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April 18 [Thursday] Live Feed Updates

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12:05AM BBT: Emmett and Jillian still going over past weekly competitions. What the HoH was called who was nominated for eviction and what day. Who won it. Jillian is actually on target with the date.

12:28AM BBT: Jillian and Emmett look like very tired but they are still counting what Pov and HoH they won. Jillian and Emmett is whispering cannot hear them.

12:40AM BBT: Looks like Peter,Andrew,Talla are now asleep.

1:00AM BBT: All Hgs are now asleep. (Tomorrow will be a big eviction night, and look out we have a new face coming back in the house). We are always watching. Good night.

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9am All HG still asleep.

9:10 HG up

9:20am HG ups & doing ADL's. Jillian & Emmett in HOH. Talla delivering batteries to them . Andrew & Peter in KT

9:23am In HOH Jillian tells Emmett he can vote for Pete if he likes but she's voting for Tala. He says he told Pete he'd talk to him today. BB tell Jillian to turn on her mic. They join the others in the KT

9:25am Talla, Jillian & Emmett go to the storage room where Jillian gets a wrapped gift. Talla's all excited. It's something that Jillian has to wear. She's on the LV sofa opening it. It's a red cocktail dress with spaghetti straps & matching shoes, earrings & rings.

9:30am Emmett & Peter talking by HT. Emmett tells him how Jillian wants to vote. Peter says that once Jillian starts to waver it's all over & that makes him sick to his stomach. He says he hopes Emmett makes it to final 2. He tells him that they all think their best chance is against Andrew in final 2 so he has to win if he wants it. Pete says hes going to keep his speech short and sweet. Emmett says that it's going to be a rough week & he'll see Peter in a week. Peter says he hopes he does see him in a week with both of them still there. Emmett says that would be nice.

9:35am Talla & Jillian in the SR. Talla whispering to Jillian about final 4 & if Emmett will be voting to keep her. She's worried & Jillian tells her that she trusts her & will be talking to Emmett. She starts to joke about not being able to sleep because she thinks about this stuff at night & Emmett walks in. Evry goes into the KT. Andrew says he weighs 181lbs which is his lowest. Talla is still at 96.

9:40am Talla asks what it's like OS. THey good. Jillian asks if it's warm enough for the shorts they're wearing. They head out to the HT. THey're whispering about if Talla should try to win next HOH & what will happen if she does or doesn't. (it's hard to hear) They want Andrew to win HOH & don't want Emmett to win VETO.

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9:45am Emmett, Andrew & Peter in KT. Talla tells Jillian that Emmett wants Jillian to be in the final 3 with 2 guys & Talla doesn't want that. Jillian tells Talla what Emmett told her this morn about voting for Peter but Jillian says that he says that in the end he agreed to vote for Talla too

9:50am Talla telling Jillian why she deserves to be there. Feeds go to SotH

9:55am Feeds R back quickly. Jillian is too quiet to hear. The guys talking about the bachelor in the KT. The girls finish & R heading back. Talla feels safe now. Talla tells the guys it's dreary out. Jillian leaves the KT but Talla stays. There's an awkward silence with her & the guys.

9:58am Talla goes to BY to lie down. Guys talking about previous BB US seasons. Sounds like season 2. Talla shouts out to Andrew in KT but he doesn't hear her or is ignoring her. He looks at her but doesn't go to her. Jillian now sitting with him & talking.

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10:00AM BBT: Peter now packing his bag in the BR. Talla comes back in to Andrew and Jillian in the KT they are talking about how Peter is acting. Jillian says "The jury hates me, there is nothing I can say to Peter." Andrew says he is having a withdrawal from nothing seeing the make out video this morning. He asks Jillian to make a kissing noise.

10:07AM BBT: Andrew makes fun of Talla in the morning. Andrew thinks about having another cup of coffee. Jillian says she just had 2 back to back and might have a third. Andrew says "We have 3 ice trays on day 57." Emmett now laying in the HT. Jillian asks Andrew and Talla "When do you think we will hit the day 60 mark." Andrew says "Really? I know this one! In 3 days!" Andrew says "I think Peter knows he is going." Jillian says "He defiantly does."

10:13AM BBT: Andrew says "If I was in that position I would say Hey guys I know I'm going home so lets have a good time. It's a game I'm going to the jury house have a few beers." He mocks Peter for saying that if he came back (another season) he would play differently. Jillian looking at herself in the mirror behind Andrew as he is talking and Andrew catches her thinking she was paying attention to him. He says Emmett is the worst for that. Jillian says "I hate vein people."

10:17AM BBT: Jillian wonders if Emmett is OK. Andrew says he is the brute type. Jillian is worried that Emmett will win if he is in the final 2. They tell her not to worry until we get there. She says "I'm scared of possible twists. Andrew says "There will be no twists." Jillian says she is thinking for herself that whats scary. Jillian says maybe she should go do some yoga. Talla says "Is milkman gonna be OK?" Andrew says "Of course he is gonna be OK."

