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Finale - Leaks - BY Interviews - The End

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Don't go anywhere!

We expect to see post finale interviews and BigbrotherCanada.ca said there will be some specials on the live feeds, so don't go away!

Also, if you have just found our site, stick around. I started covering Big Brother 1 US 13 years ago and I expect to be doing BB15 in just 59 days. You can get all the Big Brother US news on the original update page.

And of course, I have to give major, huge thanks to BBCanadaFan, bbcanfan222, BBLuver, Crawford, Dade, DRG, EmilyCaitlin, EpicWifey, Flashboredom, gsmall99, IndigoAquarius, JCBigBrother, jennain2003, JEDI LynLyn, MissCrisECN, nslisa, Sayre, scarletkate, smartyparty, TranCutie, WesternU, ZuZuMamou, and Fuskie for posting all the updates.

We even have a thread on the discussion board where you can thank them, and you should:



Be sure to follow our Twitter feed @MortysTV for trivia like, "So you think you know Canada..." and Big Brother stuff. Our twitter feed covers a bunch of reality shows, so if you get dragged to to a family reunion, the opera, or some other mind numbing event, you can still see know who got voted off on Survivor.


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