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Nick - Week 1


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playing way too hard from what little i saw of the feeds last night

thinking you are going to stream roll throughout the game unscratched is crazy :animated_bouncy:

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Guest 6Borders

Obnoxious and annoying but (so far) not near as much as I thought he would be.

He's totally focused on playing the game and keeping his alliance strong (at least week one)

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Seemed he wanted to play a "Dan" style game but, he didn't seem to have quite enough skill to keep all the balls in the air at the same time.

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For someone who thinks he talks so well he says LIKE more than Jen on BB8. He literally says like 5 times each sentence holy shit

Oh and this guy is reminding me of ray william johnson or whatever his name, that youtube celebrity who is not funny. Has a similar face and even talks the same

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getting the mastermind edit :animated_bouncy:

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what has that got to do with Nick? or BB? I do not know why you brought this up...hope you will explain

you did recognize the guy hosting the youtube video series...didn't you?

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I don't mind Nick. He seems like he wants to play hard, which I always like. The fact that this thread for him this week is so short is probably a good sign for him.

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