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7/14 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Angelo Joe

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You havent missed much. Brit, Dan and Jani were jogging/walking the back yard. General chit chat in and around the hot tub and lounges.

Guest 6Borders

9:08 BBAD time

Kara & Danielle are talking about the POV. Kara says Joe and Shane are going to vote the way they want.

They start whispering so hard to hear...Kara says "so Shane and Willie were mad at him". Kara says she doesn't know why Frank would even talk to her about Shane using the POV.

Danielle tells Kara not to get upset and cry. Kara says she's not and "he's an idiot". Kara says something to the effect of maybe he (thinks) he has you on his sides...and he just doesn't get it.

Will comes in and he and Kara are talking about the POV.

Backyard: Willie & Frank (I think) are in the hammock talking about options. Willie says something about their fate is up to them. Frank says if something changes to let him know so he won't get blindsided. Frank says he's like a couple of drinks...Willie said yeah, to loosen up.

Frank remarks what a close comp it was and how close Willie and Shane were. Frank says this might work out better so they don't get blood on their hands. Willie says it's just weird...he just wants everything to be kosher and he thinks they can all work together.

Willie says next week Frank will have Jenn and Danielle fighting for his (Frank's) life.

Willie says a few weeks down the road he'd like to pull the rug out from under the coaches. Frank says (I think) you can come with us. Frank says "you're thinking about Wil next week right". Willie says the perfect thing would be if you (Frank) win next week, but "it's so far away dude...and I would never throw you under the bus. Willie says he and Frank will get together this week and hash out the issues. Willie says he is going to talk to "her" so it doesn't look suspicious (no idea who he is referring to).

Willie says Boogie will come out you with anything, but Boogie might actually see that this (the plan I guess) makes sense. Willie says next week they are going to be gunning for you. Frank said we just need to get through this week.

Guest 6Borders

9:21 BBAD time:

YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT PRODUCTION (for the 2nd time in a few minutes)

Frank & Willie still talking stradegy. Frank says it doesn't matter if I go against him (Boogie I think) or not cos he's got a hundred thousand dollars (riding) on me. Frank says all the coaches act like they have us (the newbies) under their thumb and Willie says "some do". Willie says Kara really wants to play.

9:24 BBAD time - Commercial break

Guest 6Borders

9:26pm BBAD time

Still conversation in the hammock with Frank & Willie:

They are discussing how the teams were picked. Frank says Boogie should have picked him and Willie..Willie says "they were gunning to get me out the first week". Willie gets up to go get a beer.

Backyard/Lounge: Brit, Dan and Boogie are talking. Brit is talking about her job, how she might not have a job when she gets back but there are always openings. Says her last 2 jobs included a car.

Guest 6Borders

9:30pm BBAD time

The HG's just got alcohol and everyone is applauding it's arrival.

Backyard: Kara & Brit: Discussion about the hottub (or pool) and how many "dirty bodies" have been in it, how some people don't shower before going on. They are watching someone work out...Brit says it makes her feel guilty watching him work out. Brit says she hates working out and she does not get endorphons. Kara says she does. Brit wants to know if exercising gets easier the more she does it...Kara says yes.

Brit does not play "glass ceilings" and says "working out totally sucks". She says people get totally into it and she doesn't understand it. Brit wants to know if it makes you look better...she says she doesn't work out and she really doesn't gain weight cos she has "little bones". Brit says if she takes a pic with her mom she (Brit) looks big because her mom is so teeny.

Guest 6Borders

9:35pm BBAD time

JoJo and Ian are in/at the hot tub. Brit asks Kara if her name is "Caroline"...Kara says "no". Brit tells Willie he should have another cigarette. Brit is talking about the "test" that you do where you blow into something. Willie (I think) says something about a test for heart <personally I think Brit was talking about a breathalizer>

The conversation turns to chugging white wine is ok cos it's cold but red is nasty. Willie rattles off several alcoholic beverages he can chug <sounds like pretty much all of them>.

Someone somewhere is talking about production because BB just told them not to.

Conversation is just general about alcohol and cigars. Dan (?) is talking about Kaysar bringing in a Hookah and everyone was smoking it....wants to know how that can be claimed as religion. General talk about how much nicotine it has and the different flavors.