10:23AM BBT: Andrew tells Jillian "You should be stressed because you know you can't win HoH tonight unless there is a twist that allows you to play." Talla says "I'm not going to ask Peter if he is going to campaign." Andrew shockingly says "No why would you." Talla asks Andrew to come to the WA with her and talk to her while she poos." He says "No" but does it anyway. They get to the WA and see Peter in there so she runs out saying change of plans cause he's (Peter) in there." Jillian goes tot the hammock and asks Emmett what he is thinking about. He says "Just whatever." Jillian says there's so many pros and cons and she starts to way them. Emmett says "The only way that me, you and Talla happen is if Andrew doesn't win veto."

10:29AM BBT: Jillian talking to Emmett about the stab her took at her last night for not winning vetos. She is upset about it and says the lack of confidence doesn't help her. Emmett says he talked Talla into throwing tonight's HoH. Jillian says "I know but would you rather Andrew win?" He says he is going to tell her today not to throw it. Emmett says "Its a gamble wither way." He says he can't wait to get these people out of her. He hates loud obnoxious people."

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10:36AM BBT: Andrew and Talla back on the KT sofa going over things that have happened and when other went wrong. Jillian gets up says she is gonna do some yoga then get showered for her day.

10:44AM BBT: Andrew goes outside for some air Emmett decides to go with him. Andrew tells him Peter needs to except his fate. Andrew tells Emmett he said in the DR that if Talla is playing the dumb card she is going to win an academy award. Andrew repeats a few times "As long as me or you win tonight." Andrew says he is OK with not watching the show right away. Emmett says he doesn't care to watch at all, he lived it that's enough. Andrew brings up how Peter said he is going to watch it in 15 hours at a time.

10:51AM BBT: Andrew talks about how Alec dropped a B on them in the A or B HoH comp and screwed up the plan. They talk about the Bees Knees comp. Emmett says Talla came right in front of him and stole the coloured balls from his flower he was using.

10:57AM BBT: Emmett says he doesn't stand a chance in a Canada's Favorite vote because his family isn't tech savvy unlike everyone else's that will get on the internet and make fan pages and get people to vote.

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11:01AM BBT: Emmett talks about the task where he had tot drink all the milk. Andrew says "I might say they have some good tasks." Emmett wonders if Canada voted on that. Peter joins the guys at the HT. Talla walking around putting her hair up and looking in every mirror. Emmett asks Peter about his shaving his whole body. Peter says he picked up the because of Dr. Will. Peter says he basically just hates body hair. Emmett asks Peter if he would ever get botox. Peter says possibly. Emmett asked because Dr.Will does it. Feeds cut to SotH.

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11:26AM BBT: Feeds return. Emmett, Andrew and Peter still at the HT. Talla is taking a shower.

11:29AM BBT: Talla wasn't showering she was just changing. Emmett is talking about is farm.

11:31AM BBT: Feeds Going in and out of SotH.

11:38AM BBT: Peter and Emmett now alone at the HT. peter says Talla doesn't have a clue and that drives him nuts. Emmett says she is a background character she has never had an alliance. Peter syas Andrew keeps saying that about him and he will think different when he watches the show. Peter says he will have conversation with Jill but he knows it won't sink in. Emmett says he doesn't know where Jillian's head is at anymore. Peter says while that’s because she let it slip that she doesn't totally trust you.

11:46AM BBT: They talk about Talla being a great find and they have never seen or met anyone like her. They discuss who and why they are going to talk to after the show. Andrew jumps in the pool for a quick swim.

11:50AM BBT: Emmett asks Peter who all at his work knew he was going on BB. Peter says just his 2 bosses and one of them thought is was just a film opportunity. We get SotH for a moment and when feeds return Emmett and Peter are heading inside so it appears they about to be on lock down. Andrew is in the shower now.

11:56AM BBT: Talla asks Andrew why Peter keeps looking and standing around the WA. Andrew wonders why she is still talking. Emmett and Peter are in the KT. They are on indoor lock down. Jillian is packing her HoH room.

11:59AM BBT: BB gave Jillian 9 minutes to be out of the HoH. She aks everyone if they smell te smoke going in "Someone is having a smoke break out there."

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12:00 the hg are now in the BR jillan is cleaning out her hoh not too much happening

12:05 talla is packing and andrew is talking about what he is going to wear tonight

12:10 BBT and we now have our friend the SOTh

12:47 bbt SOTH

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1:00pm BBT - Feeds returned. Talla is upset and freaking out in the WA where Emmet is talking to Jillian who is in the shower. Seems Peter told Emmett that Jillian told him he's going home, that she trusts Andrew and Talla more. Peter told her that she's not only losing Peter's vote, she'll lose Alec's and Topaz's and Gary's vote as well. In other words, you vote me out and no matter who you go up against, you lose. Talla runs to the HN room where Andrew as trying to nap and freaks out there after Emmett tells her to stop freaking out.

