lying on the chairs in the cockpit moaning saying she is in pain.

7:40PMBBT Helen, Candice, Elissa and Andy are sitting around the HT talking about tv shows. GinaMarie is up in the HoH bathroom talking to Aaryn. She is ticked because Amanda got AlkaSeltzer and she did not and she has been asking for it for days. Aaryn says she should demand it. Aaryn wants some Midol. Aaryn is in the tub. They are now talking about Candice and Amanda.

7:45PMBBT Aaryn and GinaMarie continue to talk about other HG. Aaryn "when I am worried she just blows me off but when Amanda is worried we all have to listen to Amanda!" Aaryn asks who GinaMarie is gonna vote out, she says to Aaryn "It is up to you" Aaryn told GM to ask Helen the day of the vote which way to vote and then Helen will tell her and then get close to her and try to spin the nominations the other way. Gina doesn't want to think about the end part, she just wants to get as close to the end as she can.

7:50PMBBT Amanda has wandered into the HoH bathroom. GinaMarie asks how she is, Amanda says the Alka Seltzer is working. Amanda is complaining about Spencer, Candice and Howard. She says that Spencer said he would put up GinaMarie and Aaryn. Aaryn says he thinks she is being puppeted by everyone and he is just mad because she is playing a better game.

7:53PMBBT Amanda is listing off who is solid on her side. She feels GinaMarie and Aaryn are solid, Andy is solid. They are now trashing Jessie, they feel Nick would have stayed if Jessie hasn't flipped. Amanda fears that just before the vote, everyone is going to flip and vote her out. GinaMarie says "Well I am just gonna ask Helen before the vote. That way I know!"

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8:00PMBBT Bath time talk with Aaryn, guest starring GinaMarie and Amanda continues. GinaMarie has thrown Judd and Jessie's names around, Amanda is throwing Elissa, Spencer and Howard's names around, Aaryn is agreeing, paying attention. Amanda is worried about how the votes could be spread around. Aaryn trying to reassure Amanda about staying.

8:05PMBBT Helen and Andy are whispering in the lounge. Helen doesn't trust Amanda and McCrae. She likes Aaryn alot. They are worried about Judd and that he is "way smarter than we are giving him credit for" Helen keeps saying "Don't say anything" she tells Andy to watch Judd and stay close but, be careful. Helen is worried that Judd is going to vote out Amanda. Andy says "I think Amanda is going home on Thursday." Andy thinks it is a double eviction, he is worried that Howard could win an HoH and then it would be a quick eviction. Helen says that Amanda trusts Andy big time.

8:10PMBBT Amanda is now in the lounge with Helen and Andy. They are trash talking Judd. It has been suggested that he is the MVP. They feel that Howard and Spencer are too calm, cool and collected. Amanda tells Helen that GinaMarie is planning on asking her who to vote for on Thursday. Helen says "Ya that's fine" The convo turns back to Judd. Andy told Helen about Spencer's plan to stand up and intervene in the event of a tie vote, she says that she will go "all Mom on him". Andy thinks it will be a 7-1 vote for Howard to go home.

8:17PMBBT Amanda is now laying down in bed with McCrae in the chair room. He is asleep. Andy and Spencer are in the KT. Aaryn is still in the tub, GinaMarie is still talking to her. Aaryn says she has to rinse off. As the water drains, it is difficult to hear. GinaMarie heads downstairs as Aaryn gets in the shower.

8:20PMBBT Spencer and GinaMarie are grabbing some cuddle time in the hammock. It's funny watching them get adjusted. Just small talk going on. GinaMarie "What's the verdict here MF? I heard that if you win HoH you are gonna put me and Aaryn up" she whispers Amanda told her that. They both laughed. Spencer asks her who she wants to go home the very most. GinaMarie says she really wants Amanda gone even though she does not like Candice. "I don't want to go to this f'in wedding but punch me in the face for liking this kid? You are like the oddest couple ever... EVER!" Spencer calls Amanda "The biggest whore in Florida."

8:25PMBBT The hammock talk continues. Spencer asked Amanda how much money she and her spouse would have to make to keep up her lifestyle, Amanda said "$200,000" Spencer told McCrae he is gonna have to deliver a lot of pizzas.

8:30PMBBT Spencer is telling GinaMarie how Helen lied to her today. Helen pulled Spencer aside in the cockpit and said that her heart is broken with Howard and Candice being on the block. She said she couldn't break up Amanda and McCrae even though she told Spencer twice before that she didn't want Amanda in the jury.

