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Dan, Week 8 (PoV)


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None of my opinons about Dan are based on Danielle's reactions to how Dan has treated her and for those who believe "the end justifies the means"..........I just wonder, really? If she WInS it's OK, if she doesn't, t's NOT?

OR is it IF he wins, it's OK? because we ALL know she wasn't going anywhere and he did not save HER from anything.

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Honestly if some other player had said that to another player with Dan not being the person.... would people even notice or would people care? I think most people would laugh. People tend to expect Dan to live up to higher standards then the other players. It should not be that way.

?????Dan made it that way, spending his time reading the bible, presenting himself as someone who HAS higher standards than the rest of the HGs...........unfortunately even Dan can't have it both ways.


I am a Dan fan and I understand the reasoning behind his "break-up" with Dani. Players do not like to keep pairs in the game and would try to vote one of them out.

However, the "dead to me in this game" was harsh.

Dan could have phrased it something like "you know you betrayed me, you know what you did. Game talk between us is over. We are each on our own. See ya on the other side."

?????Dan made it that way, spending his time reading the bible, presenting himself as someone who HAS higher standards than the rest of the HGs...........unfortunately even Dan can't have it both ways.

IMO reading the bible is not presenting yourself as someone having higher standards than anyone else.

It is merely a choice of faith.


IMO reading the bible is not presenting yourself as someone having higher standards than anyone else.

It is merely a choice of faith.

Very well said and I totally agree. Let's leave people's faith and choice or reading material (which is the only thing to read in that house besides cereal boxes, btw) out of this. Persecuting him because he reads the Bible and yet makes moves which some people are uncomfortable with is pointless.

I choose to enjoy Dan's move for what it was. A game move. All this anger towards him baffles me.


Who's angry?

I'm just a bit baffled by the praise for someone who IMO, doesn't deserve it.

and the question was, why is Dan held to a higher standard......IMO, because HE presents himself that way.

BTW.........From what I'm hearing & watching on the feeds (first day I've had to do so at any length this season).......we can expect Dan to show up, invited or not to the BB house for years to come.......Dani may be stalking Shane but Dan's admittingly addicted to being in the BB house, how excited his wife must be to hear this.......I thought not washing his bathing suit for 3 years was a bit gross and over the top but now I get it, everything in this guy's life is about BB........look for him in coming season's, peering in the windows, those bug eyes looking around corners, OMG.....lol


?????Did you miss the "funeral antic" where he declared to the house that Daniel was DEAD to him because of "what she did"???

THAT wasn't "personal"? He purposely hurt her in front of everyone to make her cry but "because it advanced his game" it was OK? IMO, it was hateful and and one of the most scumbag moves because of who he pretends to be........ IMO there is no difference in being derogatory by outright calling names or trying to hide it..........what Dan did was to berate & hurt Danielle while manipulating the rest of the HGs.......no, HE didn't yell out, "Danielle, your a bitch" because that's NOT his style........what he DID was hurt HER, personally, more than name calling would have and it was purposefull........his apology and attempt to justify his action to Danielle later- "I did it for your own good", doesn't make him any better than MB or ED in my eyes because his target was someone who was close to him & trusted him and what he did was a move only a BB scumbag like ED or MB would have made.

I agree with you 100 percent. It was mentally cruel and served absolutely ZERO purpose....And if he thinks she's forgiven and forgotten, he doesn't know women. If I were his wife, I would be ashamed that my spouse was in there treating a woman that way...And he would get an ear full from me when he walks outta there. He did not have to break her down like that over what he thought she did or didn't do in the veto competition. He could have pulled her aside to express his anger, and allow her to explain herself. I've thought Dan was a POS since he stabbed Ollie in the back, and he has not changed at all over the years. I'm no fan of Danielle's but I would love to see her send him packing before he does it to her, because it is coming.


ITA Shaggy.....and I'm sure his wife is going to love hearing him say that the BB house is his drug and how he would rather live there than in his real life.............sad sack, IMO......but, of course, maybe it advanced his game, which I guess will validate it all for some.