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1:15pm BBT - Emmett tries to talk to Jillian in the WA after her shower and she blows him off. He heads to the BR where Peter is contemplating his last ditch play. Emmett tells him he feels like a caged animal. Peter likes the fact that there's finite, in life the manipulation of people by people has no end. Andrew trying to tell Talla to stop freaking Jillian out or she's going to turn on her. Peter says he may not say anything in his eviction speech. He is trying to decide between that or something cryptic he wants to say. Just something that's memorable and funny.

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1:17pm BBT - Peter promises he'll turn the jury in Emmett's favor if he makes it to it to F2. Emmett says he isn't sure Andrew or Talla would take him. Peter says Jillian will. Emmett tells him how Talla wanted to go off on Peter. Peter says what did she expect, of course I'm trying to turn people against her. She should have seen it coming. Emmett and Peter agree there is nothing people aren't capable of after 57 days in the house. Peter says he said the game is about chaos, so he might as cause as much as he can in the few hours he has remaining.

1:20pm BBT - Peter says he's disappointed he's going out 5th. He came in 5th in the last reality show he was on to someone who quit the next week. He says that's what Talla will do, she'll quit after he's evicted. It's a cosmic joke - if he goes on TAR, he'll go out 5th and then a team will quit. But he loves the game too much to be angry. He's just disappointed. Emmett says he doesn't want to hang out with Andrew or Talla but has to fake it. Peter says there's a bit of relief - what if Emmett wasn't here and he was stuck with the 3 of them, it would be unbearable.

1:25pm BBT - News flash - Talla is silent. Peter says there is normally one more person at this point in the game, there should be 6. Peter says Andrew keeps the girls entertained so they trust him, warns Emmett to watch out. He says this is the last week there could be a twist but he doesn't expect one after last week's twist. Unless they go Canada has voted and someone has Coup D'Etat. He thinks they are saving stuff for season 2, no wacky outfit, no zingbot, no hidden power, no pandora's box. [Peter, this isn't BB USA, it's BB Canada]

1:30pm BBT - Jillian in WA still getting made up. Peter says if the F2 is one of those other 3, he would rather vote for the coffee pot. They agree Andrew would take Jill to F2. Peter says Jill loses to anyone but Talla. Talla now in WA speaking urgently about Peter. Peter coaches Emmett on how to work through the order of events in the house while working out. Peter likes Emmett's suggestion, silence when asked to make his eviction plea, then stop at the top of the stairs upon eviction and make a short statement.

1:33pm BBT - Peter says his request after leaving the house will be cheese pizza, coke and lesbian porn. Peter says his sister wants to apply, wonders if she would be allowed. Emmett says it would be great if his brother and Peter's sister were on Season 2 together. Make half the HG family members of the first season and not tell anyone. Peter would like to work BB from behind the scenes as part of production. Jillian in BR now, suggests it it be siblings of Season 1 against only childs. Talla back in HN.

1:36pm BBT - Emmett leaves BR and Jillian makes her jury plea to Peter, saying this is just a game and it's her only move, she can't sit back and be the good guy, that's not her role, she has these big decisions to make where everyone hates me, she's had 3 HoH's but had to make 4 sets of nominations. She's talking non-stop saying that he's better than everyone but Emmett. Peter apologizes for what he said, says that if he honestly thinks she played a better game, that's how he'll vote. She apologizes for freaking out when he said it. Emmett in HN room talking to Andrew.

1:40pm BBT - Jillian is now buttering Peter up, saying that she thinks he could have beat her in a F3 endurance or mental challenge. She says Alec could have been saved, it wasn't her fault just because she nominated him. You can think she has all the power but Andrew has a vote. Andrew can play the buddy buddy role but she can't. She doesn't mean to be mean, she has a heart. It's not that she needs to hold true to Talla or Andrew, it's just the smart move. Peter just accepting what she says. He appreciates the complement and says that BB Dan and Dr. Will didn't have to win comps to win the game. Jillian says her strength isn't being a conniving backstabbing liar. Peter says you are going to see that he's telling the truth. Jillian says she believes him, trusts him, but is scared of him anyway.

1:45pm BBT - Jillian says she can't play a mental game, she can only play a competition game and nominate people to get rid of. Jillian continues to butter him up, calling him an amazing player, an amazing guy. Peter tells her that he's not mad at her or the game, just disappointed at himself. He thinks she is making a bad move and is putting her and Emmett at a mathematic disadvantage. I understand that Talla can't win a comp but she's the perfect person for Andrew to take in the end and if that happens, I'll look at you from the jury and say I told you so.

