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Ian, Week 4


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I agree dcat. He's never been the mean type, so why start now, and against a lady who's been nothing but nice to him. He seems to be doing it to fit in with his fake alliance members, and they're not worth the loss of integrity. Imagine how he's going to feel in 3 weeks when Boogie has him on the block to evict, and those ppl whom he changed for don't save him.

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I definitely do think he's playing the game lol his crack @ boogie during the veto, where he was like "I don't want to be greedy..." showed a lot of restraint on his part. Often taking money or prizes in this game is the devil your shoulder tempting you with a lesser prize, but if you take it and win, it can easily make the more jealous among the house-guests begin to plot your demise. Where as if you resist the temptation, and keep focused on the longer game, you can buy yourself plenty of Hawaiian vacations with half a million dollars.

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