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Guest 6Borders

Helen is being a complete IDIOT! I don't know why these HG's always assume that they can so easily get a player out later, especially a player like Amanda. She has a golden opportunity to get out some of the strongest threats to her and Elissa and she's blowing it because she's so full of herself.

Helen has something in her craw about Howard coming after her (Amanda too) which I completely fail to understand because they guy has done nothing in the game except throw comps and align with Spencer/Candace and get lucky that there were bigger fish to fry.

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Yah I never understood this Howard thing. Okay so he lied about being in a secret alliance.. Howard has done nothing but speak in riddles and pray.


Lying and secret alliances are part of the game. What's the point of a secret alliance if you're going to blab that you're in one whenever you're asked if you're in one? As for Amanda being mad that the MC wanted her out, why is she blaming it all on Howard? The whole MC, with the exception of McFooled, wanted to get her away from McFooled, knowing that their showmance was going to hurt the MC.


Look, it's all McMess and all we know for sure is that Thursday someone will get McScrewed over, I'm just hoping its Amanda .


Helen is being a complete IDIOT! I don't know why these HG's always assume that they can so easily get a player out later, especially a player like Amanda. She has a golden opportunity to get out some of the strongest threats to her and Elissa and she's blowing it because she's so full of herself.

Helen has something in her craw about Howard coming after her (Amanda too) which I completely fail to understand because they guy has done nothing in the game except throw comps and align with Spencer/Candace and get lucky that there were bigger fish to fry.

That's the problem! He align with Candace! She had control over Candace until Howard showed up in the picture! Now Candace is not totally relying on her and he needs to go! That is why she won't aryan to put Candice so Candice can't vote and she will keep her hands clean! But no she told Candi that she might go up! But she was safe! That isn't right either! She confuse me! Does she have a secret alliance with Amanda! They both were on the same page as putting how/spen up with McCrae protesting??? Idk!

Look, it's all McMess and all we know for sure is that Thursday someone will get McScrewed over, I'm just hoping its Amanda .

I like that McMess because they are messy!

Ok I'm think I like Amanda more than Helen! At least Amanda is upfront with her BS! This chick keeps throwing everybody under the bus! People that had her back Elissa and Candice! They had her back! I can't wait to Elissa finds out how she betrayed her!


Send her home just for the mere fact that she screams everything she says! Maybe because she's deluded to think that people are interested in what she has to say.


I just read that Helen told Judd about her plans to knock out Amanda in McRae! I hope he rats her out!!!!

Guest 6Borders

Helen has just topped herself on the Idiot Scale polls in my opinion. She told Judd "this is between you and me" but I've already told (fill in the blanks) but don't tell (fill in the blanks) , then she goes to Andy and says the same thing (only fill in the blanks are the people she already told), then goes to Aaryn with the same thing.

Helen has a final 2 deal with everyone except me, my dogs (and a couple of sheep who followed me home from the Trials last week and would probably believe Helen)


tonight is first time i have seen them give helen an unfavorable edit

guess they see her as doom in the future :animated_bouncy:


Hey they weren't expecting the public to go after Amanda so they are trying to focus on a new target!!! And it's working for me!!! But watch. Amanda will get good edits again!!!


Helen called and tried to make a deal with me but I was out.......she did leave a message, though......she told me every thought in her head which she's already told everyone else in the house...... but she asked me to keep it all a secret (of course).

Then she left tips on how I could become a better person by never lying or deceiving people.....she knows that because SHE is a MOM (just in case you didn't know by now) and MOM's know EVERYTHING!


I don't think it will happen immediately, but Helen's crap is going to come back to bite her big time. Spencer and Howard

should know that Aaryn's puppet HOH this week is being controlled by Helen. Spencer at least remains this week so

he really needs to absorb how close he got to getting evicted b/c of Helen. Candice already knows Helen sold her out

big time. Plus, Elissa needs to realize Helen is selling her out as well.


I can't wait until she gets her comeuppance. She is way too cocky and altogether full of herself! Soon pleeeeeeeease!!!


So I watched tonight's episode...Helen's lie about the conversation she had with Candice got bigger and bigger as she retold it. It's time for her to go! She really gets on my nerves. I think she and Amanda read the same pamphlet "How NOT to win Big Brother".


Helen called and tried to make a deal with me but I was out.......she did leave a message, though......she told me every thought in her head which she's already told everyone else in the house...... but she asked me to keep it all a secret (of course).

Then she left tips on how I could become a better person by never lying or deceiving people.....she knows that because SHE is a MOM (just in case you didn't know by now) and MOM's know EVERYTHING!

First of all, HILARIOUS post!!!

I'm just amazed that a mother would willingly leave her children for MONTHS so she could go on a reality tv show - without the ability to have any contact with them.


So I watched tonight's episode...Helen's lie about the conversation she had with Candice got bigger and bigger as she retold it. It's time for her to go! She really gets on my nerves. I think she and Amanda read the same pamphlet "How NOT to win Big Brother".

Oh it gets much worst! She is on the I hate Candace bandwagon!!!

I used to have a very good friend in high school who was a GREAT person but could NOT control her talking.....there was NEVER a "quiet time" with her because she filled every moment with talking. I hadn't thought of her for years but Helen reminded me.....we nicknamed her "motormouth" sounds terrible, I know, but she knew and it didn't phase her or stop her from talking....Helen is a "motormouth".....she cannot stop.


Tonite, in Candace's room Amanda attempted to comfort Candace in understanding what it's like to be in a game with a borfriend you feel you need to connect with. In walks Helen and Elissa and joins in heart to heart. Amanda tells Candace that Howard is not playing the game with her and That she is sacrificing her game by sticking up for Howard. Candice said Amanda you do the same thing with McCrae. Amanda said NO, Mc plays along side me. Mc turned on the Moving Co, which was made up of the strongest men in the house because he fell in love with me and wanted to protect me and play this game with me! OMG, did you hear that HELEN??? Since Helen is determined to take Howard out bc he lied to her about MC, what makes her feel so warm and fuzzy about trusting Mc or Amanda in this game????? Duh, Helen could and can trust Howard in this game, in fact one of the few people in this game she can trust! Really Helen, Howard did not fess up to Helen bc he had LOYALTY TO MC. Even Andy is talking of cutting Helen before long! Wake Up Helen, I thought you were a smart cookie! Rally your troops and get Amanda out this week bc you have no guarantee you will be able to later! McManda is sailing thru in the cat bird seat!

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