I agree with you 100 percent. It was mentally cruel and served absolutely ZERO purpose....And if he thinks she's forgiven and forgotten, he doesn't know women. If I were his wife, I would be ashamed that my spouse was in there treating a woman that way...And he would get an ear full from me when he walks outta there. He did not have to break her down like that over what he thought she did or didn't do in the veto competition. He could have pulled her saside to express his anger and allow her to explain herself. I've always thought Dan was a POS since he stabbed Ollie in the back, and he has not changed at all over the years.

She didn't really do anything. It was all made up by Dan so that he seemed to have severed his game partnership with her. He told her it was for her own good. What she actually thinks about his use of her remains to be seen but considering just how much Dani lies, she may be totally OK with it.


This is Big Brother where you will do anything...say anything to win a half million dollars. Saying what you have to to say to stay in the game is one thing....but threats and just mean talk about others is just wrong. Dan is doing what others have done for 13 seasons...he just does it better.

Also...how boring would it be if there were no lies or backstabbing? Hell...I'm here for the backstabbing!


ITA Shaggy.....and I'm sure his wife is going to love hearing him say that the BB house is his drug and how he would rather live there than in his real life.............sad sack, IMO......but, of course, maybe it advanced his game, which I guess will validate it all for some.

Oh yeah....I heard him say that. In the words of Britney "What a total douche". The most truthful thing Danielle has said all season was to tell him he's sick. A sad, sick puppy imo, and I know you're right that many will think his actions are cool and validated his advancement...But it never will for me, because he didn't have to do it. It had nothing to do with calling Ian out and getting Jenn to use the veto. Nothing.



He certainly has "mean talked"........not sure how he's done it better:?

This is Big Brother where you will do anything...say anything to win a half million dollars. Saying what you have to to say to stay in the game is one thing....but threats and just mean talk about others is just wrong. Dan is doing what others have done for 13 seasons...he just does it better.

Also...how boring would it be if there were no lies or backstabbing? Hell...I'm here for the backstabbing!

I have no problem with lies or backstabbing but being mean for no reason is wrong.......and Dan doesn't get a pass because "he does it better".


She didn't really do anything. It was all made up by Dan so that he seemed to have severed his game partnership with her. He told her it was for her own good. What she actually thinks about his use of her remains to be seen but considering just how much Dani lies, she may be totally OK with it.

I don't think she's okay with it this time. I think she's waiting for the right opportunity get rid of him for it. He lied to her when he went downstairs to apologize. He really had severed the partnership, because he's ready to work with Frank and send her out, but after talking to Frank he realized he would need her a little longer, and then back tracked his steps.



He certainly has "mean talked"........not sure how he's done it better:?

I have no problem with lies or backstabbing but being mean for no reason is wrong.......and Dan doesn't get a pass because "he does it better".



I don't think she's okay with it this time. I think she's waiting for the right opportunity get rid of him for it. He lied to her when he went downstairs to apologize. He really had severed the partnership, because he's ready to work with Frank and send her out, but after talking to Frank he realized he would need her a little longer, and then back tracked his steps.

Dan wants to have a deal/tie with every person in the house and he will use the ones who he believes will get him to the final. When Dani is no longer useful to him, he will do his best to get her out and he will do his best to make sure someone else gets her blood on their hands.


It's ok for Dan to hurt Dani because she lies............WOW

Is this in response to my post? Because if it is that is not what I wrote. I wrote that because she lies a lot she may accept that Dan lied to her. Someone who isn't in the habit of lying usually finds it harder to forgive someone who lies to them. I didn't say it was OK for Dan to hurt her with his lies.


Well, in the Big Brother house for about 30 minutes Danielle thought Dan was mad at her and dumped her. Danielle being hurt for 30 minutes will not scar her for life. She was smiling as soon as Dan told her he did it to save them. Having everyone think they were not together anymore saved her from being a target in the house. From that time on nobody has thought to put her up on the block.

I think that it is up to Danielle to decide if she forgives him. I tend to think she is glad he took the target off of her.

The real hurt for Danielle is when she gets out of the house and finds out all her sorority sisters and Trey are making fun of her. Seeing that message boards are making fun of her. That is the real world. I think Dan will be her friend and help her through that.

