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Spencer - Week 5 - Nominated - POV Winner

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too big.... to evict :animated_bouncy:

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I was cheering for him in the HOH comp - oh well....it would have been fun to shake up the house

I know what you mean. I thought he had it. I could have taken a week's break and got some work done. I might do that, anyway, but I can just mute aaryn. I can't bear the sight of spencer.

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OK so Elissa decides to do a yoga pose all of a sudden out of the blue - guess who was lurking in a front row seat?


Lol...busted Spence! It's weird how she will bust out a yoga move out of nowhere and stare at someone while she does it.

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Guest 6Borders

I cannot bear to watch. I would get the first Big Brother restraining order keeping spencer at least 50 feet away from me at all times.

Slim, I guess that means you will be taking a plane and not a train to visit us...lol!!!

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Whatever we think about spencer, he is loyal to Howard! Even on the block he is still looking after him! Trying to save him and howie!

How are you discerning this? I think Spencer is using H and will throw him under the back of the bus because I think he is using the racial aspect too against H.

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How are you discerning this? I think Spencer is using H and will throw him under the back of the bus because I think he is using the racial aspect too against H.

Last night he was talking to McCrae try to get them to vote who ever it was the 3rd nom! He hasn't thrown him under the bus!
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Yes you are right but it just keeps things going and IMO that is why we will always be dealing with it.

Anyway, back to the GAME. I dont see anything pervertive or wierd with Spencer checking out the ladies when they are stretching all of of a sudden, showing their boobs with or without band aids or one woman handling another woman's boobs. Really? You really expect a man not to look? All the men I know would certainly give an eye that way. LOL

He can stay or not for all I care. He hasnt won anything so far.

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I have said from day one that his scheming could get him into trouble and it really has the past few weeks. When Nick went home and he had to confess about the moving company that was the beginning of his downfall and should have been a lesson that he needs to calm down and stop scheming for a while. What he did was completely backwards. He didn't stop scheming and in fact did more of it and then when he thought Aaryn was going to be evicted he made an alliance with Judd, Kailtin, GM, and Howard but never realized the Jessie was extremely close to Judd and would probably find out about it and then the whole thing backfired. It was funny I thought the original moving company alliance was the fastest failure in BB history but I was wrong the new one was definitely the fastest to go down in BB history. Did it even manage to get through a day? Howard might not be the target this week, but if Howard comes off the block and Elissa doesn't go up I think Spencer goes home.

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I don't really find anything odd about Spencer ogling the females in that creepy way that he does - but when he says things like - "Dude after you f*** her let me smell your d*** before you take a shower" it comes off as a little creepy.

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i thought he was worthless he prove me wrong for a day :animated_bouncy:

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