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Dan, Week 11 (HoH - Part 1) 2nd Place $50,000


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Dan was the best player, but should he win? Not if Ian takes Danl. obviously. And he may not win because part of being the best player is not alienating people too much and he had to. His manipulation may have been the best but is he really the best player? That will depend on how the jury reacts to him being there with Ian if Ian takes him. But if he wins and takes Danl, he will win. So then if Ian wins and takes Dan and wins, Ian gets what he is aiming for winning against the best and therefore being the best. And if the jury decides Ian was the best becauseDan went over the top, then dan was not the best. But what Ian does not seem to realize is that he shows he is the best if he wins and does not take Dan. And that is too sad and relates to how he perceives women. He desperately wants to be a man. His virginity, his social awkwardness all make him feel he is not able to achieve Alpha status and he admires Alpha status so much he must risk to achieve it rather than seeing that saying POP a squat to Dan is as Alpha as it gets in BB.


I really disliked that pop a squat phrase ...

I thought it funny. has a slant rhyme also and is perfunctory. great phrase all in all.


I think Ian is going to win ... But I really hope the best game player wins and that is without a doubt the best player to ever step foot in that house Dan and his Mist and clearly the best players!

Depending on the how the jury feels and how bitter they are towards Dan

Ian wins the sympathy votes

Dani wins the popular votes

Dan wins the best game player

Get on board with Dan and Memphis reunion ... The Renegades on The Amazing Race! It's going on Twitter ... Be great to see how they manipulate people into letting them pass them :)

oh I would love the Renegades on AR.....that would be so cool

I liked what Dan said to Dani last night: he doesn't like stabbing people in the back in real life but he doesn't have 14 people coming at him in real life either


I wish all the F3 Good Luck!! I have no clue who is going to the F2 so I have to say that will make the show interesting. I do think, if Ian wins the final HOH, blindsiding Dan would be classic!!!


I wish all the F3 Good Luck!! I have no clue who is going to the F2 so I have to say that will make the show interesting. I do think, if Ian wins the final HOH, blindsiding Dan would be classic!!!

It would definitely go down in the BB hall of fame....I can only hope.

(Is is my imagination or did Ian at one point on the feeds say something alluding to not taking Dan to F2....I'm sure he said something to that effect.)


In Dan's practice speech to the camera last night he kept on talking about HE will tell you he founded the quack pack. Now that could be only if he loses part 3 cause Dani is such a gimme in his mind to go up against but methinks he was tipping us off its Ian he intends to take to F2.


Dan's Practice Speech to the Jury@!!!

(2:54am BBT)

"When this game was reset I knew I was in trouble cause I looked around me on the pirate ship and saw Shane and Frank...2 huge physical competitors I knew I couldn't beat. I saw some great social gamers in Jen and Joe...I saw an absolute wildcard in Ashley, I had no clue what she was doing...I saw an underrated coach in Britney that I knew scared the life outta me...cause she was that good. Of course I had my loyal warrior Danielle through it all. And I looked around and said 'you know what, I can't be better than these people in any of their areas and expertise cause they're just that good, so what could I do to beat them?' My answer, although you might not agree with it, is I had to play a ruthless game. Not because I wanted to, because I had to. I had to build relationships, get you to trust me, get you to do something for me, like share a power or use a veto on me...and then I had to stab you in the back. Not because I wanted to, because I had to. For a couple reasons. 1...I knew if I was hated, at the end people would want to sit next to me as I have a chance to explain myself like right now. Like why did I host a funeral? I had to host a funeral because what it allowed me and Danielle to do was make you think we would never work together again... And Joe actually had it figured out. Joe came up to me and said 'was that an act, dan?' and I said 'no', and of course Joe was right. I had to create chaos so Britney wouldn't think I was striking a deal with Frank because if she thought I was still playing the game she would've been able to stop me very effectively. At the end of the day I played this game 24 hrs a day and I never wanted my game depending on my winning a competition...because I could never depend on always winning a competition against any of you..cause you guys were that tough. I hope you guys can respect the fact that I played this game 24 hrs a day and always tried to out think myself out of situations...even in the bleakest of scenarios. I don't have a photographic memory but what I do have is a burning desire to play this game as hard as I possibly can with the tools I've been given. All I can ask for is that you vote for the best player. Thank you for your time.


Thanks for posting Dan's practice speech Marty!

I hate it! :( I want him to be sincere with the jury and start with his infamous, "leave your heart at the door" speech. He should just be straight up with each one of the jury members telling them why they were evicted and how it either benefitted his game or how he orchestrated their eviction.

Ashley: You were not the original target but, a QP couldn't go, Frank won PoV and you were his only true allie and so your time was up.

Britney: It was either you or me and you were way to dangerous to my game to go later.

Frank: No one was going to beat you at the end and so, we all had to strike when we had the chance.

Joe: You were the only one that had my number... you and that eagle-eye. *grins at him* You were a threat to me and that's why you went instead of Jenn.

Jenn: I wanted the F3 to be you, me and Danielle. But, with Ian as the HoH this is the one week I didn't have control of what would happen. Also, to save myself, I made a renegades deal with Ian to be the F2 because I knew from last week that Shane and Danielle would never split and I needed an alliance member that would be true to me to the end.

