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Jenn, Week 4


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jury are we there yet?

i am confident to say say she is safe :animated_bouncy:

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There's floaters and then there's Jenn.

Because of the coaches "twist" she's stuck with one side. She is just no where to be found while doing this.

Janelle is the one that is floating around.

Janelle don't float. She is the puppetress. She is behind the scenes pulling all the strings in the house.

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And sometimes I think we blame people for being floaters whom just haven't had an opportunity to shine yet.

Not sure which Jenn is yet, but it seems to me like she wants to play and wants to be part of an alliance but people keep ignoring her, and pretending she isn't there. Kind of hard to do anything if you don't win a comp (Cause you suck at them) and people don't want to group up with you.

Keep hoping she will luck into an HOH and watch everyone crawel out of the wood work to be her friend.

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I think she is smart and being very observance! She is on to boogie and knows he only care about frank! Ian hanging on for dear life and where is boogie? Dont sleep on her yet i think she is biting her time! I got a feeling she is going to pounce when jury time comes watch! I was very impress with that! I didnt think she had a clue! I just dont think she trust anyone to talk game with! Can u blame her? Lol

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OK I don't think I have ever posted in her thread but she is the leader of a new alliance called team tits--I'm not joking.

it's her, Ashley, and Wil. And it's in tribute to Jodi!!!

I might have to get on board for this team!

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I've always had a good feeling about her from the word go .. whether that good feeling is because I think she's someone I would want to be friends with IRL or because she will be a great BB player.. well jury is still out on that, but I have high hopes for her.

To her credit for someone with such a high potential to be high profile .. tattoos.. crazy hair.. puerto riccan rocker/lesbian chick...

She fades into the background very well.

One wouldn't expect her to be the wallflower.

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