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This Did Not Happen As Reported


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The following was reported at these times last night and from what I've heard from those with feeds and other updates Spencer did NOT pee in a shampoo bottle. Who was the reporter for this?

9:30PM BBT: Most all of the HGs are now in the kitchen with the drinks Helen is in the bathroom, with Howard who just got out of the shower and they are also doing the ball tournament thing. Spencer just peed in someone's shampoo bottle.

9:40PM BBT: The HGs are in the backyard drinking some playing pool some the ball tournament still don't know whose shampoo bottle Spencer peed in but he took someone's shampoo bottle in the toilet with him came back out and put the cap back on and put it in the have not shower (hmm guess whose bottle Elissa)

This is what a friend with the feeds said went down "No one peed, if anyone wants o watch it is 934pm cam 3&4 Howard is in the bathroom. Spencer tries to hide wine..."

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Yeah I figured so because it would have been all over the internet and I couldn't find a trace of it except here.

On a lighter note I heard that Aaryn took a crap in the fish tank.

Don't forget that Jeremy slapped Kaitlin. It was at 4:12 on July 7th on camera 1 and 2.


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The following was reported at these times last night and from what I've heard from those with feeds and other updates Spencer did NOT pee in a shampoo bottle. Who was the reporter for this?

9:30PM BBT: Most all of the HGs are now in the kitchen with the drinks Helen is in the bathroom, with Howard who just got out of the shower and they are also doing the ball tournament thing. Spencer just peed in someone's shampoo bottle.

9:40PM BBT: The HGs are in the backyard drinking some playing pool some the ball tournament still don't know whose shampoo bottle Spencer peed in but he took someone's shampoo bottle in the toilet with him came back out and put the cap back on and put it in the have not shower (hmm guess whose bottle Elissa)

This is what a friend with the feeds said went down "No one peed, if anyone wants o watch it is 934pm cam 3&4 Howard is in the bathroom. Spencer tries to hide wine..."

Good Catch. Its possible the person was confused about what happened... But to be sure, that would be a obvious violation of the rules because its something that would impact the health\hygiene of other HGs, akin to spitting into someone's food or other hidden acts that might seem like a prank, but are 100% unacceptable; a HG would be at high risk of being immediately expelled.

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