Guest 6Borders

9:40pm BBAD Time

General chitchat in the kitchen about playing checkers or chess. Jenn & JoJo are saying they got "2 rounds" (booze).

Backyard: Ian is being quizzed about his grades and his GPA. He says he kind of screwed around his freshman year.

<on that fascinating note we go to commercial)

Guest 6Borders

9:45pm BBAD time:

backyard: conversation continues about school, movies and girls. Frank says girls keep getting older and he just stays the same age. Willie regales us with the fact that a budweiser with lime in it is a "redneck drink". Frank is talking about Freshman Year, when Bud Lite first came out everyone wanted to trade them for one.

Conversation is continuing about clubs and alcohol and "mary jane's". Frank pleads the 5th as to if he actually smoked one.

Basically just a lot of banter and they are all talking at once.

Kitchen: Shane tells Jani "something popped" (a muscle or something) and he took some Advil. The have-not bed is really hard on him. Says good thing POV is over.

Guest 6Borders

9:52 p, BBAD time:

Backyard: Ashley is trying to remember the same of some drug she was given...starts with meth and ends with doxie-something or other. Someone pipes in with "starts with meth and ends with amphetamine" and they all laugh <I thought Danielle was going to blow her cover there for a minute>

Boogie wants to know how much the other hg's would sell him a beer for. Willie says $25...someone else said "depends on how badly you want it". Boogie is talking about a baseball game and it was the 7th inning and the beer stands were shutting down. The bribed someone with $100 for 4 beers and threw them at the game when a fight broke out between the Yankees and (? missed it)

Hammock: Jani and Wil: They are discussing what they asked for in their respective Coaches Suite and HOH basket. Both asked for wine, Jani asked for Heineken and tequila. Jani says something about a party in the coaches suite. Wil says "since you're a coach you might get it"

They are discussing the comp. jani says "Boogie is going to be in this house the whole summer because of his players" and it's so frustrating. Wil and Jani both think someone will come back in the house.

Brit joins Wil and Jani...wants to know what they are talking about and Jani says..."well...nothing"

Brit lets us know it's "like 30 degrees in the DR". Brit is going to put on her bikini and make coffee.

Jani says she needs to get on a better schedule.

Wil is whining about someone taking his beer and "if she had just asked..." (I have no idea who "her" is).

Will was talking about "her" giving sexual massages. Jani says ladies night got so hot.

Ian is in the pool by himself doing some weird form of laps. When he gets out Brit asks him why he's showering. He said something I didn't get and Brit asks "is that a rule?", followed by "well you have dry skin anyway".

Brit, Jani and Wil are discussing the fortune teller. Wil was asking if the saboteur thing was freaking. Brit said the static was so high you would jump out of your skin. Jani asked do you think they will do America's Player this year because they have not done it since Season 10. Jani thinks it's possible.

Wil tells Brit they were just discussing that "one of those people over there" (the other HG's) will be coming back in..they all agree!

They say Ian is doing a terrible job of hiding that he is going back and forth from team to team. Jani thinks Ian would be the perfect person to be AP because he's already so weird thehg's would not notice if he was doing something strange. Wil says Ian creeps him out. Wil suggests maybe Ian's glasses are actually x-ray vision.

Brit says didn't Eric S. go into the game as Amer. Player? They discuss when Dan was AP.

Wil said Dan was bugging him talking about birth control. Brit explains Dan & his wife's sex life and they just track ovulation <more information than I needed for sure>.

Guest 6Borders

10:15pm BBAD time

Backyard: Will, Jani & Brit talking about religion. Wil says Dan didn't like the fact that Wil's parents are diff religions.

Jani says she does not like using birth control...she's regular "every 25 days" <oh my>

Wil wants to know what the girls do when they go out. Jani says she's such a homebody now that she has a kid. Brit says she's a homebody too...when she gets off work she just wants to go home.

Wil says where he lives is cool. There's a bar "like an f-up'd version of Cheers" and he came take his dog. Brit (I think) can't take her dog anywhere because her dog is not well behaved.

(The naughty hg's over in the backyard lounge must be talking about production again because they just got admonished!).