And again Dan has never said he is better then anyone else because he reads the Bible. Christians are not perfect and should not be called out when they are less then that.... just sayin


Choo Choo!!!

Totally agree Marty. Also, I think Danielle sorta, kinda, maybe knew what Dan was up to... but, she is all about herself and she LOVED that drama surrounding her. She may not have been sure if he was doing what he did before (telling her she was on her own) but, it at least occurred to her. Once Dan filled her in completely she has been eating up the place that Dan put her in. He set her up perfectly, all the way from Shane protecting her in the game to making sure they (D/D) don't get nominated together. If/when Dani gets nom'd next it will be against Shane. Almost guaranteed a Shane eviction over Dani.

What Dan did in the funeral was epic and served a purpose on every level... saved him last week, set Danielle up beautifully with everyone left in the house (so, that if he doesn't make it to the end... she will and Dan would consider that a pseudo win for himself), made enemies of Frank/Ian, QP is still together... on and on.

I don't think he will make it to the end but, nonetheless he got himself out of an impossible situation and gave himself and Danielle a legitimate shot at a run for the end. Even if Danielle puts Dan out in the end... Dan would be proud of that move, imo. He's a gamer, loves BB and respects moves over flotation/furniture strategy.

Danielle may have some issues with reality, self-centeredness, insecurity, etc. but, she has playing a really good game. She learned quickly from Dan (I think she learned some from Brit too.) brought together with ability to lie convincingly, brains, physical strength and as the game progressed her social game is bar non the best. Britney, Shane, Dan, Jenn and even Frank to a degree thinks she is completely loyal to them. (Even working on Ian for last 24 hours.)

It's really too bad that Dan, Frank, Danielle, Ian and Shane weren't the F5 and then fight it out to the end but, it's just not good strategy to go up against Frank... he's just too physically threatening in the F4 to bring along and he'd win the $500,000 hands down in he were F2.

Choo Choo


Choo Choo!!!

Totally agree Marty. Also, I think Danielle sorta, kinda, maybe knew what Dan was up to... but, she is all about herself and she LOVED that drama surrounding her. She may not have been sure if he was doing what he did before (telling her she was on her own) but, it at least occurred to her. Once Dan filled her in completely she has been eating up the place that Dan put her in. He set her up perfectly, all the way from Shane protecting her in the game to making sure they (D/D) don't get nominated together. If/when Dani gets nom'd next it will be against Shane. Almost guaranteed a Shane eviction over Dani.

What Dan did in the funeral was epic and served a purpose on every level... saved him last week, set Danielle up beautifully with everyone left in the house (so, that if he doesn't make it to the end... she will and Dan would consider that a pseudo win for himself), made enemies of Frank/Ian, QP is still together... on and on.

I don't think he will make it to the end but, nonetheless he got himself out of an impossible situation and gave himself and Danielle a legitimate shot at a run for the end. Even if Danielle puts Dan out in the end... Dan would be proud of that move, imo. He's a gamer, loves BB and respects moves over flotation/furniture strategy.

Danielle may have some issues with reality, self-centeredness, insecurity, etc. but, she has playing a really good game. She learned quickly from Dan (I think she learned some from Brit too.) brought together with ability to lie convincingly, brains, physical strength and as the game progressed her social game is bar non the best. Britney, Shane, Dan, Jenn and even Frank to a degree thinks she is completely loyal to them. (Even working on Ian for last 24 hours.)

It's really too bad that Dan, Frank, Danielle, Ian and Shane weren't the F5 and then fight it out to the end but, it's just not good strategy to go up against Frank... he's just too physically threatening in the F4 to bring along and he'd win the $500,000 hands down in he were F2.

Choo Choo



Choo Choo!!!

Totally agree Marty. Also, I think Danielle sorta, kinda, maybe knew what Dan was up to... but, she is all about herself and she LOVED that drama surrounding her. She may not have been sure if he was doing what he did before (telling her she was on her own) but, it at least occurred to her. Once Dan filled her in completely she has been eating up the place that Dan put her in. He set her up perfectly, all the way from Shane protecting her in the game to making sure they (D/D) don't get nominated together. If/when Dani gets nom'd next it will be against Shane. Almost guaranteed a Shane eviction over Dani.