1:45pm BBT - Jillian says she can't play a mental game, she can only play a competition game and nominate people to get rid of. Jillian continues to butter him up, calling him an amazing player, an amazing guy. Peter tells her that he's not mad at her or the game, just disappointed at himself. He thinks she is making a bad move and is putting her and Emmett at a mathematic disadvantage. I understand that Talla can't win a comp but she's the perfect person for Andrew to take in the end and if that happens, I'll look at you from the jury and say I told you so. Peter says he told Peter he doesn't have to vote for him. He says everyone else looks forward to going home after this manufactured reality, but he looked forward to leaving the real world and coming home to the BB House. This is where he fits in.

1:50pm BBT - Peter says he knows she doesn't understand. She says she'll be his friend in real life. Peter says it breaks his heart to hear people say they can't wait to go home, it's a privilege and honor to be here. Talla and Andrew sleeping in HN. Jillian says it's like we're rats, an experiment. Peter says that's the appealing part to me. Jillian said it was a Sh*tty feeling when he told her he had no chance after she spent so much time last night getting her emotions out of her decision. Peter says Gary might be a stretch but he believes he could sway Alec and Topaz to vote his way.

1:55pm Peter says he and Alec see the game the same way - if she convinces one of us, she'll convince both of us but he'll be purely objective. If he asks Talla what game she was playing and she can't answer, then Jillian will win. Jillian says she listens, tries to take everything into consideration and them make a decision [this is why she's so flaky in her strategy]. Peter says Talla has the best strategy of all - she's faking everybody. Peter says he already knows what questions he will ask the finalists. Not sure if Emmett still in HN room or elsewhere.

Peter says the game doesn't stop just because you go to the jury. AJ and Gary are still playing. Peter explains what the jury members know about what happened in the house. He'll be the last one to take back information. Unless there's a twist, Jillian says. Peter says there won't be. He says he knew it was over as soon as Emmett said she was wavering because she had formed an emotional attachment to Andrew and Talla and weren't making decisions based on strategy. He says he's a pretty smart guy but he's never been able to do those sliding puzzles. Jillian says it was a force above her because she can't either. Peter says he told BB he would do the game for free even if it wasn't on TV, a $10 McDonald's gift card and a handshake for a year. He can't wait 6 years for an All Stars.

2:00pm BBT - Peter says he would walk out of this house and right into a new one (like back to back Survivor seasons). This is the world he wants to live in, no the one outside. Jillian says she would not despair if there was a twist and he stayed, she's been back and forth so much. Peter says he would be grateful if she and Emmett kept me but will say his goodbyes before the show and doesn't anyone to stand up. He hugs her and comforts her, saying it's OK. Jillian leaves the BR and goes to HN and then we get SotH.

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2:05pm BBT - Peter in the KT getting some food. Jillian finds Emmett in the SR and tells him that he calms her down and she appreciates it. He says he doesn't want to do anything to disadvantage her. She wants an omelet. Emmett didn't get any more milk. He goes to lay down in the BR.

2:10pm BBT - Peter finds Talla in the BR and says he is saying his GBs now, doesn't want anyone to stand up when he goes. He tells her that he told Emmett not to vote for him. Why, she asks? He's being honest with her, he says, ask Emmett. Emmett is hiding under the covers. Just sit there, don't do anything, Peter instructs her. She says OK. She is finishing packing. Emmett says he dreamt last night someone beat him in puckball but it was only a dream. Peter leaves the BR and Talla goes straight to Emmett and asks if this is for real? She doesn't understand why he would tell Emmett to not vote to keep him.

2:15pm BBT - Emmett in KT with Jillian preparing lunch along with Peter. Talla still backing in BR. Andrew comes in and announced he's never smoked pot. Emmett jokes you don't know what you're missing. Peter instructs Emmett to do the Shield sign when he's evicted, he'll understand later. He says OK. Talla now in WA gathering her things. Peter talking past BB USA HG with Jillian & Emmett . Talla now talking to Andrew about what Peter said. Andrew says what did I tell you, he's a bonehead, just self-promoting BS.

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3:00pm BBT - Talla in the WA, Jillian in the KT, Peter/Emmett playing puck ball on the KT table. Don't see Andrew. HG noted earlier that they haven't been given the countdown warning to the eviction show taping. We are currently running an hour after they usually shut feeds off. Maybe the HG aren't the only ones who will be surprised by the BBCA Power Shift tonight. Anyone have tickets to the taping today and can tell us when is your call time? Jillian sitting at the KT table watching the puck ball ring go back and forth. Peter says at least it's not a sunny day we're missing.

