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Tuesday, July 16 Live Feed Updates


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3:20 pm BBT HG taking turns taking pics.

3:36 pm BBT General chat, still passing the camera around. Jeremy/Kaitlin/Gina in pool, others scattered around the BY. Helen says that during the first photoshoot she didnt want to be in her bikini.

3:42 pm BBT talk turns to dinner--pork chops, rice, gravy and a salad. general chat

3:50 pm BBT The smokers are freaking out, they cant find a lighter. Andy says Mc puts them in his pockets is why there isnt one out there.

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4:03 PM BBT BB "Houseguests, the lock down is over. You are now free to move about the house." Andy is the first to walk in. "Oh my God!!!" Of course, he is just kidding so Helen tells him "You are evicted!!"

4:05 PM BBT The lock down may be over but the smokers only went inside long enough to grab a lighter. Helen has been called to the DR. The HGs are walking around looking for the reason behind the lock down. As of yet, they haven't found anything different.

4:11 PM BBT Aaryn to Kaitlin in the Wash Area "Look at all the former houseguests we don't talk about. Hayden won, we don't talk about him. Who do we talk about? Rachel, Mike, Will, all a**holes."

4:13 PM 4:15 PM BBT Jeremy is getting out of the shower and with his wet hair Kaitlin thinks he looks like X-Men Wolverine's son. Jeremy would love to wear the baby outfit for Halloween. Upstairs in the HoH Elissa is bummed that they are going to have to postpone the memorial for Nick's hat.

4:23 PM BBT Helen has returned from her HoH tweet session in the DR. Elissa, Andy, and McCrae are telling Helen that they have named their alliance the Knock Outs. Helen loves it. They give Amanda credit for the name. Helen "Tell her that slop is good for her brain."

4:29 PM BBT Helen and Andy are talking about the benefit of being a Have Not. You can build relationships together as a Have Not. No one questions you when you go in there and no one follows you. They were able to study the Big Brother Express all night long without anyone else realizing they were working together.

4:31 PM BBT Amanda has joined McCrae, Helen, Elissa, and Andy in the HoH. They are talking about the next HoH. Helen still thinks the comp will be endurance. Andy think mental because they've already had a lot of physical competitions. McCrae agrees with mental, possibly a Knock-Out comp. Meanwhile Howard and Spencer are playing pool. Judd has now joined the HoH and he is informed of their new alliance name of the Knock Outs. McCrae "Hottest alliance in Big Brother." Judd "Is it just us six, what about Jessie?" Amanda "We'll keep her safe."

4:38 PM BBT The crew in the HoH are talking about Gina Marie. Judd "I want her gone she is draining me out." Elissa tells them that Gina Marie told her that Aaryn would be her next target. Kaitlin is arguing with BB. They want her to put her microphone on. She recently showered. "I don't even have my pants on!!!"

4:41 PM BBT On camera one we get a very up close and personal view of Gina Marie's hair/scalp. She tells us she isn't a natural blonde and is pulling out some grays. Meanwhile in the HoH Andy is worried about Gina Marie winning HoH. Helen thinks she has enough control over her that she won't be a problem. Helen to Amanda "You can manage Aaryn." Amanda tells them that they need to think week to week and not plan so far in advance. "We know who our targets are. Let's just keep each other safe."

4:47 PM BBT In the HoH they are discussing how their alliance is so much stronger than the others because they are solid and really trust each other. Amanda tells them that she was supposed to be going home this week. Amanda "That's why they were bullying me, because I interfered with their moving truck. I refuse to call them Moving Company. They are moving trucks, moving bags."

4:54 PM BBT In the Wash Area Kaitlin, Gina Marie, and Aaryn are discussing Pandora's Box. They thought with today's lock down that Helen might have gotten one today. They decide against is because there are so many people up there in the HoH right now. Jeremy says he can't wait to watch the show when he gets home. "Can't wait to see how much s**t Kaitlin talks about me in the DR." Kaitlin "I did not. Stop being negative."