Shane: I tried to chop you two evictions earlier but, your girl saved you and this was my last opportunity to get rid of the biggest physical threat still in the house. It wasn't personal Shane, I had to separate you and Dani.

Danielle: You are by far the my most proud moments of BB, you have been a warrior for both us since day 1 and I couldn't have chosen a better person for my team. If you hadn't proven to me during the DE that you were never going to let go of Shane, I would have you beside me tonight, instead of Ian. You and I know the reason you let me have the power at F4 wasn't because you picked me over Shane it was because you and Shane didn't want Ian's blood on your hands. I hope you respect that I had to make the decision to remain loyal to the one guy that was loyal to me the longest.

He should end with what this BB means to him and that he knows he played a more ruthless game this time around but, only because the calibur of players this year had him out classed physically, mentally and socially. He took the only path left for him to get to the end...

(Anyways, something like that.)


I hope he doesn' t start with the personal stuff Ian may or may not have said. I hope he keeps it to what he did and why he did it. CeCi your speech is perfect. Every big brother player talks and says mean things about the other house guests and I really don't want Dan to go there especially after all the stuff he's pulled off this year. I think it might backfire on him. I hope that the jury truly votes for game play and doesn't make it personnal. If Ian and Dan are both there they would both be deserving of the money. I can'[t beleive I even said that seeing how I am not a Dan fan.


Thanks for posting Dan's practice speech Marty!

I hate it! :( I want him to be sincere with the jury and start with his infamous, "leave your heart at the door" speech. He should just be straight up with each one of the jury members telling them why they were evicted and how it either benefitted his game or how he orchestrated their eviction.

Ashley: You were not the original target but, a QP couldn't go, Frank won PoV and you were his only true allie and so your time was up.

Britney: It was either you or me and you were way to dangerous to my game to go later.

Frank: No one was going to beat you at the end and so, we all had to strike when we had the chance.

Joe: You were the only one that had my number... you and that eagle-eye. *grins at him* You were a threat to me and that's why you went instead of Jenn.

Jenn: I wanted the F3 to be you, me and Danielle. But, with Ian as the HoH this is the one week I didn't have control of what would happen. Also, to save myself, I made a renegades deal with Ian to be the F2 because I knew from last week that Shane and Danielle would never split and I needed an alliance member that would be true to me to the end.

Shane: I tried to chop you two evictions earlier but, your girl saved you and this was my last opportunity to get rid of the biggest physical threat still in the house. It wasn't personal Shane, I had to separate you and Dani.

Danielle: You are by far the my most proud moments of BB, you have been a warrior for both us since day 1 and I couldn't have chosen a better person for my team. If you hadn't proven to me during the DE that you were never going to let go of Shane, I would have you beside me tonight, instead of Ian. You and I know the reason you let me have the power at F4 wasn't because you picked me over Shane it was because you and Shane didn't want Ian's blood on your hands. I hope you respect that I had to make the decision to remain loyal to the one guy that was loyal to me the longest.

He should end with what this BB means to him and that he knows he played a more ruthless game this time around but, only because the calibur of players this year had him out classed physically, mentally and socially. He took the only path left for him to get to the end...

(Anyways, something like that.)

I hope he hires you as his speech writer someday ... sheer perfection here!! :)


BB should have had each of the Final 3 do a private speech for the Jury House. Not giving info on who won Parts 1 or Part 2 or who they plan on taking. Just let them have more time to speak to the Jury. It's not fair that they get a short amount of time tonight. They've had 3 days doing nothing and this could have been done.

If it's a bitter jury than Ian is going to win like Survivor. Something that he hates.


BB should have had each of the Final 3 do a private speech for the Jury House. Not giving info on who won Parts 1 or Part 2 or who they plan on taking. Just let them have more time to speak to the Jury. It's not fair that they get a short amount of time tonight. They've had 3 days doing nothing and this could have been done.

If it's a bitter jury than Ian is going to win like Survivor. Something that he hates.

I may be wrong but I think I read that the actual Q&A session between jury and F2 goes for quite some time and we only see a few minutes of it. And I think I remember seeing on the feeds one season the F2 talking about how emotionally exhusted they were after being questioned.


Last year I thought they pooled the jury for questions for F3, but took out the questions that would be for the last evicted, they didn't get to ask any questions. Then each jury member asked each question to the F2. I may have to go back and watch it b/f tonights show.

Answered my own question "As a group, you have agreed on the questions for each finalist."


Totally forgot how cute Memphis is :) Thanks Marty

You are welcome. The original Renegades were awesome


Great speech, CeCiMom! And Straykat, they don't do it that way anymore but I do wish they did as I don't think it does the F2 justice that they spend all summer playing and only get a few minutes to influence the jury.

I'll continue to keep my fingers crossed for Dan tonight, though. IMO he did play the best game whether he wins tonight or not. Either way, he has a beautiful wife to go home to and recognition of his superior game from many fans, if not the jury.


Great speech, CeCiMom! And Straykat, they don't do it that way anymore but I do wish they did as I don't think it does the F2 justice that they spend all summer playing and only get a few minutes to influence the jury.

I'll continue to keep my fingers crossed for Dan tonight, though. IMO he did play the best game whether he wins tonight or not. Either way, he has a beautiful wife to go home to and recognition of his superior game from many fans, if not the jury.

exactly! :)


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