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3:15pm BBT - Breaking News: Peter beats Emmett in puck ball. Or did he let him win? Jillian heads to WC, says hi to Talla while there. Talla is glad to have an audience and starts talking. Still no Andrew. Peter/Emmett head to the WA. Talla doesn't believe Peter beat Emmett. SotH.

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11:45pm BBT

Gary (voted back into the house) goes up to see Emmett (the new HoH) and Jillian in the HoH room.

Amidst small talk and a game of chess, Emmett tells Gary that he will be going up on the block against Andrew, with Talla as the replacement nominee if one of them takes themselves off. (Basically the same plan as last week, substituting Gary for Peter, and trying to keep Jillian safe instead of Emmett - JEDI.)

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11:00 BBT SotH

11:31 BBT feeds are back Jillian and Emmett are in the HoH room. Emmett has a letter from home. Emmett won HoH.

11:35 BBT Emmett reads the letter from home. Emmett tells his brother on the live feeds that he is trying to sell his car. “Why aren’t you selling my car?!”. Emmett and Jillian are talking about there are 13 days left in the house.

11:35 BBT Talla & Andrew having a pitty pool party

11:38 BBT Talla & Andrew are in the pool talking about how they wish they won the HoH competition. Talla says she's not worried since everything is the same. Andrew tells Talla he wants towin every competition. It sounds like Andrew and Talla are have-nots again since Andrew says Gary will be in the Have room alone since Jillian and Emmett are going to be in the HoH room

11:45 BBT Gary joins Talla and Andrew at the pool. Andrew and Talla wants to know what happened in the jury house. Gary tells them he can't say anything. Gary leaves and goes back into the house. Andrew and Talla talk about what Gary is going to do now, how Gary will go to Jillian and Emmett and asks whats going on and to put them two (Andrew and Talla) up, and that is his only choice.

11:50 BBT Gary is in the HoH room with Jillian and Emmett. Gary tells Emmett and Jillian that he was with them and to put up Andrew. Emmett tells Gary who was in alliances. Gary is putting Emmett in a spot and saying he was hurt that Jillian and Emmett voted him out. Gary says the deal he had with Emmett/Jillian was the real deal, the deal with Topaz who said Peter & Alec would protect him was all on them.

11:57 BBT Gary is to make Emmett/Jillian feel guilty about voting him out so he won't go on the block.

11:59 PM BBT Jillian is explaining to Gary the iceberg competition, to clarify her side of the story about why she put up Alec and Peter and when Peter won veto she had to put up Topaz. Jillian tells Gary that Alec is the one to suggest to get rid of Topaz, which shocked Gary.

12:05 AM BBT Gary tells Jillian and Emmett that AJ wants Talla to win since he likes her alot. Gary tells them he cringes when he looks at Talla.

12:09 AM BBT Gary is still trying to make a final deal Emmett and Jillian. Emmett is not falling for it; he tells Gary that he will be going up on the block because there are people in the house that are not happy he is back.

12:15 AM BBT Gary tells Emmett that he trusts him so much that it makes him sick. Gary finds out that Emmett, Tom, Alec and Peter were in an alliance. Emmett tells Gary that it was Tom’s decision to take Gary off the block, that Gary turned his back on Tom and Gary is the reason why Emmett lost his alliance, that's why he doesn't trust him. Gary defends himself by saying he wanted to put Tom on the block the week he was HoH to feel the heat of being on the block since Tom put him up. Gary tells Emmett he wanted to win the Veto to take Tom off the block so he keeps his word, he tells Emmett to win the game you have to be honest. Emmett tells Gary that the house thought Gary wanted Tom out since it was a 10 to 1 vote.

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The AfterDark report

(from before the feeds came back last night, approximately 9pmBBT to 11:30BBT.)

Everyone except Gary are in the kitchen. (Gary is in the DR.)

Andrew mentions to Emmett how he will be getting another HoH letter.

Emmett tells him that he'll probably also get some booze.

Andrew jokingly dashes a cooking spoon to the ground.

Andrew proceeds to makes slop. Says that Gary told him he looks skinny.

Andrew tells Talla "We might be having just a small portion, my dear, of the old slop-shake. Brought to you by... Big Brother twists!"

(Talla is still wearing her competition outfit. Waiting to be called in to DR after Gary.)

Talk turns to about how hot it is. Andrew speculates that it may be because on eviction nights there are extra lights out there heating it up even more.

They discuss whether or not there will be a Have/Have-Not competition.

Talla hopes not.

Gary comes out of the DR. Says that he doesn't have a change of clothes right now except what he was wearing before.

Says he asked DR for clothes.

Talla gets called to DR.

Apparently, he really wasn't told in advance that he would be re-entering.

Gary says that he had his own room, in the basement, at jury house, and luxuries there on the bed, and he watched Sex And The City and True Blood.

