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Final Three Picks (with 5 HGs remaining) - - Poll just added to tally picks! Please come back and add your choices to the poll!


Final Three Picks (with 5 HGs remaining)  

44 members have voted

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  3. 3. 2d place?

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Post your Final Three picks out of the 5 remaining HGs here!

I'll start a new topic called "Final Three Picks (with 4 HGs remaining)" after the next elimination so you can post your picks again if they are still feasible, or pick new ones then if the are not.

To get started my Final 3 picks are Shane, Ian, and Jen!

Ian to win and Shane in 2d!

Poll just added to tally picks! Please come back and add your choices to the poll!

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Any F3 pick without Dan at this point I feel is foolish, no offense. Dan wants the F3 to be him, Danielle and Jenn and I think that's what it will be unless Shane/Ian pull off some really clutch competitions.

Thanks for your opinion, but really I just am curious to see who everyone would like to win at this point!
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I would like to see F3 Ian, Shane & Danielle. Apparently, no one seems to be targeting Dan, so he will most likely be one of the F3 and, if he gets his way, Ian will be gone. It would be a total shame if Jenn made F3 since she floated up until the last two weeks. If Shane makes it past this elimination, it would be nice to see him in F3. Dan or Ian will have to go in order for this to happen.

I don't understand why everyone is choosing Jenn over Danielle. Dani has had more wins and played a better game than Jenn. Dani was responsible for Janelle going home. Jenn got lucky at one challenge for POV. Dani has more chance in the end then Jenn.

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I am torn between wanting it to be Dan, Danielle & Jenn (what Dan wants) and Dan, Danielle & Ian (more likely since It's hard to imagaine Ian not winning the F4 POV).

If it's a Dan, Danielle, Ian F3 I could see Ian taking Dan if he wins the final HOH (but in this case I think Ian would win). If it's a Dan, Danielle, Jenn F3 I wouldn't put it past Danielle to cut Dan at F2 because that would pretty much guarantee her the win. If she took Dan, he would probably beat her.

I pretty much think Dan needs to win that final HOH because he wouldn't take Ian and he would beat anyone else he takes.

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Dani was responsible for Janelle going home.

Danielle was HOH but Dan controlled her decisions that week and he was responsible for Janelle going home. Danielle defnitely wanted Janelle out but, until Dan okayed it, it wasn't going to happen. It was Dan's deal with Boogie/Frank that cemented his decision to let Danielle backdoor Janelle.

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Dan, Danielle, Jenn

I believe Dan is a lock for the final 3 because everyone believes that their final 2 deal with him is good, because he was loyal to Memphis in his 1st season. They haven't realized that Dan is out for blood this time. I am starting to believe that Dan will take Jenn and go for the easiest win. I think he does worry about holding his previous win against him.

If the other hg keep Dan until the final, they deserve to lose. I wonder if any of them realize they are playing for a half-million dollars.

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