4:58 PM BBT In the HoH Helen, Amanda, and Andy are discussing the possibility that Howard and Spencer are working together against them. They discuss that both Howard and Spencer were throwing Jessie under the bus within minutes of the eviction. They think that it might have been planned by the both of them.

5:27 PM BBT In the HoH Spencer, Helen, Andy, and McCrae are talking about the POV. Amanda and Helen aren't happy with their pictures. Helen wants to put Zingbot on her resume. Meanwhile Jeremy and Kaitlin are hanging out in the Wash Area. He asks her to tell him a traumatic story. Kaitlin "my alliance got evicted." Jeremy tells her about the time he got stitches on his gonads. He climbed a chain link fence to pet his dogs (gate was broken) with his fly open and managed to get stuck while straddling the fence. His mom called the cops who sent the ambulance and fire department to cut the fence to get him off it. His Dad had to give him the talk about protecting his stuff.

5:35 PM BBT Aaryn is out of the shower and decides to give a traumatic story of her own. She tells Kaitlin and Jeremy about an accident she had when skating. Her legs went opposite ways and she ripped her vagina. She still has nightmares about it

5:37 PM BBT When Jeremy was younger he fell into a campfire. He got third degree burns on his hand. His skin was falling off and ended up wearing a cast for an entire year. He's also had every color ball you can imagine from skateboarding accidents including red, yellow, and purple all at one the same time. Meanwhile in the HoH they are talking about their school days.

5:40 PM BBT Gina Marie comes into the wash area. She is having an emotional moment. She lays on Jeremy and tells him she loves him. "I love you too GMs" She is getting teary. "I tried so hard." We then get a close up of Gina Marie removing her tongue ring.

5:45PM BBT Aaryn is whispering to Jeremy in the wash area. Aaryn "They think we are stupid. They are going to try to turn us against each other. I don't want that to happen." Jeremy tells her that they are the strongest left in the house. He tells her that are very capable and able to trade out week from week and stay together. They just need to stay together until the others start to split up and turn against each. "Then the numbers will be even." He tells them the "Triangle of Thrust, nothing can come between us." They will be fine as long as the talk to each other.

5:54 PM BBT In the wash area, Jeremy is coaching Aaryn on how to move forward in the game. He tells her that if she and Kaitlin can work together then she will get far. Aaryn wants Jeremy to keep fighting to stay in the house. Jeremy tells her that he already tried. He's already offered to be in their pocket and give them nominations if he won HoH. Aaryn says they didn't believe him. Meanwhile in the HoH room Andy is talking about his job as a public speaking teacher.

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5:57 PM BBT In the HoH Andy is talking about Aaryn. "Every once in a while she acts like she may actually be human and then she will say or do something and I am like you are evil." In the Wash Area Aaryn is talking to Jeremy about trying to find a way for Jeremy to stay. He asks her if she's talked them about it. She tells him she hasn't. He tells her that he has already tried. She wants to tell them that getting rid of Spencer would be the best move in the game. Jeremy tells her to fight hard. Aaryn tells him that he better not give up. He says he isn't. "I'm not lying dead yet. I'm going to talk to Helen again tonight but they are all scared still."

6:06PM BBT Aaryn joins Kaitlin on the hammock. Aaryn is trying to give her a pep talk. Kaitlin "Nothing is going to change as long as she (Elissa) is here." Aaryn tells her that there is still a way for them to turn this around. She tells them to be patient and then the things could change. Kaitlin says she doesn't want to talk game until after HoH on Thursday. Aaryn "I feel like you are giving up or that I am going to be evicted."

6:13PM BBT Amanda and Aaryn are in the BY talking about the blocked drain in the shower. Amanda tells them about her first romantic weekend with her ex. They are getting into the bath and she lets one rip by accident. She says that they were together for three years so he must not have been too grossed out about it. There is still a sewage smell in the BY. They think some of the lock downs might have been BBs attempt to fix it.