He says he doesn't eat breakfast or lunch, and that dinner gets made. And he has wine.

BB "Houseguests, please stop talking about production."

Emmett: "Can you wake up when you want?"

Gary: "We wake up whenever the fuck we want!"

Andrew offers Gary some slop. He declines, but thanks Andrew for putting him on slop, which caused him to lose 10 pounds.

Gary goes to change "back into my 'fab' clothes".

Andrew tells Emmett that he's happy that Emmett won the HoH competition.

Reminds Emmett that next week he won't be able to compete in it.

Jillian says how it's exactly like last week, except reversed.

Emmett says "I just kept my mouth SHUT this time."

Andrew says that he talked to himself a couple of times.

Jillian says she knew Emmett had it.

And that she tried to give him a graceful look of enthusiasm, but she wasn't allowed to say a word.

Now Andrew and Emmett break down their strategies and experiences during the HoH.

Jillian compliments the guys on keeping their cool during it, and says that she would have panicked.

Andrew tells Emmett "you're not just a physical guy, are you!?!".

Jillian says "he's got a little bit of some brains up there, I think!"

Gary comes back to the kitchen.

Andrew asks Gary if Alec and Topaz were "gumming up", or were they hating each other.

Gary says "I can't talk about it. I can't talk about anything. I tried. Ask Emmett."

Gary looks in the freezer and remarks, "Oh, they gave us ice trays!"

Emmett says that Peter will be pissed, because he's not 6th, not 5th.

Andrew tells Gary that there are so many questions he'd love to ask.

He tells Gary that his twin brother was in this house.

Back from commercial break, Jillian and Emmett brush their teeth in the washroom.

Jillian is again saying how it's just like last week, only reversed.

Emmett finishes brushing first, weighs himself, tells Jillian that he's going to go lie down, and goes to the main bedroom and does just that.

Jillian finishes up a minute later and goes to join him.

Tells him "I have such a major crush on you when you win things! I don't know what it is."

They snuggle up under the covers and start kissing.

They whisper.

Jillian says that she was happy with her decisions last week after seeing Gary come back in.

She tells him that she's happy he will be getting a letter and some pictures. So happy.

They talk about having to win competitions, and how the schedule has not been since back, meaning that next week is probably a double eviction.

Emmett says that if it's a double eviction, that means it has to be a "fast veto", and how he doesn't do well at those, he does better when the veto takes time.

Jillian "Gary's been my biggest threat the whole time he's been here."

Emmett "Listen, we have some options now."

Jillian (smiling) "You are an evil person. I don't know how I got teamed up with you."

Emmett "Better be with me than against me".

Jillian laughs.

Andrew and Talla come in to the main bedroom.

Andrew jokes "I had a weird dream that Gary's back".

Andrew hangs up his costume from the competition.

Andrew tells them that the backyard is now open.

Emmett and Jillian get up and make their way to the backyard.

Andrew comments how his HoH meant nothing (now that Gary is back after getting evicted during Andrew's reign).

Talla is complaining about wanting to eat. She is lying down on a bed, looking weak.

Now she is complaining about wanting a cigarette.

Andrew says "Old Gary's back, eh? Think about how pissed off those guys are, or maybe not, who knows?"

Talla "I would be surprised if they all thought that they had a chance".

Jillian and Emmett come back, saying they were told to go back to the bedroom wing.

(Gary is the only one not there now, they assume he's in the DR.)

Jillian hopes that her family is handling all of this well.

She says they're probably like "There's all these freaking twists, Jillian's like going to die, actually die, of a freaking psychological breakdown."

Jillian considers that if she loses and gets put on slop tomorrow, she won't be able to sleep in Emmett's HoH room with him.

Andrew jokes about having to be a servant again, Talla says she won't let that happen. (Doesn't explain how, though.)

Jillian asks Talla "Why are your eyebrows so dark? I'm just kidding! They look really pretty."

Jillain goes over to lie down next to Talla.

Andrew and Emmett talk about the ridiculousness of bringing someone back in this late.

They talk about how they are not fans of double evictions, but they are quick.

They joke about Peter's reaction when he gets to jury house and finds out that Gary was brought back in.

The four of them talk about how Gary was probably the only one with a real shot to get voted back in by Canada because he's such a big personality.

Jillian and Emmett start making out again.

Andrew says "Oh God. Somebody give me a blunt instrument. Give me that shoe, I want you to jam it up my ass!"

Everybody laughs.

Jillian "Give me a bottle of wine, Big Brother, and I'll do a show!"

They think that the HoH competition got shown tonight on the live episode..

Emmett says how he yelled "If I'm fucking DQ'ed, just let me know right now" right after he won the Hoh competition.

Andrew says he doesn't think he said "F". But Jillian and Talla say that he did.

