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Joe, Week 7


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battling jenn for perfect final two mate for others to take :animated_bouncy:

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Joe talking to Frank right now giving him 100% word to help get Dan out and not use the POV if he wins it. Frank going on and on that it was Dan who told Ian how to vote and Ian is so naive that he lets Dan control him.

Joe is 100% a suck up.

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Appreciated that Joe would not let Boogie's last plea for his vote change his mind, but still not sure about him. I think he would be loyal to someone, anyone if he actually had a real F2 deal or heck F4 deal. Just haven't made up my mind to like or dislike him yet.

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I like Joe. He will stick to his word after he makes up his mind. He is the only one who stuck up for Janelle. He also didn't back down from Willie. He tries really hard in the comps. You can tell he is not throwing them. He does whatever he can not to get nominated. It's not like he is the only one that goes to the power. They all do it. He has been used by both sides throughout the game, why shouldn't he use them back? It makes me sick to watch EVERYONE sucking up to Frank, even Ian, while bashing Joe for the exact same thing. Joe isn't talking bad about them for doing it. He cooks for everyone and they eat it up, even asking him to cook for them sometimes, and he always does it with pleasure. Then all they do is complain about it. I think everyone was afraid of Joe being liked so they all started bad mouthing him. With Ian it started with Britany pushing him to get Frank to nom. him so one of the Quack pack( stupidest name ever) wouldn't get put up. He started out saying everything bad about Joe that he could think of, so Boogie and Frank wouldn't like him. I have to fast forward BBAD every time Ian or Brit are on it. I can't stand her browbeating Ian to do her dirty work, and her talking through her nose drives me nuts.( and she had the nerve last night to make fun of people's accents and say she has perfect accent and diction) I also can't stand Ian's voice. I would rather hear Joes loud voice any day, and I normally can't stand loud mouth people. I really don't understand why most people hate Joe. I hope Ian ( Boogies " son") goes very soon!

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I thought Joe's "save me" speech was the funniest, best speech ever... even if didn't say a word. :animated_rotfl:

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Joe voted for Janelle because he had no idea they were voting her out, no one told him because he would blab and after she was gone he said he would have voted her out if he knew. He has been flip flopping to who ever has the power. Now he is all over Frank, how great he is and he will go all the way. Gag me.....Ian wants Joe gone and Joe is ticking Brit off because he thinks Frank is working with her. He is driving me crazy!

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Joe slicing cucumbers in the bb kitchen. At one point, I thought it was going to slip right out of his hands or he was possibly going to lose a finger.

He's working that kitchen like there's no tomorrow, sometimes standing in front of the fridge with doors wide open, studying, studying, working the

refrigerator. I honestly don't know what he would do with himself without the kitchen.

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I like Joe. He will stick to his word after he makes up his mind. He is the only one who stuck up for Janelle. He also didn't back down from Willie. He tries really hard in the comps. You can tell he is not throwing them. He does whatever he can not to get nominated. It's not like he is the only one that goes to the power. They all do it. He has been used by both sides throughout the game, why shouldn't he use them back? It makes me sick to watch EVERYONE sucking up to Frank, even Ian, while bashing Joe for the exact same thing. Joe isn't talking bad about them for doing it. He cooks for everyone and they eat it up, even asking him to cook for them sometimes, and he always does it with pleasure. Then all they do is complain about it. I think everyone was afraid of Joe being liked so they all started bad mouthing him. With Ian it started with Britany pushing him to get Frank to nom. him so one of the Quack pack( stupidest name ever) wouldn't get put up. He started out saying everything bad about Joe that he could think of, so Boogie and Frank wouldn't like him. I have to fast forward BBAD every time Ian or Brit are on it. I can't stand her browbeating Ian to do her dirty work, and her talking through her nose drives me nuts.( and she had the nerve last night to make fun of people's accents and say she has perfect accent and diction) I also can't stand Ian's voice. I would rather hear Joes loud voice any day, and I normally can't stand loud mouth people. I really don't understand why most people hate Joe. I hope Ian ( Boogies " son") goes very soon!

I couldn't agree more. It's nice to see someone out there who views Joe and the people around him the same way I do. Joe's just as good as either one of them as far as I'm concerned.

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IMO, Joe is a loudmouthed, ranting bore on the show but hey, he is still there despite some shaky odds at times. Luck is part of it and cleverness is also part of it. I still think that it would be hilariously fitting if the chef stepped-up and won. I would love that.

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IMO, Joe is a loudmouthed, ranting bore on the show but hey, he is still there despite some shaky odds at times. Luck is part of it and cleverness is also part of it. I still think that it would be hilariously fitting if the chef stepped-up and won. I would love that.

Slim those machine parts in your head are messing with your TRAIN (choo choo) of thought. :batman:

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Joe in the back yard trying to stir the pot with Frank saying something is fishy going on. I think he said it was Britney, Danielle and Shane whispering.

Gotta love Joe for always trying to start drama. :wacko:

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Joe promised Frank to vote out Britney, then told Shane he would do whatever Shane told him too and then promises his vote to Britney. He is all over the place. He told Shane that it was Dan that ratted them out.

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I like Joe as a BB player! I hope he just keeps it even keel... he seems like an awesome guy! The other night I THOUGHT I was talking to his wife about a recipe & it turned out to be someone else! LOL! Don't I feel dumb! Keep up the great work Joe! Your family is pulling for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And so are many of us!!!

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Just a thought...I do feel some kinda way for the guy. He is constantly saying, I just don't know what is going on around here. And funny Brit, saying she forgot she was in an alliance with him. Stay outta the kitchen Joe! You're gonna get burned.

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