6:15 PM BBT Aaryn asks Amanda about why McCrae was claiming to be MVP. Amanda reminds her it was because Elissa didn't want to put a particular person up and they were willing to take the hit for it. She says it didn't matter because Elissa put up the wrong person anyway. Aaryn asks her if she is the primary target. Amanda admits that Aaryn is a target but not the only target. Aaryn "Why do you keep her?" Amanda "Because she isn't coming after us." Aaryn "That makes sense."

6:18PM BBT Aaryn is making the pitch to Amanda and McCrae to keep Jeremy. "I just wish there was someone that wanted to work with both us, me and Jeremy." Amanda "Not going to happen." Aaryn is trying to convince them that she isn't trying to campaign for him. She is just alone in the game. McCrae "The more you try to keep him the more time you spend on other people's radars." Aaryn "I'm not trying to keep him. I would only talk to you about it." Amanda "You need to drop it and don't bring up the MVP again."

6:21 PM BBT McCrae gently reminds Aaryn that he and Amanda have the votes. Amanda "As long as certain people stay targets and you aren't gunning for the wrong people then you will stay here." Aaryn "I'm gunning for whoever you tell me to." Aaryn is telling them that Kaitlin has already made deals with Helen, Andy and Elissa. She says that is the only reason she is talking to them right now. No one else will talk to her. Aaryn" The only reason I ask about MVP is because it takes the target off Elissa." Amanda tells her what she told Helen earlier "Let's take it week by week and not get too far ahead."

6:30 PM BBT Amanda tells Aaryn in the BY to lay low. She tells Aaryn that she makes people feel like she is targeting them. Aaryn disagrees and Amanda uses Judd as an example. Aaryn "Judd talks to me all the time. No one talks to me like he does." Amanda "That's because he thinks you are coming after him." After Amanda leaves Amanda tells McCrae that Amanda will do a lot of dirty work for them. McCrae says he doesn't trust her. He tells Amanda that Aaryn was only coming over to talk to them to get information. He gently accuses Amanda of giving her too much information. Amanda "I really don't like you today."

6:34PM BBT In the HoH Elissa and Spencer are talking about their favorite pets. Spencer is fond of German Shepherds. Elissa talks about the two shop cats they keep at their office. Meanwhile Andy joins Amanda and McCrae in the BY. Andy compares Elissa to an episode of the Twilight Zone. "She's like that boy that has all those crazy powers. You have to be nice to her or you might blow up."

6:43 PM BBT Gina Marie and Aaryn are in the hammock. Aaryn is telling her that she overheard a conversation in the storage room. She tells her that she heard Helen tell Kaitlin that she was safe with Helen and Andy and they won't put her up ever. Gina Marie tells her that Kaitlin should makes deals. Aaryn is trying to convince her that it will be just the two of them soon. Aaryn wants her to try to campaign to get rid of Spencer. Amanda "It's not going to work. I've tried. I campaigned for three weeks regarding Nick. The only way they are coming over is if we win HoH and they have to kiss our a**."

6:50 PM BBT On the hammock Amanda is telling Aaryn that she isn't going to waste her breath trying to campaign for Jeremy because they (other side) will only lie to her face. Gina Marie tells Aaryn that not getting out the MVP week one is the cause of all their problems. Jeremy wouldn't be in danger, Nick would still be there, and so would David. In the HoH Helen, McCrae, Andy are discussing the upcoming eviction. They are going to tell Jeremy and Kaitlin early Thursday that Jeremy should be leaving with an 8-2 vote. They don't want Kaitlin to feel blindsided and vowing revenge on them.

6:55 PM BBT In the BR Jeremy and Kaitlin are snogging again. There is lots of heaving breathing from Kaitlin and hand action going on under the covers. In the HoH Helen, McCrae, and Andy continue to talk about Howard and Spencer. The meeting in the HoH breaks up and the cameras focus on Andy listening to music and Jessie napping in the Have Not room.

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7:03 PM BBT McCrae and Amanda in the KT, McCrae comments that everything is loud (I agree). Aaryn is looking for veggie oil, she is making tacos. Andy is in the HOHR listening to music.

7:17PM BBT Andy and Jeremy are chatting in the HOHR about classes in high school. Spencer is talking with in the BY to McCrae and Amanda. Amanda goes inside. They are talking about movies, comics, directors.