Jani is talking about all the clothes her daughter, Violet, has and Jani is jealous of all the new outfits she has. Conversation is about when Jani's daughter was born, labor, etc. and how hard it was. Brit is quizzing Jani on everything, pain, how long she had to push...! Brit wants to make sure Jani put a little hat on so Jani took home the right baby...jani assures her they did and also an ID bracelet. Brit says "oh good". <Sounds like Brit has been studying up on this stuff!!>

Guest 6Borders

10:26pm BBAD time.

Backyard: more birth and baby talk. (I hope someone is getting conversation from the rest of the HG's because they have been admonished twice again not to talk about production and I'm stuck with Violet's first poop!)

On the other side of the yard (FINALLY) Ian is playing some game by himself. Someone says Ian just kicked himself in the face.

Finally baby talk talk turns to bashing Ian (his weird quirks)...oh so briefly and now we are back to post baby pains.

Guest 6Borders

10:31pm: The non-baby group are discussing dwarfism and past seasons. Dan said they had "little people" who came in on his season.

Post-birth talk continues on the other side of the yard. Brit says "can you imagine having a natural birth" and Jani says "H-No!"

Willie has joined Jani, Wil and Brit...the consensus is "Willie's drunk" (he must be because he thinks the conversation about diaper covers is way more hilarious & fascinating than I do...apparently the camera man does also, or else he is asleep).

Guest 6Borders

10:40pm BBAD time:

The other side of the backyard is discussing food and mixed drinks. <I have just learned that you can get Yager and Sex on the Beach in either a shot or a drink..aren't you glad you now know that too???>

Boogie is discussing things they destroyed because they were so bored and what was/was not replaced!

Guest 6Borders

10:44pm BBAD...back from a commercial.

Around the round table: Ashley,Willie, Will, Ian & Shane are getting some food.

Ashley "lovesssss" something! She offers Ian some pickles.

They ask Ian how long the show is...he figures 75 days and says "we are 10% of the way done"

Backyard lounge: Sounds like Jenn & JoJo are planning some entertainment for the live feeders (bout time).

JoJo & Jenn have decided there is nothing worth discussing which happened in the house for their "show". Triscuits apparently have "whole grain goodness" (brb as I run for my Triscuit box).

Jenn recaps going to the toilet and there was $hit on the toilet. JoJo wants to know what it smells like (omg...I am so glad I signed up for this job!)

Guest 6Borders

10:55pm BBAD Time

Jenn & JoJo are starting their version of After Dark for the BBAD'ers. Their co-host is "Ted" the bear who has a "target on his back and on his butt".

Danielle (aka "Lolipop") is introduced as a guest. The great state of Alabama just got a shout-out and a shirt-out (Lolipop has a BAMA shirt on).

The Jen/JoJo show was interrupted to head inside to the fascinating discussion of "who pissed on the toilet", "diarrhea" and "how cold the BB house is"...followed by what Ashley did when she woke up (which is really not worth the recap). Shane & Ashley are playing "who took more muscle relaxers".

Brit loves cheese and Ashley loves the BB doctor (and I'[m seriously gonna love it when midnight comes around).

Guest 6Borders

11:05pm BBAD time:

We're back!!!!!!!!!! (oh joy)

HOH room: Willie, Ashley, Shane, Brit...discussing Ian pacing. Willie says Boogie told him to calm down.

Zebra Room: Frank & Boogie:

Frank is recapping his conversations of the day with Willie

Boogie says Brit left her job to play BB. Boogie says that make Brit more motivated (duh).

(they keep saying "he" and they and they are whispering and there is a lot of background noise so I'm a little lost)

Boogie says Frank needs to start working Shane. Boogie tells Wil to definitely have a conversation with Brit one-on-one.

Frank says one thing that is working in their favor is Willie feels like he can trust Frank. Boogie says 'say what you want to say and throw me under the bus".

Boogie says that Willie is playing his own game and (basically I guess not listening to the coaches). Boogie does not think they can get Shane to use the veto. Boogie says they have 36 hours and he thinks they can get Frank the votes.

Boogie thinks Kara is going to sit like a bump on a log.

