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Why is everyone sick?


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Is anyone but me starting to notice all the houseguests are getting sick over the past couple of days? One of them had a migraine and was throwing up the other day, then later urinated blood. (I think it was Kaitlin or Jessie, maybe?) Yesterday Elissa was so sick they kept delaying the nomination ceremony. I read earlier that one of the guys (McCrae? I can't remember.) has either ringworm or a staf infection. And just now, Aaryn said she felt like she was going to throw up.

What's going on in there? :huh2:

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I have noticed that they all seem be getting sick but nothing seems bad except for Kaitlin(?) who urinated blood. I believe they said she has kidney stones which based on what I have seen my mom go through can be extremely painful. One of my mom's kidney's shut down because of kidney stones so she is going to have to monitor the kidney stones because if they get worse she might have to self evict.

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Guest 6Borders

Could be very possible they have Salmonailla or something going around from some bad food or unwashed veggies.

(BB is not exactly known to buy top-of-the-line anything when it comes to food and items for ADL's)

More likely, you put 16 people in a house with two bathrooms (one getting used 80% by most), 3 shower stalls, a hot tub & pool, fake grass and the fact that the majority of these people are slops with poor hygiene and you are going to get something started.

Additionally, the BB house is on a studio lot, not on a tree-lined street with a bunch of other houses. You have trucks, heavy equipment, dust, sand and other things blowing all over the place, plus all the people on the lot.

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Could be very possible they have Salmonailla or something going around from some bad food or unwashed veggies.

(BB is not exactly known to buy top-of-the-line anything when it comes to food and items for ADL's)

More likely, you put 16 people in a house with two bathrooms (one getting used 80% by most), 3 shower stalls, a hot tub & pool, fake grass and the fact that the majority of these people are slops with poor hygiene and you are going to get something started.

Additionally, the BB house is on a studio lot, not on a tree-lined street with a bunch of other houses. You have trucks, heavy equipment, dust, sand and other things blowing all over the place, plus all the people on the lot.

Good point 6Borders. I never really gave the part about the studio lot much thought before, it absolutely must have negative effects.

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Could be very possible they have Salmonailla or something going around from some bad food or unwashed veggies.

(BB is not exactly known to buy top-of-the-line anything when it comes to food and items for ADL's)

More likely, you put 16 people in a house with two bathrooms (one getting used 80% by most), 3 shower stalls, a hot tub & pool, fake grass and the fact that the majority of these people are slops with poor hygiene and you are going to get something started.

Additionally, the BB house is on a studio lot, not on a tree-lined street with a bunch of other houses. You have trucks, heavy equipment, dust, sand and other things blowing all over the place, plus all the people on the lot.

I Agree, Did anyone catch them talking about how Aaryn (I think) got a box of crackers that had crackers missing out of them and then the box was taped up and put in her HOH basket? Everyone was like dont eat those!

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I have noticed that they all seem be getting sick but nothing seems bad except for Kaitlin(?) who urinated blood. I believe they said she has kidney stones which based on what I have seen my mom go through can be extremely painful. One of my mom's kidney's shut down because of kidney stones so she is going to have to monitor the kidney stones because if they get worse she might have to self evict.

She most likely has a really bad Urinary Tract Infection. She just needs an antibiotic and it will clear right up.

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Well, they're under a great deal of stress in that house, and I know from experience that I get VERY sick under stress. That's my guess, anyway. Plus they're all very young. They're probably not used to a lot of stress. Unless there is some kind of epidemic going around. :fear: Throwing up blood?! That would be enough for me to take a trip to the ER to be on the safe side.

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Have any of you seen the stomachs of pigs fed GMOs? that would explain throwing up blood. And the research into the effects of that manipulated food is showing that there are a number of different reactions that happen from it. 80% of the corn and soy crops are GMO so think of all the high fructose corn syrup and other uses of corn besides simple corn on the cob that is in food....After a corn crop was planted there was a huge die off of honey bees in the region. Monarch butterflies eat corn silk and GMO corn kills them.

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I imagine it is a combination of many things. Probably a bacterium or virus working it's way through the HGs. Not all bacteria effect people the exact same way. One case of salmonella can give someone diarrhea while someone getting the same strain may have perjectile vomitting. Most of the HGs are using the same facilities over and over and their personal hygiene in regards to handwashing is extremely lacking. In addition you have people in a high stress environment who are also suffering from moments of extreme boredom. Our tolerance goes down SIGNIFICANTLY in cases like this so imagine if a few of them had little tolerance to begin with.

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I imagine it is a combination of many things. Probably a bacterium or virus working it's way through the HGs. Not all bacteria effect people the exact same way. One case of salmonella can give someone diarrhea while someone getting the same strain may have perjectile vomitting. Most of the HGs are using the same facilities over and over and their personal hygiene in regards to handwashing is extremely lacking. In addition you have people in a high stress environment who are also suffering from moments of extreme boredom. Our tolerance goes down SIGNIFICANTLY in cases like this so imagine if a few of them had little tolerance to begin with.

good points for sure ... I am amused at the idea that theyare being used as a lab experiment in their little bb house petri dish LOL

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Mass hysteria. Although ignorance is their greatest disease.

That's what I was thinking. That and they are just plain attention hos and hypocondriacs.

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Guest 6Borders

I tend to blame BB for a lot of this here because things like a vacuum cleaner are lacking (apparently that is a "luxury item", same with wash cloths...one of the HG's pointed that out a few days ago). I would actually love to know what cleaning products are provided (of course, getting the HG's to use them is another story)!

Helen actually thought that there would be a cleaning crew for the house (I guess she thought this happened on outdoor LD or when they were sleeping) because on TV the house always looked nice and clean to her.

Aaryn only cleaned the HOH tub after "The Great Ringworm/Staph Scare" and I remember BB4 (I think..it was the X Factor season) when it was revealed that Scott had a prior STD and what's-her-name (karate instructor...Dana I think) went around spraying everything with Lysol...AFTER the fact that she'd been living with these people for x-amount of days and THAT was going to protect her.

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I think I am getting sick too. Sick of this entire cast. Howard and Helen are the only 2 decent people in there (IMHO) and they are boring. Now I see the reason for recycling our favorite houseguests all the time. I can't even figure out who I am rooting for, just who I am rooting against and they are not all on the same side. Definitely my least favorite cast all time.

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