7:25PM BBT Jeremy, GinaMarie, Helen, Elissa are in the HOHR. Small talk going on, tanning, wrinkling, talking about where HG are napping... oh and nail talk. Andy and Amanda have joined McCrae and Spencer in the BY, still talking about movies.

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7:30 PM BBT GinaMarie is doing her nails again. The HOHR crew is talking about beauty products. Elissa like horse and mane shampoo. She says it works. GinaMarie is amazed at that.
Comic, movie, actor, director talk is still happening in the BY.

7:33PM BBT Jeremy asks to speak to Helen for a minute. Jeremy is pleading his case to stay in the house. Helen is listening. Jeremy think he has 3 (Judd, McCrae and Amanda) votes to stay plus 4 that he has. Andy told him he will do what Helen wants him to do. Promising to not come after Helen or "her people". He says he will be a soldier for them all. Jeremy says Spencer and Howard are his targets and that they are "slandering them all".

7:38PM BBT Helen is diplomatically trying to talk to Jeremy about the behavior in the house. She is calling him out on the flipping of the bed and the comments. He is saying if he stays they aren't going to see that anymore. She says "OK the Mom is coming out in me too much!"

7:40PM BBT Jeremy is saying over and over he will never ever ever come after Helen or Andy. She throws in Elissa and he backtracks quick. He now says that he wanted to talk to them together but, didn't know how Helen felt about it. She says she is fine with it. Jeremy is now trying to put Candice on Helen's radar because "She just stirs the pot." Helen says "Pompous, out the door! Just be yourself." He is now going on about how sensitive Jessie is.

7:45PM BBT Elissa is now in the HOHR with Jeremy and Helen and he is repeating his plea to her. He is saying if he wins HOH he will put up who they want, when they want. He will "give my left testicle to stay here. I have a great life at home on a boat but I wanna be here this summer." He says he has grown to like Kaitlin but, she isn't the reason he wants to stay.

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7:50PM BBT Elissa is asking about Aaryn. Elissa comments about the degrading things Aaryn has said and how she has such emotional contention in the house. Jeremy tells them that Aaryn was the one who went outside the night of the wine incident... Elissa says "Ya we know" Elissa now brings up the feces on the hat. (Liking that Elissa isn't backing down) She is bringing up incidents that happened that she is not comfortable with. Jeremy continues pleading his case. Elissa asks "So what deals have you made with everyone else then?" He says he just talked to McCrae, Amanda and Judd. He says this is all his last ditch effort.

7:55PM BBT Jeremy was hoping to win MVP and that he couldn't because Elissa was in the house. He says he regrets putting them up on the block. (Aaryn actually did)

7:58PM BBT Helen and Elissa are really grilling Jeremy about Aaryn. Helen said "Aaryn has ruined your game!" he agrees. They said he makes poor judgements, he agrees again "Yes we do. I do!" He is now saying he will show them all how he can do well in this game.
In the lounge, Andy is working Kaitlyn, she wants to know if she is being played. He says he has her best interests at heart.

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8:04PM BBT So both Kaitlin and Jeremy has thrown Aaryn under the BB Bus. Both are pleading the case for Aaryn to go home in their own way. Kaitlin apparently told Aaryn she has 3 weeks in the house max. Kaitlin says that she doesn't want to go through all this and not have it turned out as planned. Andy says her fate is not sealed at all and Aaryn is just trying to stir the pot.

8:10PM BBT In the BY Spencer tells McCrae that if he needs to tell him something, he could come to him. Spencer asks if he has any deals with Helen. McCrae says no, she has HOHitis and she is going to fall from grace. Howard agrees. Aaryn walks out with a tray of tacos. Howard says she is "sexy as shit, you all domesticated and shit." She is blushing, flirting a bit. Howard and Spencer are going to play pool, the HN's are having a hard time with the smell of the food. (It looks delicious)

8:15PM BBT Amanda made "really good slop" and McCrae is going to have "slop with slop and ketchup and salsa and stuff" for dinner. aaryn and Jessie go inside. McCrae asks Kaitlin how she is doing, she says ok. He is feeling kinda sick. He says the slop is getting easier. They are on slop until Thursday at midnight not Wednesday at midnight like last week.

