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Aaryn - Week 4 - Nominated

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I dont see this damn "texas tornado" going home this week. I'm from Texas and do not appreciate any of her comments,etc. but I think Kaitlyn is a bigger threat. Aaryn wont win anything. Wish it was a double eviction and both of 'em go.

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Aryan is going this week. I hope Julie holds her feet to the fire. I hope the audience boos. The underlying racism of the country must be exposed as unacceptable to the majority of us. Aryan needs to know that if she is in denial about how bad what she said was, that we all heard her and will not accept that denial or sweep her comments under the rug of humor. Her entitled attitude oozes from every remark she makes.

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These houseguests are all idiots if they really think this girl would either throw the HOH comp or win it and allow them to nominate anyone they choose. Have they watched any previous seasons on BB?

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Doesn't sound like Aaryn is going anywhere at this point ... Some of ya'll are gonna be some disappointed :nono:

It sure is starting to look that way isn't it? Looks like we might be saying goodbye to Kaitlin instead :no:

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I find Aaryn to be disgusting, but it's much smarter strategy to send Kaitlyn home. There's no way in h-e-double-toothpicks that Aaryn will win this game. She's more damaging to herself than she is to any other HGs. I hope she stays for another week or two so she can dig herself into a bigger hole than she's already in.

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Sorry to veer off topic but I was fairly young and barely watched that season. Why was Maggie so hated again?

I was young when the season was on too, but i rewatched it on youtube this year. She was a pretty vile human being if you watched the feeds. She talked about how her friend helped her get out of trouble for neglecting one of her patients who died under her watch (so I have heard.) she was also a part of the nerd herd and Janelle hated her, so that also made a lot of people hate her as well.

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Didn't Maggie and "The Nerd Herd" think they were so much better and nicer than the other houseguests and just stay up in the HOH room all the time and never associated with anybody else? They were just sickening people who thought they were so much better than everybody else and "deserved" it more.

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Aryan is going this week. I hope Julie holds her feet to the fire. I hope the audience boos. The underlying racism of the country must be exposed as unacceptable to the majority of us. Aryan needs to know that if she is in denial about how bad what she said was, that we all heard her and will not accept that denial or sweep her comments under the rug of humor. Her entitled attitude oozes from every remark she makes.

Nope the best looking girl in the house will be staying this week.:D
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She might be the best looking but I just don't like her.

Aaryn is the perfect goat to take to the F2, I think the players would vote for the fish before they would vote for Aaryn.

MM, you got that right! LOL

I don't want to see an all girl house for weeks either!

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Too much of aaryn makes you realize that she is just pretty. Not beautiful. They all use a lot of artifice to be in their peak beauty years with that youthful glow that goes and does not return. I hope aaryn isn't around for F2. Why would anybody want her to have 50K?

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Helen just told her in the storage room that she is staying, who is on her side (everyone except Spencer, Howard, Candice and Kaitlin I think) and who to put up (Spencer or Howard) if she wins HOH

She did the storage happy dance. :lol2:

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Guest 6Borders

Pretty funny last night. The little gal from Texas who cried "tornado" once too often is not believed when the tornado finally comes!

I almost felt sorry for Aaryn last night because she was right and because I almost dislike Elissa just as much as Aaryn!

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how on earth can you dislike elissa as much as aaryn after all the things aaryn did and said before? the main thing i'm rooting for is hoping aaryn gone soon so as media rips her apart and to watch her reaction to getting fired from 2 jobs. unfortunately, now due to amanda's lackies, that might not happen until after the show ends due to she might make jury now.

while elissa had very poor execution of exposing everything, at least it increased the odds of aaryn getting picked to leave this week (probably won't happen anyway unless helen has a change of heart but she's too loyal to amanda for some reason, even though that whole alliance talk badly abouth er behind her back)

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Guest 6Borders

Stay or go ???

There's a little over 24 hours till Eviction voting begins.

lol... I wouldn't even begin to bet any money on the outcome of this mess :no:

LOL Slow...I wouldn't bet on it either. Something weird could happen like GM gets voted out! Not THAT would be a hoot!

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I would take Aaryn to final 3. As vile as she is. I would say Final 2, no one would vote for her to win. But I wouldn't want her to win any money. Keep her in the house, she is always a target and she would so grateful she will vote the way you need her to. But when she does leave the house, I will be glued to my TV watching those exit interviews!!!

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I would take Aaryn to final 3. As vile as she is. I would say Final 2, no one would vote for her to win. But I wouldn't want her to win any money. Keep her in the house, she is always a target and she would so grateful she will vote the way you need her to. But when she does leave the house, I will be glued to my TV watching those exit interviews!!!

Aryan grateful? never. Do as one wants? no she feels utterly entitled and as long as she is not kicked out, her idea of herself and her correctness is supported.

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