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Tuesday, July 17th - Live Feed & BBAD


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There is so much going on today. I miss having people to discuss with. There is Team Willie and Team Joe. There is going to be an epic battle.

The HG meeting (coaches not invited) was led by Willie in HOH room and they all agreed they are playing their own game and not the Coaches game.

If you can flash back and watch all these conversations going on. C-R-A-Z-Y.

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It is hard to know for sure how the house is going to be split but it is for sure split. Now it is time for HG to pick side. Team Willie and Team Joe are both thinking they have Frank. I think they are better off with Kara. JMO.

Britney has been badmouthing Janelle today. She is upset because she said that Janelle and Dan have alligned.

So much paranoia today.

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Willie's middle name is paranoia!! He does add some excitement to the mix.

Love how Boogie is sleeping the day away!!!

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So looks like both sides picked Frank. Both sides have Frank. Not sure how the lines are split yet.

Looks like maybe

1) Willie - Shane - Frank - Ashly - JoJo

2) Joe - Wil - Jenn -

unsure about Ian - Danielle and Frank

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Well anything can happen. If Willie finds out that Frank is on both sides maybe he will want to keep Kara. I hope he does. Anything can happen from now until Thursday. I do see the house being divided though.

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Well Joe keeps saying they have to draw the lines. He says Team Joe needs to have a meeting with their 6 every morning to keep it solid.

I hate the playing both sides and not knowing where people stand. I really hope they do pick sides.

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What an interesting season... I enjoy reading morty's livefeed recap much more haha. Love seeing how the HGs are realizing the coaches are somewhat useless except that they have the power to grant immunity... This is really crazy lol!

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So looks like both sides picked Frank. Both sides have Frank. Not sure how the lines are split yet.

Looks like maybe

1) Willie - Shane - Frank - Ashly - JoJo

2) Joe - Wil - Jenn -

unsure about Ian - Danielle and Frank

I think Ian and Danielle have no choice but to go with #2. Frank's a complete wildcard (but could likely be in the best spot by the end of this, kinda like Memphis when the house split in BB10).

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The uprising of the HG against the Coaches. Willie called a meeting in HOH with all the HG (no coaches invited)

Tuesday July 17th - 10:55 am camera 1 & 2

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As far as I can tell, everyone, except clueless Danielle, is voting to keep Frank via different alliances, while all are lying to Kara, and I don't think we'll EVER know who's loyal to each other for sure as none of them seem to have a loyal bone in their bodies. :D This has been the most confusing day in BB history, imo.

Jojo and Ashley seem to be with Willie for sure, who's protecting Frank this week. Maybe Shane is too. Jojo says she's playing a totally honest game (except for lying to Kara about keeping her, of course, which she feels is a perfectly fine little white lie.) Frank tells Willie he's with him but then turns around and dogs him out and tells some others he's going after Willie. Joe seems to have started his own alliance who will also protect Frank (Frank's sitting pretty right now) and rally his troops to go after Willie. Wil is in Joe's new alliance as well as Jenn and Ashley (Ashley's also with Willie...so who knows?) Ian said he's voting to keep Frank because he gave him his word. Jojo and Ashley revealed to each other that they both hate Danielle and want her out asap.

Confused yet? Me too!

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