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Would you be on Big Brother?


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Just wondering, if you could get 3 months off work, would you be on the show if you could?

I always thought it would be really cool to be on Big Brother. Then I found the boards!! I love you all, but I have seen forum people tear a HG life apart!! There is no way I would want that to happen to me or my family!!

How about you?

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If someone paid me a million dollars just for being on the show I would not do it.

I like my life. I may have to go to my 9 to 5 every day but.... much better then losing my privacy.

If people call Danielle fat then I would be a cow.


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There is no way I would go on this show! I have watched it enough to know how much mental/emotional anguish and trauma it puts people through unless you are a cold-blooded killer like Dan who can set aside your conscience when you go in the doors. I think that many people that go on the show are not the same person when they come out let alone the painful experience of facing the criticism from mobs of nasty hateful fans like us once they are out. That isn't nearly worth a 1/16 chance at 500k to me. A guaranteed 500k maybe. I sure enjoy watching the people that are willing to put themselves through it though!

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I would be so "claustrophobic"...even though they have a by..cannot go into public settings for so long...or know of their fams or current events...would also cringe at what boards may say about me...could not live w/o contact with outside world nor being in touch with my fam for that length of time...and would despise sharing bathroom and kitchen with so many ppl! LOL

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Heck yes I would go on the show! I would never be allowed off work and my wife wouldn't be too happy about it but if I got cast, I couldn't say no. I am ultra competitive but am good with people and love strategy. I am admittedly a little cocky but if you polled my friends and co-workers, only a few who know me best would agree with that. I've interacted with and negotiated with a lot of different people in my career and I think I'd do pretty well in the manipulation aspect of the game. I am a great athlete (Shane and Frank would crush me) but I would certainly perform better in comps than most. And when it came down to it, I wouldn't have a problem checking emotions at the door and backstabbing someone.

I think my biggest downfall would be trust. If I made an alliance early and for a few weeks they showed no reason for me to doubt them, I would probably stop looking over my shoulder ... which is a no no in this game.

But back to the original question, YES! If I were picked for the show, only the please of my wife would stop me from going in that house.

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I could have once, but passed up the chance. I had just given a speech on campus and was casually talking about fav shows to someone. It turned out to be a family member of one of the producers. As a fan I was tempted, but it just wasn't worth the possible pit falls.

Had I said yes I believe I would have either been out early or won. :)

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I would love to go on, but have way too many flaws. The boards would kill me. It would have to be Big Brother, The Biggest Loser edition. If people call Danielle, Janelle and Jenn fat, they would have a field day with me. I love my family, but a 3 month break from reality to be on a reality show would not be too bad. Just could not handle the verbal assault on me or my family and friends. I'll just sit here and make fun of them.

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In a heartbeat without a second thought. I compare myself to Ian in these types of situations. I'd love every second of it. I'd be the weirdo walking around the house looking at everything because I'd just be so excited to be there. I'd make4 one core alliance and have each of us bring in someone expendable. I'd try to be Dan like or Dr. will like. Try to controll what I win and what I dont.

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I would love to go on, but have way too many flaws. The boards would kill me. It would have to be Big Brother, The Biggest Loser edition. If people call Danielle, Janelle and Jenn fat, they would have a field day with me. I love my family, but a 3 month break from reality to be on a reality show would not be too bad. Just could not handle the verbal assault on me or my family and friends. I'll just sit here and make fun of them.

Funny how Janelle, Danielle and Jenn are too "fat" for BB, but no one seems bothered by Joe's weight. ;)

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i am too game savvy to be cast

plus being black :afro: they mostly cast out of shape or idiots black hg to be on the cast :animated_bouncy:

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NEVER......IMO, unless you have no "real life" or a career why would you? I get that would be actors, models or some ppl. ike Joe or Renny who are older may think it could be a way to promote their business,,,I get that and as a viewer THAT's who I want to watch.

NO ONE going INTO BB leaves their life or their values at the door.....anyone who enters must ask, do I value my life? or my values? If YES, do not enter.

So, why would they?

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Since I am under no illusions regarding myself, I would definitely go on the show. I have been bullied one way or another my entire life, ie my looks, my height etc and have come out stronger for it. So, anything anyone would say about me would roll off my back. The only opinion that matters to me is my loved one's, so others wouldn't bother me.

It would be a great experience to meet new people. I have always liked that aspect of my life and have always sought out employment that allowed me to do so, so I think it would be nice in this type of setting. Also, comps would be fun and interesting.

Wouldn't go in expecting to win, but if I did, all the more to be excited about.

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No way! Number 1 I am too old and then there is my mouth. I would have already called Dani out about everything being about her and I just couldn't be in a house for that long with no phone no tv and internet. That is sad but true. I know you have to have some self control but these people would get on my last nerve and then I would have to tell them all what I thought of them and it wouldn't look good. I would be a really bad player.

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