8:18PM BBT Jeremy is still pleading his case in the HOHR. Aaryn pops in to says she made tacos the way they like them. Helen asks if Candice is downstairs and Aaryn says "YUP" and leaves. Jeremy continues his plea. Helen asks if they keep him to be helpful to their game, will he be mad when he leaves in 3 weeks. He says he is not mad. He screwed himself early but he is in it now. Elissa says he needs to be more fun!

8:22PM BBT Jeremy "I came to play the game. I didn't come here to get married. I came to play a game." Elissa asks if it is beneficial to his game for Kaitlin to go home? He says no because she is helping him to mature as a person. Elissa isn't letting him off the hook, she asks about his comment of "nobody likes me" and he explains that Spencer and Howard were talking about him. He is just wanting to play the game. (he has said this many many times in the past couple minutes)

8:28PM BBT BY talk: Amanda "What did you do to your hair? It looks awesome!" Kaitlin "Oh I washed it" Amanda (I believe it was off camera) "You look like you're on Baywatch"
Jeremy says he has Kaitlin and "Gim" (he calls GinaMarie that) to vote for him to stay. He is trying to get Judd and McCrae. Kaitlin has been saying Aaryn has to go home. Jeremy says Kaitlin said Helen and Elissa lied to her (and the claws come out) about keeping her safe. Helen and Elissa are defensive. Jeremy is placing doubt in their minds about Aaryn and essentially Kaitlin (even though I don't think he is meaning to)

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8:34PM BBT Jeremy and Elissa are having a good chat about the game. Jeremy tells her that Andy said she would not be talking about him (jeremy) behind his back, she is a good person. Andy walks in and Elissa thanks him for saying that. Elissa said "the next time Aaryn comes up and says something come and ask me, I am not like that!" Jeremy is leaving the HOHR to get tacos. Andy says they are good. Andy says "What the hell he was up here forever!" Helen says he makes a compelling argument.

8:38PM BBT In the HOHR Elissa, Helen and Andy are discussing the Jeremy plea. Helen says they need to consider it even though the answer is NO, they think he will flip and work against them. Helen confirms with Andy that Judd and McCrae are good with getting Jeremy out.

8:41PM BBT Andy and Elissa are talking about the lies Aaryn has tried to put in Kaitlin and Jeremy's heads. Candice is in the shower changing into her suit, the plan is to head out to the HT. Elissa and Andy are still talking in the HOHR, they are comparing Jeremy's plea to other BB HG like Dan and Evil Dick. Andy is putting the headphones on, Elissa is still trying to find her swimsuit for a shower.

8:45PM BBT Kaitlin is in the HOHR with Andy and Helen. Helen "I just want to let you know that whatever Aaryn says is not true" Helen also says she wishes that Jeremy walked in the door on day one. Kaitlin says Aaryn is telling her things and she is not believing. Andy says "Over our dead bodies you won't be on the block" to Kaitlin (stranger things have happened). Helen says that Jeremy and Elissa talked and were civil and mature. Kaitlin says she has matured him.

8:50PM BBT Helen says as a Mom she feels bad for Aaryn, the drama has taken away her game. She makes Helen angry. No one is trying to pit kaitlin against Aaryn but she is making her aware. Kaitlin says "She is just trying or keeps being rude. We need to flip the power in the house. I said it is not gonna happen." Andy asks where GinaMarie is in all this, Kaitlin says "She just isn't there!" they laugh.

8:55PM BBT Helen is praising Kaitlin as a competitor. Helen is talking about a possible fairytale ending for GinaMarie and Nick and that he is waiting for her when she comes out of the show. "But we don't know if he went to Yale or is a rollerblader" Kaitlin says "Jessie was after him! She told me in the bathroom" Jessie just wanted a showmance. Helen thinks Jessie and Judd should just get together and make it happen.
Jessie is making a slop creation in the KT. Aaryn is doing dishes. Howard is making a plate of food.

