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Candice - Week 2


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Candice was raised in an African-American family. She was telling a funny story about her white family coming to New Orleans but unfortunately BB cut it off. I'm sure at her age she has seen or faced the subtle racism that is a part of America. In the pressure cooker that is the BB house I admire the restraint being shown by her and Howard in not going there with the mean girls and Spencer.

Candice showing restraint, Howard is a coward and a turncoat.

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What do you mean by turncoat? He turned against Elissa? I am confused....

His reaction to the racist remarks has been lacking in strength AND he has thrown Candice under the bus ..willing to appear to allow the racial attitudes as though they are not at her race (which he shares) but about her position and about alliances. This is not true and he knows it, but his game play is such that he will not stand up for what he knows. He has grown up with the racism and he knows and understands it, yet he is willing to pretend it is not a factor just to get along (that is what i meant in another post when I said his modern version of shucking and jiving)

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His reaction to the racist remarks has been lacking in strength AND he has thrown Candice under the bus ..willing to appear to allow the racial attitudes as though they are not at her race (which he shares) but about her position and about alliances. This is not true and he knows it, but his game play is such that he will not stand up for what he knows. He has grown up with the racism and he knows and understands it, yet he is willing to pretend it is not a factor just to get along (that is what i meant in another post when I said his modern version of shucking and jiving)

Maybe he is just there to win money and doesn't care about what goes on in the house. His faith guides him.

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