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Well Peter, looks like ya blew it.....

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A while ago, I made a post titled "Is the shield in trouble" but it seems to have disappeared.

I just want to say goodbye to the one guy in the house that I had huge aspirations for.

Good ol' Peter, 1/2 of the alliance known as "The Shield (X)"

Pete you are a really smart guy, but you outsmarted yourself. You were supposed to use that veto last week to save Topaz, flip the house on its head and reduce the opposing alliance's numbers.

But instead you chose to defer to Emmett, and NOT use the POV so as not to irk the house.

All you did was help "Jemmett" move a little further down the road towards the prize, and for that you are an idiot!

You rolled over, and presented your neck to the leader of the pack.

Now they will feast on you.

Goodbye (X), it was fun while it lasted. Maybe we'll see you back for All stars in 5 - 7 years.


Love always, a fan.

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I don't think he is a very smart guy at all...he just thinks he is the smartest person to ever play the game and his attitude really annoys me. No, Peter, everyone around you is not an idiot all of the time. Getting rid of you over Talla is an intelligent decision.

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I think he felt Topaz would not work with him but work on a girls' alliance, and so had more faith in Emmett being in his corner. Maybe he just doesn't read people very well, which is not a good thing for this game, but doesn't rule out a high IQ ...

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I hope this is creative editing so far and that they are not going to keep him....if he pulls this off then he might well deserve to win. Although, I'd prefer it if it were one of mother East Coast alliance. Just not Talla please!

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I cannot stand Peter's smugness and sense of superiority. When he realized the stupid others evicted him, he didnt hold back on the bitterness and hostility!

I can hear him now "How the mighty have fallen"....get over yourself darling. It's as much a social game as anything else and his only "alliance" with anyone other than Peter was with his elastic band (Liza) who was long gone and would have no effect on the rest of the show.

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I thought Peter was an interesting HG. His intelligence along with his sense of self-entitlement made him a very eccentric player that was fun to watch whether you loved or hated him. However, I think he made the single biggest mistake in the game in not using the POV on Topaz, which would have been a sure eviction for Andrew (his biggest enemy in the game!). For a mistake that big, you just don't deserve to go any further in the game.

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Peter as a self proclaimed "STUDENT" of the game.. and "GENIUS" you didn't realize that there comes a point in time where you have to choose sides.. Especially that late in the game..

Did you really think the Power couple was going to take you over the weaker Tala?? Really???

There were so few people at that point and Topaz had your back... NOT SMART!!!

You are a mediocre genius at best..

And not realizing that Gary was voted back in the house you could have really had a stranglehold on things..

Tough luck pal.. A little too arrogant..

You will NOT be remembered as one of the smartest players because of that one dumb, boneheaded move..

I realize it was in the heat of the moment.. But intelligent guys think on their feet.. You didn't...

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Peter may be a genius and he may do well on Jeopardy. But when it comes to reality game shows, he sucks. He could play BB 10 times and he would never win. He believes that he is such a genius, therefore he can talk people into doing what he wants them to do. Did he really believe he could talk Emmitt into eventually voting out the vajajay that he has kissed, slept with and felt up for the entire show and take him to the final two?

Peter was not a smart player and will not be remembered 2 seasons from now. He is just another player in a very long list of players that played the game in their own fantasy world.

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Peter may be a genius and he may do well on Jeopardy. But when it comes to reality game shows, he sucks. He could play BB 10 times and he would never win. He believes that he is such a genius, therefore he can talk people into doing what he wants them to do. Did he really believe he could talk Emmitt into eventually voting out the vajajay that he has kissed, slept with and felt up for the entire show and take him to the final two?

Peter was not a smart player and will not be remembered 2 seasons from now. He is just another player in a very long list of players that played the game in their own fantasy world.

OMG - you made me laugh....the vajayjay part. Agree with you on Peter's mistake but wanted to thank you for the laugh :)

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He really turned out to be a strange bird.

His selective eating disorder is odd too, I think it stems from him being a spoiled brat when he was younger and deciding he only would eat certain foods. He ate that salad like it was a bowl of cockroaches.

He finally showed his true colors at the end of being a mean spirited angry child like person.

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I've been a therapist for 5 years now, and I have never seen, treated, or even heard about anyone with "selective eating disorder" aside of children. I have some colleagues that have treated children with peculiar eating habits, but never an adult. I think he just developed picky eating habits as a child and never grew out of them. Possibly because his parents never dealt with it.

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