(I'm going to have to replay and edit this conversation due to whispers and not getting it all)

Boogie just told Frank that he thinks Danielle is a nurse because when Ashley was talking drugs Danielle asked "how many milligrams" <proving once again it's not nice to be a bad liar on Big Brother!!>

Guest 6Borders

11:30pm BBAD time

Frank & Boogie discussing production (and not getting called for it) and how the newbie's just love Jordan

(hope someone got all that during the commercial)

Boogie says they need to stay on their toes. Boogie says Willie controls a lot. Enter Janelle and the conversation changes to cover-up talk (doubt Jani bought any of the "we aren't talking about anything" stuff).

In the other room: Ashley and Brit are discussing who cried/will cry more, and food management. Brit is complaining about Joe taking the food seriously. Brit "on other seasons..." the food was not mandated". Brit says Joe wanted Jani to wake up for his pot roast (every time she says it "pot roassst" gets longer and longer and she gets more and more whiney!)

<personal note: I am NOT a fan of slop but if anyone needs to spend a couple weeks on it right now, it's Brittany!!>

Guest 6Borders

11:37pm BBAD Time:

HOH Room: Brit is recapping her season. She won 1 HOH and 3 POV's.

Ian and Brit are talking about how many people played in vetoes. Ashley wants to know "why would they do that" and Brit says "because they were making a television show" (someone else watching that cam is going to have to fill in that conversation)

Downstairs: Wil and Joe are talking

In another room: Kara is telling Dan that "they are going with the majority and they will vote the way they want to vote".

Kara is now working Willie...telling Willie "he is coming for both you and Shane". Kara is willing to make a deal, wants to stay, wants to be safe, is not coming for you...assures Willie Danielle is not coming for him. She wants to work with Willie. Willie tells her "I gotta be real careful"

Kara tells Willie if she or Danielle win HOH they will not nom Willie..he asks who would you nom? (I'm gonna have to replay that but I think she named 3-4 people in two hemm-haws).

Kara gives Willie her word 100% she would not put him up. Willie says the main agenda of everybody in his position (HOH) is to play again.


11:30ish bb time

Right now Kara and Dan talking and Kara seems bumbed out that the vote is not going her way, Kara leaves and Danielle leaves and Dan gives her a little fist pump and says "we gotta make sure she is safe", now Kara outside talking to Willie trying to pick his brain on whether it will be her or Frank, she tells Willie Frank is for sure comin after Willie, trying to make him paranoid, Willie says :Well those are the things I need to know, then he strats really pickin her brain to see if she is bein real, then he asks her what kind of deal will she make with him, and really all she is sayin she won't put him up, She keeps sayin "we want to work with you guys", then she says Danielle is not gonna put you out, and Willie says "Yeah she is sweet", but she is like that to every one, there is silence for a minute then Willie says, "It's sooooo tough, that Ian could've been put up but that Boogie saved him, silence and the

Willie asks again "so you wouldn't put me up", even tho ppl will get in your head, then he says he wants to compete, and he says he is vunerable next week because he cannot play pov, she says "i'm tellin you I will not put you up", then Willie says it is sooo early in the game and everybody is playing sooo hard sooo fast and he thinks it is because there are the coaches here, and every one is tipping there hat early on


Now Kara saying Frank is gonna come and try hard to make a deal with you, and that Boogie is his coach, and the Willie says "Well just because someone is your coach does not mean they will always be influenced", then Kara says Boogie is ruthless,a nd she does not trust him, Willie says Are you tellin me that Dan and Boogie are workin together?? She says she doe not know that, maybe ask Danielle that question, Kara says her and Daniell and even Jojo want to work with him,she is layin it on pretty thick, Willie is sayin bottom line it is early and he is not promising anything, and he can see someone doin something crazy, and in a perfect world someone else would be going home, not her and not Frank?? Then he tells Kara she is a strong player, she says I don't know why ppl think that, he says well because you are likable, she is swearing on her life if Dan and Boogie are working together she has no idea and she may ask them that, and Willie says "no", don't go and do that, it could cause issues


