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Stupid Reasons Not to be Evicted etc.

Guest 6Borders

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Guest 6Borders

Every year the campaigning to stay off the block and in the BB House (or out of trouble) goes in some pretty wild directions and produces some pretty crazy notions. This year my personal favorites which are trumping a 14 year list are...

Aaryn & Company: "David deserved to be here" (why, what did he do?)

Elissa "I can't get voted out week one..it would be soooo embarrassing to my sister" (we should all vote to keep you so Rachel won't be embarrassed...right!!)

My all time favorite always will be Chima throwing her mic in the pool and Lydia proclaiming "it slipped out of her hand" (but BB15 is still young and I am waiting for someone in the house to top that one)

Anyone have any other favorites to share???

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Yup... never get why they always say "____ deserve(s) to be here." Everyone who enters the house deserves to be there.

I agree, and however people play the game, even if they seem not to be playing, they are playing it. The fun of the show, if there is any, is in how these folks interact. I have always wanted to be invisible...and have always enjoyed overhearing people talk even when it was not flattering to me about things when they did not know I was there to hear. I like knowing what people think and how they think and even seeing how they change from person to person. So this game, even though I do not like a whole bunch of stuff about it, keeps my interest. However, I am no longer watching BBAD and that really puts a crimp in it for me ...due to the bleeping of words that often makes knowing what they are saying about their strategy get lost also in the attempt to keep me from hearing bitch or shit or fuck DAmn I don't care about those words...anyone who does ought not watch reality tv because it is real that people say them.

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