8:35PMBBT Spencer says "If there is anyway I can keep Howard this week and get rid of an enemy, you better believe I am gonna do it." GinaMarie agrees. Spencer is warning GinaMarie to stay under the radar. She tells him he has to talk to her every day. They both say they are "down" with each other. Howard walks over and Spencer gets up to play a game of pool. Aaryn wanders into the BY.

8:37PMBBT Helen and Candice are in the SR. Howard went to Helen and asked that if he left, he wanted to know that Candice would be taken care of. Helen said "Basically he fell on a sword for you" Candice asks if she is being backdoored. Helen says she is sure Candice is not going home and that Spencer is just up to no good. Candice says "Ya of course" and they leave the SR.

8:40PMBBT 2 feeds are on Spencer and Howard playing pool. Small talk, not alot of game talk going on. Spencer says he admires the man Howard is. Helen and Candice and Andy are in the KT. Candice walks up to Helen and whispers "You know you can't trust him right?" And they talk openly after that.

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8:45PMBBT Howard wanders back to talk to GinaMarie. He sits on the hammock and says "I know Spencer put a bug in your ear." She says "So are you gonna squish some bugs or what?" Howard says this may be their one opportunity to change the game. She tells Howard about how she heard they were gonna nominate her. "There are queen bees, we gotta exterminate" GinaMarie is explaining her case to go to Helen and try to get them to flip on Amanda. GinaMarie doesn't think she will. Howard is just tired of all the lies. He feels there are just too many. He feels there are only 6 grown people in the house.

8:52PMBBT GinaMarie feels that if Spencer won HoH he would make big moves. Howard says that if they didn't like you in the first week, that opinion hasn't changed, they still don't like you but they need you. Howard says he is on to the liars in the house and the people who are the puppeteers. He doesn't like it when they catch them in lies and they keep lying. The house being run by 4 people "Makes BB boring" (I agree)

8:56PMBBT GinaMarie is afraid Candice is coming after her and Aaryn, Howard says "No, she is not!" They feel they can trust Andy and Andy says that sometimes when others are talking they tell him to leave and he doesn't trust them then. GinaMarie thinks Amanda is paranoid from the lies she has told but still tells them.

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Posted on behalf of Sayre:

9:00PM BBT: Howard is still talking to GinaMarie, who is now talking about Amanda walking around like "the queen bee" and now she's walking around all scared, "She tells lies and all this shit. People are going to see that you lied to my face about the whole Nick thing."

Howard says, "Just send me home I can't be fake."

9:05PM BBT: Howard says you can now flip this game and get Amanda out this week. He is just going back and forth with this. Howard is saying, "Y'all are going to be up next week. Y'all going to be on the outs next week."

Howard to GinaMarie regarding Aaryn: "I know you don't like being told what to do, no grown person likes being told what to do." "These people are playing us," Howard says, "This is crazy y'all didn't come here so four people can tell you what to do. it's just crazy grown people acting like this."

9:10PM BBT: The talk with Howard and GinaMarie continues with the same thing talking about them bucking the system. No one speaking for themselves.

GinaMarie says Elissa voted for her every time she was up. Saying how tired of Elissa talking about how much money they have, "If you have money why are you here? Get the fuck out if you have all this money." GinaMarie is just going off about Elissa and how she is hiding under a rock, "I have balls, I'm from New York."

9:15PM BBT: Meanwhile in the kitchen, Helen, Candice, Elissa, and Aaryn are still cooking, and chatting away.

Howard and GinaMarie are still going round-and-round same old thing.

Andy, jess and Judd join the others in the kitchen.

9:15PM BBT: The Howard and GinaMarie conversation has ended. Howard is now sitting on the couch with Spencer, saying the same thing he told GinaMarie; talking about "The Plan." It will be eight against three Candice is now sitting with them so talk stops. Judd is talking about the getting booze every night.

9:20PM BBT: Helen is talking to Amanda about Howard trying to change the votes, Spencer is also with them asking why would Judd go with them, "I don't understand." Amanda says McCrae is asleep.

