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September 5th Live Feed Updates

Guest ranster627

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Guest ranster627

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Guest somepeople

A, M and I in HOH.

April my nose hurts. April why do i care what i smell like. Ivette to April would you stop picking your nose. A pril it hurts.

Massage time. Ivette took her shirt off Maggie giving massage.

J and H in yard. J doing laps.

Janelle said your so funny Howie..Howie you mean like a clown. Howie wants to know if America feels sorry for him and J..2 days in HOH. Howie says help me America iam getting beat by a NH. Talking about past HG.

Janelle said the day Hur Howie came out was the best day.

Talking about Jenn and saying give me the key you F B.

H said Ivette plays on emotion. And to tell Ivette if you go w/April or Maggie you lose. FISH FISH

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Guest somepeople

H and J not talking working out.

Massage done. I to A If i get kicked out my Q to J will be.. Janelle you might be the best BB player ever but you missed the most important part of the game ..making friends. (I think K,M,H,R,J,A,S were and are her friends, just because it was not you, they drive me crazy)

Maggie said you can teach somebody to play the game but not to be a goood person. April said Janelle will be the biggest bitch at the wrap party. They said she wont win the big money she might win the 50. Now April has no shirt and getting a massage. Maggie said her and April are white trash. (gotta go outside cant stand it)

H and J HOH school

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Janelle, Howie, and April in bathroom long coversation

April was sent by Ivette to try to discourage Janelle by saying there is no way for her to win BB.

Gems from the conversation:

If they are the final three, April would vote to keep Maggie and so would Ivette. April doesn't know who Maggie would choose.

Janelle and Howie say they believe Maggie would choose Ivette over April.

April tells Janelle that she cannot win the half a mil because of the votes in sequester, should Janelle make it to the final two.

Janelle says America did vote for the winner in season one

They discuss the possibilities of next week, depending on who wins HOH and POV

(H & J planting doubts)

Janelle says she hates Ivette ( "that f*****g b***h)

Janelle tells April Maggie and Ivette want her to use the veto on Howie and says sarcasticly "Yeah, right"

April asks Janelle if James promised to take her to the end if Janelle voted to keep him, Janelle says yes, but she couldn't do that to Howie

When speaking of James, Howie and Janelle remind April that taking out James most benefitted Maggie.

April telling Janelle to be nice and Janie says "Why should I?"

April hugs both, goes upstairs to poop

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April speaking in HOH with Maggie. Ivette is in DR Maggie won't promise not to tell Ivette even though April wants a promis.

April saying Ivette approached Howie with the idea that Janelle should take off Howie. Says Janelle asked who is Maggie better friends with, April or Ivette. April said she doesn't know and would never ask Maggie, wouldn't want to put her in that situation.

Maggie says they want to turn you against me, and that Howie will say the same thing to Ivette.

April talking about using Ivette's plan to tell Janelle the votes are against her. Maggie making sure her name was not in it.

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Howie and Janelle by hot tub.

Howie telling Janelle the friendship was sad and teary last night when Janelle won POV because it wasn't the way it was supposed to go.

Janelle says F them.

Feed switches to HOH

April talking about how she told them that Maggie has a huge heart.

Maggie doesn't think Ivette's plan was good advice. She thinks talking about the game with either Howie or Janelle creates more problems.

Ivette out of DR, tells April to bring down the Reese's and Oreos to share with Janelle and Howie.

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Ivette offering to pack Howie's suitcase (I/A/H in kitchen)

Janelle in DR, Ivette and April getting snacks for the HOH session

April and Ivette going to HOH. April calls Ivette Flo when she is the cleaning lady.

Howie and Ivette talking about today's grill accident.

HOH - Ivette thinks Janelle went to the DR to vent

April recounting her conversation with Janelle in the bathroom, slightly changing things (as usual)

Its the Summer of Secrets, Ivette brings up that America might be voting for the winner. Ivette concerned about the possibility.

Ivette says that is completely f'ed up

Maggie says America hasn't seen everything

They had been told that BB didn't plan on revealing the couples until week 3 or 4 and the HG's jumped the gun

April says not to talk to Howie about anything

Mag: He is playing for Janelle right now

April saying Janelle is doing things to rile people up.

Ivette feels America voting would mess with the integrity of the game. The point of the game is to secure your jury and get the other HG to vote for you.

Ivette says when you speak to Janelle she seems like she's listening to you but Ivette gets a vibe that Janelle doesn't give a f***k.

Ivette points out that Janelle didn't play the game well because she didn't make relationships to get the votes. Points out she only needs one more vote, tells April that Janelle is working April for that vote. Ivette says to be wary, that Janelle will say that Maggie and Ivette are tight, that Janelle may vote for April to try to sway a vote.