Andrew says that they'll edit it out, because it's not really live.

Jillian, being bored, starts to strap a leather belt around Emmett's ankle.

Emmett says "I'm going to wake up in the morning and be strapped to the bed like this, naked".

Jillian "by who?"

Andrew "And I'll be standing there with a whip, going 'Alright, here's the twist'."

Jillian "Would you guys ever have, like, a room of pain, in your house?"

Andrew "I have. You mean, like, another one? Besides the one I have in my basement. Aw crap! There's that guy down there, I forgot! I hope PEte let him out. I was done with him. I mean, girl."

Jillian says she read all the 50 shades of grey books.

Talk turns to Gary once they notice he's still not back.

Jillian tells how she thought maybe production would have him come back with a bug in his ear and tell him where to put all the pieces, and then tell them all that it's a joke, he didn't win, and he's not really coming back in, just to wreak havoc with them.

Andrew says he would have smashed something if Gary had won HoH. Says he does like Gary, but they got him out because he's a threat, and that's part of the game., they have an alliance, and it was time for somebody to go, and it was Gary's turn, and that was just the start of the train: Gary, Alec, Topaz, Peter.

Jillian tells a story.

Emmett had been called to the diary room, Jillian was all sweaty after doing yoga, and all alone in the bedroom.

Peter came in and asked her where her head was at. Jillian tells him that he lied and made stuff up about Talla.

Andrew hadn't heard the story yet.

(For details, see previous updates from today.)

In essence, Peter tells Jillian that she won't have the votes to win he leaves tonight.

Jillian says she said "Don't you threaten me, Peter."

Talk turns to jury members and bitterness.

Jillian gets called to the diary room.

We see Gary leave the diary room and walk through the house.

As he passes his photo on the wall, he says "make me colour again!"

Talla and Andrew tell Gary about having to be servants to the Haves.

Telling him about the key in the soap.

The rewards, which included Hockey statistics for the boys yesterday, and a red dress for Jillian.

They wonder about the voting, and how many votes were cast, what the percentages were.

Gary says he quit smoking while in the jury house.

Talla asks if he just quit temporarily, and Gary says no, he has quit for life, because he doesn't want his skin to go bad.

Gary talks about catching up on sleep in the jury house. That he slept for like 2 days straight when he first got there.

Talking about slop and losing weight.

Female BB voice: "Attention houseguests. Talla, please bring the coat-rack in the main bedroom to the storage room, and houseguests, you now have access to the rest of the house."

"Houseguests, if you have costume items from today's challenge, please gather them and put them on that rack."

The houseguests bustle and hurry to comply.

Talla, Andrew and Gary bring the coat-rack to the storage room.

They find Gary's bag containing the clothes he had brought to the hotel with him.

He says that they are not very comfortable.

Talla starts unpacking her bag.

Gary changes out of his competition shorts.

Talla tells Gary about the visit from the Toronto Argonaut cheerleaders.

Back from commercial break, Andrew and Emmett are soaking their feet in the hot tub.

Emmett hoping that Big Brother gives him chocolate milk.

Andrew says that Talla and Gary don't listen.

Gary comes out to join them.

He notices the black moose above the fireplace, for the first time. (It wasn't there when he left the house.)

Gary puts his feet into the hot tub too.

They all say that is sucks that he can't tell them anything about jury.

He asks how the last week was, and if there was drama.

Emmett says that there was only some the last day. (Peter and Jillian.)

Andrew tells Gary how first he and Peter were on the block. That Andrew was up as a pawn.

Gary says that this means that Emmett Jillian and him are together.

Andrew says that Peter only started campaigning the day before.

Jillian joins them.

Gary mentions how you have to listen to people campaign because they end up as jury members when they are evicted, and if you were an asshole to them, they won't vote for you.

Gary about Peter's power of persuasion: "Peter could convince me I'm not black! LOL"

Gary "it's still a game, in the jury".

Jillian tells how when the sumo wrestler was in there, she was in a mid-walk position and had to hold it for 10 minutes while the guy ate a muffin, and her butt muscle was in a knot and she thought she was going to lose the task.

Now they tell him how winning the Freeze task got them all a live chat with their families.

Gary talk about his weight, and how he weighed 190 pounds when he first came in.

Andrew: "Only 13 days left, though, my friend."

Gary: "2 weeks and 3 days?"

Andrew: "No, 13 days. Less than 2 weeks."

<long pause>

Gary: "Oh. Hey, I'm not in here for my math skills!"

Emmett goes to get some ice cream, leaving Andrew and Gary alone at the hot tub.

Andrew catches Gary up on events, and Gary grills him about alliances and motives for voting him out the first time.

Andrew "Obviously, Alec horn-swaggled me, and unfortunately you were the victim of circumstance."

