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BB Warning Levels

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Last night Boogie was talking about the different warning levels (well before we got WBRB and he was cut off).

There is a green, yellow & a red warning level and apparently the different voices/recordings indicate different levels of warnings?

Anyone have any further insight on this? It might have been mentioned before, but I don't recall.

I'm guessing red is the only level with any chance of any sort of punishment, since no one ever seems to get punished for anything.

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This is total speculation on my part.

Green: is for messages with "please" in it. "....", please go to the diary room or please put on your microphone.

Yellow: is for sterner tone "....", Stop That!

Red: All we see is FOTH.

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Guest Corky812

I caught that too and wondered about it because it's the first time I remember hearing that from any of the HG's.

Speaking of "warning levels" I thought here at Morty's posters were not supposed to be attacked by other posters for their opinions, speculations or comments.

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I think Willie might disagree.

Don't even think Willie got a warning. He went directly to the "Get the hell out" level. :D The highest level is the only one ever used. If they never plan to punish for singing or talking about DR sessions, they might as well stop the warnings. They don't even punish by making someone a have not for breaking the rules too often.

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Not counting the 3 people that have been booted from all of the BB's, the only punishment ever given was to Jen on Evel Dick's season for not eating slop. All she got was an extra vote for elimination on her total, which made no difference since she was leaving anyway. It was a worthless punishment.

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