What Dan did in the funeral was epic and served a purpose on every level... saved him last week, set Danielle up beautifully with everyone left in the house (so, that if he doesn't make it to the end... she will and Dan would consider that a pseudo win for himself), made enemies of Frank/Ian, QP is still together... on and on.

I don't think he will make it to the end but, nonetheless he got himself out of an impossible situation and gave himself and Danielle a legitimate shot at a run for the end. Even if Danielle puts Dan out in the end... Dan would be proud of that move, imo. He's a gamer, loves BB and respects moves over flotation/furniture strategy.

Danielle may have some issues with reality, self-centeredness, insecurity, etc. but, she has playing a really good game. She learned quickly from Dan (I think she learned some from Brit too.) brought together with ability to lie convincingly, brains, physical strength and as the game progressed her social game is bar non the best. Britney, Shane, Dan, Jenn and even Frank to a degree thinks she is completely loyal to them. (Even working on Ian for last 24 hours.)

It's really too bad that Dan, Frank, Danielle, Ian and Shane weren't the F5 and then fight it out to the end but, it's just not good strategy to go up against Frank... he's just too physically threatening in the F4 to bring along and he'd win the $500,000 hands down in he were F2.

Choo Choo

You say it so well. Keeping it in perspective that it is a game is so important.

Choo Choo


Choo Choo!!!

Totally agree Marty. Also, I think Danielle sorta, kinda, maybe knew what Dan was up to... but, she is all about herself and she LOVED that drama surrounding her. She may not have been sure if he was doing what he did before (telling her she was on her own) but, it at least occurred to her. Once Dan filled her in completely she has been eating up the place that Dan put her in. He set her up perfectly, all the way from Shane protecting her in the game to making sure they (D/D) don't get nominated together. If/when Dani gets nom'd next it will be against Shane. Almost guaranteed a Shane eviction over Dani.

What Dan did in the funeral was epic and served a purpose on every level... saved him last week, set Danielle up beautifully with everyone left in the house (so, that if he doesn't make it to the end... she will and Dan would consider that a pseudo win for himself), made enemies of Frank/Ian, QP is still together... on and on.

I don't think he will make it to the end but, nonetheless he got himself out of an impossible situation and gave himself and Danielle a legitimate shot at a run for the end. Even if Danielle puts Dan out in the end... Dan would be proud of that move, imo. He's a gamer, loves BB and respects moves over flotation/furniture strategy.

Danielle may have some issues with reality, self-centeredness, insecurity, etc. but, she has playing a really good game. She learned quickly from Dan (I think she learned some from Brit too.) brought together with ability to lie convincingly, brains, physical strength and as the game progressed her social game is bar non the best. Britney, Shane, Dan, Jenn and even Frank to a degree thinks she is completely loyal to them. (Even working on Ian for last 24 hours.)

It's really too bad that Dan, Frank, Danielle, Ian and Shane weren't the F5 and then fight it out to the end but, it's just not good strategy to go up against Frank... he's just too physically threatening in the F4 to bring along and he'd win the $500,000 hands down in he were F2.

Choo Choo


Thank you for saying what I've been thinking in my head...LOL!


Why in the world is everyone disputing what Dan did at "Dan's funeral"... he told Danielle in this game you are dead to me. Whoopi freaking dooo. Who cares, it was obviously strategy. He said we can be friends outside the house. When did everyone start caring about the drama queen Danielle's feelings? Like someone said earlier... she probably enjoyed the attention. What I don't understand is how some people can get all upset about that... when after that he went up stairs and swore on the bible, his wedding ring, and his grandfather's necklace to Frank about their deal. And this week he is going to stab him in the back. In my opinion doing all that is way worse than just telling someone you are dead to them. Especially when everyone knows it was for game purposes, not personal at all. Swearing on the bible, your wedding ring, and your grandfather's necklace and then lying... now that's personal.


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