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Ian, Week 7 (Golden Veto-Ball)


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Okay what the heck happened today? Last night Ian's plan was to put up Shane and Joe so they could play in the veto, win, and then backdoor Frank. Sure it was a little bit of a risky plan, but much smarter than getting Frank all fired up to win by nominating him directly. And now Frank's HOH??? Did Ian totally mess things up here?

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Exactly desertrose... the only one that wasn't on board with that plan was Britney (because she wasn't there) I think that when she heard it she freaked out and nixed that plan pronto. Or, it could be that they thought Frank would be so distraught after Boogie's eviction and Ian nominating him that he wouldn't do well in the veto???

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He seems to have cooled down Frank, and having a side alliance when the quack-pack decides they don't need their 5th wheel any more it might be good for him to have some back up.

Thinking about it now, the quack pack would ditch him once frank and boogie were gone, because if his role is the mole, and he has no one to go mole to any more...

I think if he can get by this week he might squeak by since it seems like Shane-Britney-Dan-Danielle are showing signs of fracturing somewhat.

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Did you notice how Ian choked up when he was reading the letter from his mom. He choked up on the part that said, play an honest game and be true to yourself, don't do anything you regret.

Ian is a rat I can't wait til he goes, however I think Frank must send one of the 4 (Dan, Danielle, Britany, Shane) members of the alliance home this week. He has to break them and hope they crumble.

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Ian shouldn't have said anything to Boogie on his way out!! Then Boogie wouldn't have said to Frank that Ian is not to be trusted etc and Ian wouldn't have been such a wreck! I definately feel he did NOT want to win that HOH. I'm wondering what he said to Danielle when it got down to just the two of them.

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Ian is just a kid and I think he really got soooo worked up over the Booger thing on first eviction! But, he needs to own up to what he did so he might have a chance with the QP. He likes Frank and didn't really want to backdoor him after he just voted Booger out. Would like to see him stay until Brit, Jenn and Dan go. Even though I love Dan but I really don't want a coach to win.

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Did you notice how Ian choked up when he was reading the letter from his mom. He choked up on the part that said, play an honest game and be true to yourself, don't do anything you regret.

Ian is a rat I can't wait til he goes, however I think Frank must send one of the 4 (Dan, Danielle, Britany, Shane) members of the alliance home this week. He has to break them and hope they crumble.

Mom's letter didn't seem to change Ian's game play. Right after he talked to Dan he went to Frank to get D & D nominated instead of Dan & Joe

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I am not necessarily a great Ian fan and definitely not a member of the Poor Ian, Little Guy, So Sad, Please Don't Upset Him, Better Leave Ian Alone Club (he applied and was accepted to BB so he knew what he was doing and he is a 21-year old man) but he is surely playing one helluva game. Whether it works for him or not remains to be seen. If Ian wins, I would not be unhappy.

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While I admit that Ian is playing a good game to date, his lies are going to catch up with him now. He threw the veto competition to keep frank in the game. He always wanted to get rid of Boogie so he could be Frank's sidekick. I am just sad that Dan is going to take the fall for this kid who obviously does NOT appreciate anything that Dan did for him.

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Britney talking to Ian. She is telling him he needs to build her up with Frank and tell him how honest and trustworthy she is.

They were talking about Dan going up. Ian says he made his bed now he has to lay in it. laugh laugh

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Britney talking to Ian. She is telling him he needs to build her up with Frank and tell him how honest and trustworthy she is.

They were talking about Dan going up. Ian says he made his bed now he has to lay in it. laugh laugh

Ian needs to run from Britney as fast as he can. I am not one of those people who thinks that Britney has Ian's best interest at heart when she is ever ready with the consolation. Britney is there; such as it is, to make 500K, not friends. Guess she learned her lesson, huh?

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Britney talking to Ian. She is telling him he needs to build her up with Frank and tell him how honest and trustworthy she is.

They were talking about Dan going up. Ian says he made his bed now he has to lay in it. laugh laugh

Ian is starting to really get on my last nerve! "DAN" has made his bed and now has to lay in it? Really Ian?

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Does anyone know what Ian gave the Booger when he was leaving on Thursday???? Ian handed MB something and he, MB, put it inside his coat pocket.

Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen any mention of it... I just hope the kid didn't give the freak the $3K he got a few seeks ago...


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Does anyone know what Ian gave the Booger when he was leaving on Thursday???? Ian handed MB something and he, MB, put it inside his coat pocket.

Maybe I missed it, but I haven't seen any mention of it... I just hope the kid didn't give the freak the $3K he got a few seeks ago...


He gave Boogie a pair of sunglasses.... he has many pairs of the faux RayBans... he gave him a pair...

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Exactly desertrose... the only one that wasn't on board with that plan was Britney (because she wasn't there) I think that when she heard it she freaked out and nixed that plan pronto. Or, it could be that they thought Frank would be so distraught after Boogie's eviction and Ian nominating him that he wouldn't do well in the veto???

He also got freaked out by Boogie telling Frank not to trust Ian on the way out the door and he was afraid Frank would target him because of it. He backtracked nicely by saying exactly what Frank wanted to hear ... It's all Dan's fault!

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