11:54 bb time

they (kara and Willie) are still talking saying they will keep an open communication going, stay in touch and what ever the situation is the house or everyone will know what is goin on(really?)Kara going back to the idea that everyone will vote majority as noone wants a target on their back, and whatever happen happens and no hard feelings, Willie is talking in circles a lot really, Will is sayin he doesn't think she is about get back, they hug now and part the ways

ok JoJo and kara talking briefly about if she spoke to Willie, and JoJo shaking he head and sayin, it just changes from miniute to minute , day to day, I think the chef guy is out there too(sorry, I dont know everyone yet), he said teams, and then corrected himself and then we got fish, so I missed what was said. They are talkin how it flip flops sooo much, and the chef guy says that is why he is not wasting any time campaigning till then, and he would want to know if he was getting put up as a replacement. Here comes Wil, well there he went, Joe says well really if you look at all the seasons eveyone is a threat,,mentions that Rachael won last yr , eveyone hated her, and then he said "and Jordan won" then he said Dan was on the block 2 times his season, then Joe says he is going to bed, off he goes, JoJo asks what she said to Willie, and Kara just repeats the open communication thing. Just rehashing over and over

Guest 6Borders

11:47pm BBAD time:

Wrap Up conversation between Willie & Kara...Willie wants the noms to stay the same. Kara does not mind staying on the block against Frank as long as she knows she is safe. She is worried cos Boogie is Frank's coach..Willie says it does not matter who the coach is.

Willie says everything changed once the coaches picked players <got that right!!>. Kara wants to work "long-term" with Willie, not just one week. Willie says "are you telling me Dan and Boogie are not working together?" First she said "no", then she said she doesn't know and if it is she knows nothing <great stragedy).

Kara asks if Jani and Brit are working together..Willie says he does not know <my dogs know Jani and Brit are working together...lol>

Willie says it's a tough situation and in a perfect world someone else would be going home this week and it would not be her (Kara) or Frank but that's just the way it is. Willie wants assurance that if Kara is safe this week she is not messing with him! Kara swears on her life.

Kara tells Willie Dan thinks "it's better if we team up with y'all". Willie says 5 days..no decisions. Kara thinks most ppl want Frank out but everyone will vote majority cos nobody wants a target on their back. Willie rambles a bunch more stuff, tells Kara it's all good, they hug and it's almost midnight so Julie Chen is going to kick me off my TV.

Guest 6Borders

Midnight BBAD time:

Well gang, I hope the live feeders got some good conversation I didn't. I will try to replay and edit a few things tomorrow.



round midnight bb time

Willie, Brittney, and Dan in the HOH , Dan is complimenting Some of the guys, they are kinda talking about Karas convo with Willie, I did not come into the beginning of this convo so do not know exactly where it started, they may be talking if Boogie and Dan are working together, and now Brittney saying she is getting the blame for the noms this week, they say really??Willie breaking in, asking a big question, and it was "Are you and Boogie working together, and Dan says no, right away, and Dan says there are no deals, that they just got sorta thrown together, Dan says it is by default that it looks that way, and Dan says he is never gonna work "with that dude",that Boogie hasn't changed, and Boogie said to Dan that the line is drawn in the sand and the 2 blondes are working together, but he dan did not promise Boogie anything, saying if the noms stay the same, that he would think Frank would go because he almost won the whole thing, then he mentions he was on the block a few times in his season and it doesn't mean you are necessarily going home just because you get on the block, Will says the HOH is sooo chaotic, and then he says Dan nor Boogie never come up there, the Willie says he was forced into his decision, he had no clue, and the lesser of it all was Frank and Kara

Fish, and then we are back, Dan talking about when he was talking to Kara that Ian popped in there, sorta like he is trying to say that ppl are spreadin things, something about the 33 percent comment (which I did not hear and don't know about)he is just passing on what he knows to his players and he is not really playing the game, the Willie says that he does not think Dan would go after him, Dan says he does not want to make alliances for his players, but he is sayin that his players and Willie should get toghter at some point, this convo is confusing, now they jump to the coach thing and now and how it is making ppl play really hard early on, and then Will said he HAD to win hoh cause he was picked last, so he had to win,Dan is telling Willie he really did want to pick him, and that he is waayy different then Dan thought

Now Willie saying again that he does not think Kara would come after him or Dan either, then he asked Dan who would you put up next week, and Dan says Ian is the natural choice as it is not good to piss ppl off early, and who would be pissed if Ian got put up,then they start who would he put up with him, then we get fish, then the convo goes back to plz let them know if Kara or Frank is going, and then Dan says "thanks" for asking me about if I'm working with Boogie, and Willie just wants his safety next week, and what he does now effects that

ok, I'm out, if anyone is out there, feel free.


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