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AJ's eviction/ Andrew's nominations

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I just wanted to start a thread so I can hear everyone's thoughts on the most recent happenings inside BB Canda.

I liked the instant eviction. It turned out pretty cool. The one crappy thing was that BB totally showed all of Topaz's inner thoughts to the house. That was kind of mean, it might even seal Topaz's fate. I felt REALLY bad that the nominees didn't get a chance to play for POV. Poor little Topaz, she wins HOH, they wake her up to make her nominations, and then it all fell apart for her. Now everyone knows what she was thinking.

With Suzette gone, and Topaz likely to follow, Gary's alliance is quickly crumbling. I don't think that a gay individual has ever won BBUSA, a trend that may spread to Canada. Too bad cause Gary is one of the best players in the house.

On another note, the scene with Gary crying on the floor and Topaz looking down at him with tears in her eyes (cause she thought she was going on the block I assume) was PRICELESS! I laughed my ass off!

Please comment, I'd love to hear everyone's opinions as I have no one to talk BB with here at home in NYC.

Later gator's :P

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I thought it was great; why, oh why, did Topaz talk out loud for the whole five minutes?! I agree that it was kind of mean, but also so awesome to watch!

Gary's meltdown was my amazing. I'm pretty happy with this season!

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I think what happened with Topaz was total BS. I liked the instant eviction. Nice play, although I would rather they had allowed her to get her letter from home and have her room fixed up an then do the instant eviction. Maybe give her three hours as HOH.

But the way they did the open mic with the rest of the house watching was guaranteed to screw the HOH over. The mindset of the HOH is that they are in private and the only people that can hear them is the audience. Remember, since they are on a TV show, they are encouraged to tell their thoughts. Topaz thought she was giving her thoughts the same as you would do in the diary room. Imagine what would happen if they showed the house all of the diary room interviews.

I don't think this was a plan to specifically screw Topaz, but no matter who the HOH was, they were going to end up getting screwed because every player would have did the same thing and talked their way through the decision for the purpose of TV. It was total BS.

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I disagree. Topaz could have kept her mouth shut. It wasn't like it was in the Diary Room where they have producers asking them questions (presumably). That is really the only place they are encouraged to tell her thoughts. The HOH room isn't the Diary Room. Peter was right with his thoughts on the subject.

Still, while she shouldn't have talked, it isn't her fault and I think it was pretty rotten that they got to see her. I'd say some of the blame for what happened falls of both Topaz and BB.

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I don't see how you can place blame on Topaz for something she knew nothing about and had no expectations that it would happen. She was called to the HOH for a private conversation with the host. If the conversation was going to be made public knowledge, they could have sent her to the living room with everyone else.

Privacy is expected in the HOH room. That is why everyone goes there to discuss strategy. Maybe to even things out, they should play every ones private HOH strategy conversations from the past so that everyone will know where each person stands. Quatro and the Shield can be exposed. Then that would be fair and no one would have any expectation of any privacy.

I stand by my original assertion that that portion of the twist was BS and in my opinion, totally out of bounds. The only way she stays this week is if BB influences the other players so that BB don't look like they deliberately sabotaged Topaz. .

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Expect the unexpected. She was called in there for a conversation with Arisa, yet Arisa never asked for her thoughts while she deliberated. She was just there as a time keeper.

People go to the HOH room to discuss strategy because it's a room that is secluded and has a door that locks. Just because of those things doesn't mean privacy is expected or guaranteed. People spill things that happen in that room all of the time. The HOH room isn't any different than the rest of the house and it isn't under any different rules or expectations IMO. I don't understand why you seem to think that conversations that take place in the HOH room are any different than ones that take place in the bathroom or the kitchen or the bedroom. People will have "private" conversations in those places if it is free from unwanted guests just like the HOH room.

I am confused why they sent her to the HOH room though, instead of the Diary Room.

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I think it was in the HOH room so that she could have twigged to the idea that it was possible that this was not a private interview. If she were on the ball, she would have noticed that Arisa did not say that the houseguests couldn't hear her and she could speak freely. Powerful twist and an entertaining episode. Best moment was Gary running into the bathroom to cry and Emmett's analogy of a kid being told no to fruit loops!