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9:30-10:30 PM BBT We've had more more or less of the same that we've had off and on all day. Amanda has spoken with/is speaking with Jessie. Jessie is worried that she is being set up to vote incorrectly this week. Amanda tells Jessie that if she is told to vote for anyone other than Howard then she knows something fishy is going on. Amanda told Jessie to listen to McCrae and Andy, they wouldn't lead her astray. Assortment of people coming and going from the KT table as they all eat. Aaryn and GinaMarie hung out in the hammock and chatted for a bit. General Candice and Elissa bashing. Aaryn says "Everything you put out comes back (Karma), maybe not immediately...but down the road it will." McCrae and Judd chatted for a bit in the chair room about previous versions of the house. For the most part everyone is talking about how tired and bored they are.

10:39 PM BBT In the colorful room Howard and Candice are laying down whispering and chatting. General talk. Candice is tired and hungry from her two weeks of HNR in a row. She says her mom is probably sad because she's hungry.

10:41 PM BBT GinaMarie and Helen are hanging out in the hammock. Talk has turned to Aaryn and the flipping of the mattress. GinaMarie says she never heard them talking next door and the DR never asked her about it. Helen says people take things out of context all the time. Back in the colorful room Candice and Howard are still talking. Howard says he told someone that he and Candice and were close. Candice questions it and Howard repeats it, telling her to try and stop catching him in a lie. She says she's not.

10:49 PM BBT Out in the BY Aaryn and Jessie are sitting with their legs in the HT. Aaryn says something feels off this week. Jessie agrees. Aaryn says she's afraid of how she's being portrayed outside of the house. Aaryn says everyone is only talking to her this week because she's HoH. Jessie understands but tells her that she's doing a good job by talking to everyone and building relationships again. Aaryn says the only person she doesn't have a relationship with is Candice. Jessie understands and is having the same problem. Aaryn inquires why. She thought they were close.

10:53 PM BBT Jessie explains that they smoothed things over but she didn't like the fact Jessie was telling people that she had spoke with her in a hostile tone. Aaryn wonders why it's ok for Candice to complain/talk about other people but not in reverse. Amanda and Andy come out to join them at the HT. Talk turns to Amanda and Aaryn wanting to skinny dip.

11:03 PM BBT Helen and GinaMarie continue to chat in the hammock. Helen says she is quite surprised about how Aaryn has turned herself around this week. Helen says Aaryn is someone she really feels like she can work with. Talk turns to Jeremy. Helen says she's really sorry he left as early as he did because she knew his mom was such a fan. Talk turns to how lucky they all are to be there.

11:13 PM BBT Idle chit chat in the BY between those in the hammock and those near the edge of the HT. Topics include: Previous competitions and production.

11:20 PM BBT Helen tells GinaMarie that she wants her to win the next HoH. GinaMarie would like to and wants Helen to win again as well. Helen says that's sweet but she's already won one. Talk turns to what the different names of the competitions were in case it comes up in a HoH quiz this week. The HT party breaks up leaving Judd and Aaryn behind. Aaryn wants something cool to happen like a Pandora's box. Judd agrees.

11:31 PM BBT On the couch in the BY talk is about Andy acting like he has a Coup de'tat. Elissa says they were told that if anyone found it it would be invalid. McCrae laughs and says they'll find one in a box of cereal. Amanda and McCrae heads up to play chess but finds their way into the HoH instead. Amanda seems surprised/disappointed that Aaryn is in there. They begin chatting.

11:36 PM BBT Out in the BY Elissa is talking to Howard and Spencer about her husband. Elissa turns the conversation to "So I wanna hear more about Candice and Howard." Howard says they met in the BB house. They began getting closer after the bed flipping incident. Elissa wants to know if he's falling more in love with her everyday. Howard feels like he's getting closer to her. Spencer says you have to meet somewhere. Elissa's inquiry continues in a very awkward manner. Up in the HoH they begin running voting scenarios. Amanda is going to stick on Jessie. Aaryn is going to stick on GinaMarie and Andy is going to stick on Elissa and Helen.

11:49 PM BBT Talk in the HoH has turned to Judd. Amanda knows Judd is MVP this week because it makes sense that he would put GinaMarie up last week and Amanda this week. McCrae and Judd also talked earlier and when McCrae mentioned that he was going to go crazy if Amanda went home this week and Judd mentioned she'd have to go home eventually. Judd speculation continues in the HoH.

11:56 PM BBT Feeds switch to Spencer and Candice chatting in the WA. Spencer whispering to her saying he knows she doesn't trust him. It's not that she doesn't trust him but she doesn't like his sneaky ways because he threw her under the bus with Helen. Spencer says Helen told him that she was intimidating them. Candice says of course they'd say that. Spencer says if he keeps saying things playfully towards her, it's just that...playfulness.

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