Gary "But you're taking responsibility for some of it, right? You wanted me gone."

Andrew "I did, yeah. Because of what they told me."

Gary "So when you told me that Topaz was the target, I was the target, right?"

Andrew "Yeah, you were. Yeah."

Gary "You're a good liar!!! I believed you. Jeez!"

Andrew "I know, I was like I can't believe he was believing it."

Talla comes out to join them.

Andrew goes back inside.

Talla points out the moose.

Gary says he's seen it.

She says you can give it a name.

They asked her where she was, and if it was "Virgo" (a DR person), but she said she can't talk about that (with a smile)

She asks him what it's like to be back. He answers that it's amazing.

He mentions that here in Toronto you can't see the stars, but where they were you could, and it was magical.

Gary "You don't need to be really afraid anymore. It's anyone's game. Resurrected, I have a new attitude. It's kind of just like, who gives a fuck. The first time, it was real, now I'm just like, there's no pressure. Now I'm just going to have fun, do what I want, say what I want, live how I want."

Gary "Thank you Canada! I love you! I'm doing this for you guys!"

Talla says how she's happy to have made it this far. Final 5, than final 4, and now final 5 again.

Talla tells Gary how talking with her family really strengthened her resolve.

Talla talks about not knowing how long before she's going to see people after.

Gary "I know what's going to happen. I know everything, like after. I can't tell you, obviously, but it's going to be fun. Like jury, and the parties, and the hotel."

"There's a wrap party. I can't say anything else."

BB voice: "Houseguests, you are not allowed to talk about production."

They get up and go back to the house.

Jillian and Gary talk about how time is being spent inside the house these days.

Jillian says how they don't have communal suppers anymore because 2 of them were on slop.

She now tells him about the Chicken Coop competition that she won last week.

Emmett and Jillian start to play puck ball, and will show Gary the new twist with the cans at the end.

Emmett gets called to the diary room.

Gary eats a cucumber.

Andrew comes out of somewhere.

Gary says the cucumber has gone bad, and throws the rest away.

Andrew washes the slop bucket. Gary goes to pee.

Emmett and Jillian come back to the kitchen.

Andrew tells them about how it's uncomfortable to face Gary and his questions about being voted out before.

Gary comes back from the bathroom.

Jillian tells Gary about the time they were scared Tom was coming back.

Jillian explains the new twist to puck ball, she and Gary start to play.

Gary really whips the napkin rings across, so hard that they can't stop in time.

Andrew comes back from the kitchen and says "I hate this game so much."

Gary is getting the hang of it now.

Gary tells them about his mother being there both when he was evicted and when he was let back in.

He says that Alec was really upset about getting voted out.

Gary says that there were 3 teenage girls crying when he got evicted. He was like "What am I, the Beatles?"

He says that Topaz's brother was at the taping with his Mom. (He says that it was confirmed to him at the jury.)

(The game of puck ball continues.)

Emmett comes out of the diary room. (Still no HoH key.)

Andrew and Emmett come back from the storage rooms with a green dining room chair and a white kitchen chair.

Gary switches positions of Peter's colour photo with his own black and white one, yelling "I'm back from the dead, bitches!"

Jillian was at 9 to Gary's 8, and she gets a "hanger" worth 2 points, which makes it 11-9, and means that she can knock the can over once and go down to 10, and still go for the winning shot without having to get back up to 10 from 9, as usually happens

Gary had put the can at the very edge of the table, not the line (he's new at this), so Jillian's shot knocks the can off the table, which it probably wouldn't have.

Jillian knocks the can over and goes back down to 9. (How exciting.)

The game continues.

Gary tells them that he watched a movie called "Spun" last night, with Britney Murphey.

They can't remember "Mena Suvari" is the name of the co-star.

Gary tells them how he talked about the time Jillian had to pee in almost every one of his interviews. (There was a time when they were on outdoor lockdown where she had to pee so bad and wouldn't stop complaining, that BB let her back into the house to pee.)

Jillian "It was the only time I cried in this house."

Emmett is in the diary room.

We come back from commercial and it looks like Jillian won the game. (I can't believe they let us miss that magical winning moment!)

Talla takes Jillian's seat and challenges Gary.

(They are waiting for Emmett to come out of the DR with his HoH key.)

Gary complains about the heat in there.

Andrew and Talla go out to the hot tub.

Andrew tells Talla about the talk he had with Gary earlier.

They talk about how if Gary wins PoV then one of them is going home.

It starts raining, so they go back inside just as Gary was coming out.

Andrew says he will change into his swim trunks and go in the pool for a bit.

(Good, because that is where he will first be seen when the feeds come back, so that means this AfterDark report is almost over.)

Andrew comes out and jumps in the pool.

Talla and Andrew talk about what is likely to happen.

<end of After Dark>

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