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Guest somepeople

M and I in HOH room. Maggie feels bad she never gave poor Howie a massage.

Ivette said did you give Janelle one she said no i think it was Ashlea.

Maggie thinks April should not be talking to Janelle. I said A tangles things. Ivettte thinks if H stayed it would be a even playing feild.

Maggie is talking about A to Ivette that she talks to Janelle but tells them that Janelle lies.

Maggie said gg BB way to make sure J knows everything. Ivette said i was thinking you Fu C*** to J Maggie said why didnt you say that to her.

They are saying J smoked pot. I asking Maggie about drugs and the ER. April saying Janelle asked M about drugs. I thinks J partys it up...Now they are talking about all sleeping with each other Maggie likes it.

Talking about Ivette and her b-b-q hair. April and Maggie laughing at her.

I said tH and J are training and H is Rocky.

Maggie said J will have a great time by herself when H gone,,She did it to herself.

April talking about being on the block Maggie said if you want me to i will go on the block.

April said BB hates us.

Iv said they dont like her cause she has morals

BB told them to stop talking about DR. FISH

(BB mad at them)

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Guest somepeople

Ivette called M and A the 2 farters. April knows about mushrooms where they grow. April said she was raised on a farm... Maggie said if you did not have them your neighbor did.

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Guest somepeople

Janelle and Howie outside. Janelle to Howie...I want to win HOH next week.

H...that would be a great start. You will win.

Janelle said i want some real pics. Howie said now u sound like I and A.

Howie brought the pics he got w/him. Janelle brought pics also but they did not give them to her.

Janelle said it would kill the nerd herd if there was another AC. Janelle thinks America likes April.

Howie talking about Mike.

Talking about Ash. Talking about being on surf board 9 weeks ago.

HOH school again

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Guest somepeople

H talking about working Ivette. Tell Ivette she cant win w/Maggie and April

she can win w/them.

Howie said Ivette asked him today if she can trust him than Janelle walked out. Howie said this game is about cutting deals. Howie asked Jan if he is almost as cute as Kaysar. Howie am i almost as cute as cappy...Janelle ya think.

Janelle said i could no believe they were crying when i won veto.

HOH room

HOH school. Ivette cant find her pillow. All 3 in bed now. Ivette i dont want J fu pillow, talking about Janelles hair again. Talking about J is going to use her money for hair. Talking about Jan hair catching on fire and not Iv and laughing.

Iv mad cant find her pillow maggie said its between our butt cheeks and rubbing a bunny on her crotch. ?

Ivettes up looking for her pillow...Maggie had it.

Howie going to DR they turned on TV to watch.

Maggie yelling shake it Howie.

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Guest somepeople

HOH room. Back to talking about Janelle. I.. talking about Jan and a secret alliance.. BB cuts to FISH(makes you think)

April wants to know if James and Janelle will tell the truth when they get out...Maggie said No why would you. Maggie said she laughed when Jan said she did not lie in the game. They said we could have beat Kaysar in the games. (They are so worried about Janelle its not funny..)

April backed to Janelle and who she will vote for.

Maggie said Janelle will try to work it. Maggie wants Howie to sock it to Jan about use the veto on him.

April picking her nose.

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Ivette, Maggie and April outside

M - we gotta step up our game

discussing POV comp... they are saying janelle says she missed some but they think she got them all right

all 3 laughing at aprils "monkey hands". She has really long fingers.

Discussing POV comp again... who the faces looked like.

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A - I was thinking, the only thing janelle is good at here in the comps.. she isnt good at anything else.. from the very first week i knew she was shady. All she does is stare at people

M - she has no friends here, she walks around and stares at the house

I - shes not going to win the game

M - i think she has hope she will



I - i bet before she came out here she made it a point to study the other seasons

M - we had the choice to do it too... they want fans to get to participate in shows like this.. i truly think shes the biggest fan. she needed to get those questions right (HOH) for howie.

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The "Friendsheep" talking trash about Jan for the 500th time this week. Saying that she has no friends in the house and that it's unfair that she knew so much about the game before coming in to this.....(These are the most jealous, catty women that I've ever seen)

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I - i really dont remember a comp where they ask facts about the house

M - wait until they ask the entire question and then get it before her

Discussing when to hit the buzzer. Wait until they are certain of the answer.

M - there are strategies to these games.. i just have to think of what they are... I have to think about it before the game starts

A to M - one of us has to get it

M - there are no guarantees

A - i dont know what she would do.. would she want to keep ivette because she thinks she can win over her? I think if one of us wins the veto next week we have to agree not to use it. The only people we should use it on is ourselves

M - i cant tell anyone how to use their veto... im only playing for myself

A - we have to win HOH

M - 3 against 1 on the last HOH and we won

A - and I definately could have done better on that HOH but as soon as I knew janelle was out I didnt care

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