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OK, Put My $20 in the Pot .What Does Morty's site mean to You ?


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Hi to ALL My Fellow BB Lovers,

Big Brother to me is all about community. Sure i Love to watch the Live Feeds.. the Shows... LFU, ..Posting comments on the Discussion Boards. What means as much to me is sharing it all with you guys, Cause without you I would just be Creepy Guy obsessing over BB by myself and we don't want that now do we ... <GRIN> ... matters not on whether we agree or not ..cause I just love different points of views and when I disagree with your point of view it inspires me, all the more to Post ... Ha Ha !!!

I posted in the Title that I donated $20 to Mortystv.com because I wanted to share with all of you How important this Place is too me .. My BB Family.. to share all the Moments of the Season together with. If you just click on the Link on Morty's Main Page for donations ... It takes you to a Page where Morty shares all the major expenses of running a site like this and Folks .. ...Trust me it ain't cheap "Keeping the Lights turned on" and yet there is not enough space on a Web Page to break down all the smaller expenses ... Some of you may know that I've been with Morty's since Season 2 of BB and I Know that every year this site gets better and better and that takes Kash and a Million Hours of Time and Dozens of helping hands along the way .

So if ya think Morty is getting rich off this site you would be mistaken ... OK I'm throwing out the Challenge to the rest of the Family to step up, Help out, and feel free to share your comments right here . Remember, as the Donation link says , You can donate as Lil as a Dollar and it's very much appreciated and Welcome.

Take Care


P.S. I Promise I'm not sending out "The Mist" on ya .. (Smiles)

Here's the Donation Link to see for yourselve's : http://www.mortystv.com/donate.shtml

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LOL.....Morty;s usd to be about sharing opinions and conversation and a place I loved to go to express opinions and interact about our different perceptions of HGs but this year, if you weren't on the Dan train. you were either shunned or made to feel inferior.

I loved coming here in the past and hope the whole Dan train thing disappears with him.....once the "mist" is lifted, email me for a donation.

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Give me your email in a PM IVgal and I will (LOL) But to be Honest I am disappointed by the response to this posting ... It's not like I'm asking did you give this amount or something .. I thought it would be a chance to tell Morty what His site means to US .. this BB Family who Hangs .. thick and thin .. agree or disagree ... Till the end ... I guess I am sniffing to many Rainbows and Unicorns to the Positive side ... Well EXCuuuussee me for being a bit sappy and Nostalgic .. (Ha Ha!!!)

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