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#BB15 9:00BBT The talking in the HOHR continues, between helen, kaitlin and andy aayrn is in the KT doing dishes
howie and elissa are fixing food. in the By is ginamarie judd candice amanda and mccrea just talking
kaitlin saying that if she gets hoh this week shes not putting them up she will put up aayrn, spencer jessie and amanda are in the hottube candice is sitting on a chair

#BB15 9:05BBt in the hot tub is spencer, amanda, jessie and candice who is sitting on a chair, helen just told kaitlin that howie is throwing comps, kaitlin I fucken knew it I fucken knew it
helen thinks that howie is going to win on thursday he has to go shes worried about it andy says he is going to fight for it, and now they are talking about who howie would put up if he won it

#BB15 9:10 BBT kaitlin now goes to jeremy and tells him what they said in the hohr jeremy is saying
that he isnt going to honor the deal he made with them. she tells him everything helen and andy told her in the hohr

#BB15 9:15BBT most of the HG are over at the hot tub all but aayrn who is now by herself still
cleaning in the kT helen says she made
a quest for alcohol. they are just talking no game talk

#BB15 9:16BBT nothing has changed only howie is in the have not room doing his bible study

#BB15 9:23BBT HG are telling airplane stories everyone is out there now all but aayrn who is still cleaning

BB15 9:30BBT kaitlin goes in to check on aayrn after andy asked where she is at and walks back out and we are getting alot of
short forths

BB15 9:35BBT ginamarie is talking about being a green jollyrancher,
post-29297-0-33553200-1374036472_thumb.jjeremy says he once was a jar of jelly beans
and aayrn is still cleaning now in the BY the hg namely ginamarie are talking about jollyrancher favors now feed three has the fish tank on
theres some kind of bug on the pillow and kaitlin is showing him around trying to figure out what kind of bug it is camra is doing a close up on the bug (YAY)
aayrn is now outside with the others

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#BB15 9:50BBT candice and howie are playing pool or rather,
howie is teaching candice how to play pool, jeremy is talking about the fish tank and where
the camra is and aayrn is talking about the live feeds.

#BB15 9:55BBT elissa and helen are in the hohr talking about jeremy offering them a deal
and helen is saying no we dont need him. its too much has happened and elissa is like he has to go
helen is saying that we cant take his offer and elissa is like no and they go on with this

#BB15 10:00BBT now over by the hot tub is aayrn, jeremy kaitlin and ginamarie everyone else is at the couches they
are eating ice cream

#BB15 10:05BBt aayrn,kaitlin, ginamarie are on the hammock ginamarie is saying the amanda and mccrea dont want jeremy out
aayrn is saying the shes quite because they can hear through the wall, aayrn asked kaitlin what helen said in hoh kaitlin is saying
that helen feels bad about it, jeremy was trying to do a final four deal kaitlin is saying that she told helen that if they keep jeremy here
for a few weeks until jury then she would vote him out. ginamarie asked if we can save him kaitlin say i dont know, they arent giving him the option
jeremys trying to get them to vote out spencer hes pushing them hard on it

#BB15 10:10BBT jeremy is talking to amanda in the havenot room talking about his talking to helen
amanda asked him whats going on with howie and jeremy is saying that he threw him under the bus.
jeremy is like they are thinking about my offer jeremy is saying that they are now saying they want aayrn out
over him mccrea comes in jeremy is like Im trying to get them on his side (too bad it aint working dude)
jeremy is saying he want spencer and howie out the aayrn candice. they said they are not voting agaist the house.
amanda says they are not with them. the Knockoffs

#BB15 10:17BBT jeremy walks out and walks back in and says please dont tell them what I said, amanda is saying is helen retared or what, it works
for us but its stupid, mccrea saids howie came talking to him. we are getting alot of short forths here, the hg are playing volley ball now jeremy howie and helen and andy and judd

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Candice tells Howard and spencer that if Aaron wins hoh they'll see the real Aaron back. Candice feels that if Kaitlin wins hoh she and Jessie are getting nominating.


