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Phone Twist! Do you like it?

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So I live in the United States (California) and am watching from Youtube after the episodes air since they are not shown in the United States it seems. Anyhow, I just watched the first episode and just the phoen twist and actually liked it. I think the US version should implement it in their show. It would totally throw a twist into the season because those people who don't succeed in their mission would get punished and it would be fun to see what they punish them with. And this would be a twist that has not been used in the US Version. Does anyone else like this twist.

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I am indifferent to it. I don't particularly like it or even care about it, but it's not that bad (yet). The only good thing in my opinion is that it seems like it won't interfere with the game play all that much. It's not keeping people safe, the person answering it isn't getting platinum POV's, etc. It seems like it is there to simply be used to liven things up if the house gets boring or something like that.

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I didn't like the first HOH coming from the phone, I would have liked that to have come from a comp instead but the phone thing could be interesting. I wanna see everyone diving for the ringing phone once they figure out what it's powers are but I'd like to see it burn people too.

I think it could have the potential to lend to too much Big Brother interference though. Say two favourite players are on the block and production is worried about viewers getting mad if one of them leave. They could manipulate the situation with the phone and make it work out to those HGs favour. there is no way to tell if the phone stuff is pre-planned or on the fly, only production know.

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The "Hot Phone" is a feature of many Big Brother's around the world and can basically be used to throw in a twist on a slow day. I don't think it was the right way to select the first ever HoH, but I do like the idea of a Secret HoH (if selected in a more secret way) - but they really should have pushed it forward with the Secret HoH making the nominations in secret (then announced by BB, not the HoH) - and the HoH having to keep their position a secret or risk possible eviction themselves.

With the HoH a secret, the two nominees would choose two players each to compete for the Veto - and the Veto Comp is simple - they each get one guess at who is the Secret HoH. The first person to correctly identify them in the diary room wins the Veto. And here is the consequence for the HoH - if the Veto is used the Veto winner has two options - let the HoH nominate the replacement as usual, or choose the Secret HoH as the replacement nominee.

Another way to have done it would have been to have the viewers be the Secret HoH. So the viewers basically choose the first two nominees - and the housemates spend all week trying to figure out who amongst them is the Secret HoH when in fact none of them are.

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