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You all make such good points!!! I have to agree with Joystick on this one. Privacy is expected in the HOH room. It was lets say...... "implied" that the conversation was private. How was it implied? Well on BBUSA Julie Chen usually speaks privately with the HOH right before the eviction, and I think that Topaz was lulled into that false security. And while Arisa NEVER prompted Topaz to speak her mind openly (unless it was edited out), she DID ask her to explain why she chose her nominees, and IF the nomination ceremony was public, she MIGHT have answered differently then she actually did.

Shinra (above) wondered why they didn't send her into the DR, and that is a good question, I'm thinking that the DR would have implied privacy, and that was BB's way of letting Topaz know that the conversation was not private.....?

Let me ask another question here: neither Gary nor Topaz win POV. Nominations remain the same. Who do you vote out? Gary is clearly better at this game than Topaz......Wednesday always takes so long to get to!

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first i gotta say both topaz and aj r from my neck of the woods, yaaay!! lol...

Topaz screwed herself by talking outloud but u have to realize it is a game! What's ironic is that gary says everyone is making a "weak move", but his ally topaz putting up andrew and aj on the block is not weak?? Everyone in that house is a sheep,thats one aspect of bb i dont like, there is always 1 or 2 alliances and everyone goes with the house! People who have been evicted or still in that house have no clue that Peter is the real mastermind, everyone is thinking its Jill, Emmit which is a joke lol. Alec kinda messed up because if its him and peter, well he has already won 10, 000 and topaz and gary once in the jury house will not vote for him unless they have a change of heart! Peter is pulling all the strings while still being under the radar, Suzette was on to them but since she is not smart enough to play the game she went and told people in the house and got evicted lol...oh and talla, she actually thinks she is one of the cool kids lol...on the live feed last night she was rambling on and on in the jacuzzi and all the guys faces were like "wtf is she talking about", poor girl doesnt realize that she is a pawn. Anyway, enough of me venting lol

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You all make such good points!!! I have to agree with Joystick on this one. Privacy is expected in the HOH room. It was lets say...... "implied" that the conversation was private. How was it implied? Well on BBUSA Julie Chen usually speaks privately with the HOH right before the eviction, and I think that Topaz was lulled into that false security. And while Arisa NEVER prompted Topaz to speak her mind openly (unless it was edited out), she DID ask her to explain why she chose her nominees, and IF the nomination ceremony was public, she MIGHT have answered differently then she actually did.

Shinra (above) wondered why they didn't send her into the DR, and that is a good question, I'm thinking that the DR would have implied privacy, and that was BB's way of letting Topaz know that the conversation was not private.....?

Let me ask another question here: neither Gary nor Topaz win POV. Nominations remain the same. Who do you vote out? Gary is clearly better at this game than Topaz......Wednesday always takes so long to get to!

As sisu power said above, on BBUSA Julie always tells the HG's that they aren't being overheard and that they can speak freely. You might be right and that the HOH room was their way of saying, this is fair game to be shown to the HG's, but I still think if she had been smart she would have realized you always have to be extremely cautious about anything out of the ordinary in the house (and this was) as well as the fact that keeping your mouth shut as much as possible is best. I think that they gave her some very, very subtle clues, yet they didn't seem to be ones easily picked up I guess.

Still, I think either argument could be justified.

You vote out Gary because he is clearly a threat. After this week Topaz will go back to sleeping the days away and not being much of a threat at all. I am surprised that she doesn't fall asleep during competitions actually.

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I'm totally with joystiick, that twist was absolute BS and was uncomfortable to watch for me! Even the HGs were visibly uncomfortable at how badly Topaz was being screwed there. I'm not a Topaz fan but I wouldn't blame her if she just quit the show then and there as producers were basically ending her game anyways.

Saying that she should have known is completely illogical. Obviously, they've never just broadcasted all of an HGs inner thoughts to the whole house before so why in the world would she think they would do something so blatantly destructive to her game? Should the HGs also not use shampoo because BB might have put blue dye in it? If you wake up in the hospital after getting your tonsils removed and find a kidney has been removed, could the doctor just say "Well I didn't say I WOULDN'T be removing a kidney."

There are twists and then there are screwjobs like this and screwjobs just aren't that much fun to me...

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