Amanda tells McCrae that she sees him as her boyfriend and asks if he wants to live with her. He tells her yes.

Jeremy talking to Judd about Aaron using him by getting him to act out by telling him that others were talking about him. Reiterating the talk he had with Helen. Jeremy seems to think the talk worked and he's staying. Judd just listening and yeah yeah responses.

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10:20-10:45 PM BBT Amanda and McCrae told Judd about Helen telling Jeremy about who to protect in their alliance. Judd is shocked but then wonders if she told him about the "Goof Troop" and Amanda has to explain that Goof Troop is a separate alliance (consisting of Judd, Andy, Amanda and McCrae). Judd is glad she clarified this for him. Amanda told Andy and he is shocked as well. He says it's very boneheaded for him to do. Amanda thinks Helen as HoH should listen instead of talking so much. Amanda recommends that Andy be in the HoH with Helen at all times. Andy tells Amanda that yesterday Helen insinuated that everyone hated Howard in front of Spencer and he was thinking to himself "Stop!"

10:57 PM BBT Down in the WA Judd is whispering to Aaryn asking why "she" would throw out names of people she wants to protect especially since she can't play HoH. Aaryn tells Judd that she heard Howard has been throwing comps. Judd doesn't think Howard threw the BBQ sauce comp...he was just bad at it. Talk turns to Howard being a pro football player. Aaryn says there's no way he could be in the house and still play ball during the off season.

11:00 PM BBT Judd wants to talk to Helen without Andy around because he pops in everywhere everyone is in. Aaryn agrees and says he's a nice enough guy but he's annoying. GinaMarie comes in and asks Aaryn where she's been all day and that she should come outside to watch the volleyball game. Aaryn says she's tired. GinaMarie agrees but she wants to wait to tire out. GinaMarie leaves and Aaryn tells Judd that she feels like he's one of the few people he can go talk to without him running off and talking to someone.

11:03 PM BBT Up in the HoH Amanda, McCrae, and Andy continue to chat. Amanda thinks Howard has to be backdoored. Andy and McCrae agree. Andy wonders who he would put up first. He'd hate to put up GinaMarie and Amanda says "You have to tell her that she's not the target". McCrae and Amanda head down to smoke. Andy says he'll be down in a few. Back in the WA Judd and Aaryn continue to talk. Judd is ready for the MVP thing to be done. He doesn't think Elissa would put him up. Aaryn says she doesn't think he would either. Judd asks if McCrae was ever MVP because he heard so. He doesn't think he was. Aaryn doesn't know.

11:09 PM BBT Judd and Aaryn continue to whisper in the WA. Judd continues to weave tales/bond with Aaryn. He's beginning to trip over his words when she quizzes him over who said what. Judd is going to push for her to stay here as long as he can. Aaryn says she'll do the same for him. Judd says she's like a sister. Aaryn says the people she thought were her alliance...well...it sucks.

11:14 PM BBT Out in the hammock Spencer is having his Jessie time chatting about Marilyn and her friends. Back in the WA Judd and Aaryn get up. Feeds switch to the KT where Kaitlin is bringing in the alcohol while in her underwear. There's a white comforter on the floor. Apparently she dropped it off and ran for the SR when she heard about it. Aaryn and Kaitlin pour themselves their drinks first and then Kaitlin sticks her head out and tells everyone.

11:18 PM BBT Jessie and Spencer are swinging in the hammock listening to Helen talk about the size of an engagement ring (3x a guy's salary pre-tax). Spencer laughs and tells Marilyn to turn the internet off. Jessie laughs. Aaryn tells Spencer to go eat fudge (not really those words ;) Feeds switch to McCrae and Amanda in the lounge. Amanda says she likes when everyone goes to bed and they stay up and make out. It's her favorite time of day. Amanda mentions production and we get FoTH. Feeds back and she says "...but there's no live feed in Sequester.." and we get more FoTH. McCrae says it's a nice house and you get books to read and such. Amanda asks if you get to talk to family and McCrae tells her no.

11:24 PM BBT Out in the KT everyone is drinking. Meanwhile Andy and Judd join Amanda and McCrae in the lounge. McCrae says "Goof Troop assemble!" Judd asks if we're still voting out Jeremy. Amanda and McCrae agree that they are. Amanda called out by BB for obstructing her mic. Now she's fiddling with it to make it better (it's not...). Judd says Aaryn and Spencer are paranoid that they might be going home this week. Andy says he needs to calm down. Andy says he waited like 20 minutes in the HoH for Helen but she never came. Judd wonders if she was on ecstasy when she talked to Jeremy. Judd points out that Jeremy tells Kaitlin everything.

11:29 PM BBT Andy says he's going to join the rest of the house as to not arise suspicion. Judd says it's irritating that there is booze out in the KT right now, he thinks America wants nothing more than to see them sober. McCrae wishes they could be on a liquid diet so they could drink booze. Judd walks out and Amanda and McCrae start kissing. Out in the KT GinaMarie, Kaitlin, Jeremy, Elissa and Andy are drinking and chatting. Elissa is going to make slop muffins for the have-not. Jeremy starts singing and we get FoTH.

11:37 PM BBT Howard, and Spencer are in the hammock and Candice comes and squeezes her way in. Andy and Aaryn shotgun a beer and off camera it sounds like GinaMarie crushes the can on her forehead. Howard asks Candice if she sees how good Aaryn is being these days. Spencer says she's very domesticated now. Candice says the next time Aaryn is HoH the bed flipper will be back. Howard doubts it because she doesn't have the support behind her any more. Candice says Aaryn was squirming earlier because Jeremy was up talking to Helen in the HoH for a long time.

11:42 PM BBT Candice says if Kaitlin wins HoH then she'll be up. Howard points out the MVP nom will save you then because they'll go home. Talk turns to what the HoH could be this week. Spencer's fear is that Jeremy only needs to sway three votes. Candice doesn't think Andy, Jessie, Judd, Elissa...maybe Amanda and McCrae. Candice says McCrae's too smart though because if Jeremy stays then he's going to start winning everything. Meanwhile back in the lounge feeds switch to McCrae saying "My girlfriend doesn't like me drinking..." Amanda corrects "...your ex-girlfriend..." "Yeah...my ex-girlfriend..."

#BB15 11:46 PM BBT Jeremy and Judd finally have their long awaited one on one chat in the WA? Jeremy is telling Judd that he told Amanda and McCrae that he told them that Judd originally told him that "He said he'd vote with the house...so if you all want to keep me around and send another target home this week..." Jeremy asks Judd for reassurance. "Did I cross the line? Did I say too much...is that a lie?" Judd simply says "Yeah..."

11:50 PM BBT Judd tells Jeremy that it sucks that the house has people that don't want to stay and Jeremy wants too though. Back in the lounge Amanda and McCrae are chatting about previous endurance HoH comps. "Remmy could stay up there because she didn't have any weight on her." Judd comes in and asks where Helen is. Judd tells them that Jeremy was just rehashing the conversation they had with him earlier. Judd says everyone wonders where Helen is. "Do you think it's a diamond power of veto?" Amanda and laughs. Amanda tells Judd to come find them whenever Howard talks to him tonight (Oh! That's the conversation we're waiting on tonight!)

11:58 PM BBT Out in the KT talk has turned to Nick and whether he's a professional rollerblader. Jeremy says there's no way. He would know. Elissa is chiming in on this and Jeremy asks her if the two of them could have figured it out. Elissa agrees. GinaMarie says Judd made it up. Judd defends himself and says no way. Aaryn makes the mistake and says something along the lines of "You don't know everything about him". GinaMarie gets loud and clarifies that she's never said she knows everything about it. Aaryn says she just did. A hush falls over the crowd. GinaMarie says the kid never told her everything. Elissa says she has a secret to admit...she also went to Yale. 2-3 other people chime in and says they all did as well. Elissa says CBS brought in their first Ivy League cast of BB. Aaryn and GinaMarie apologize to each other.

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