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Coach Janelle, Week 1


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her boobies were on point tonight :animated_bouncy:


Always like Janelle, glad to see her back. And she look wonderful...wonder what hubby does? And her leaving the baby behind is no big deal to me...by 7 months I wanted a vacation too!!!!


I've never seen Janelle on BB before. Didn't watch before the season with Dick.


Best BB player of all time in my opinion...best player that never won. You can not think Big Briother and not think Janelle.


She is second best to Dani from BB3 LOL! I WANT A REMATCH! I love that Janelle is back! but I didnt like her picks :( It seems as though she was going with all girl power until the last pick! She is going to do good! I hope her team doesnt fail her!


middle of pack team

but if america votes for anything she is a shoe-in :animated_bouncy:


I am very surprised and happy to see Janaelle in this year. I didn't think she'd be back after all-stars. I remember during All-Stars she talked a lot about depression and drinking, and with her having a baby now I didn't think she'd be interested in doing reality tv.

That said, I have a huge amount of respect for her, love her to death. I hope her life is back on track now and that this will be a good season for her. ^.^


her boobies were on point tonight :animated_bouncy:


I've never seen Janelle on BB before. Didn't watch before the season with Dick.

self absorbed cheerleader on speed


seem janelle and britney are against boogie :animated_bouncy:


I love to have her back!

she def does not have the 3 weakest players, and she def does not have the 3 strongest players... she may just know what she is doing.


Hated her on Season 6 as I was one of the very few Friendship fans! Absolutely loved her on Season 7!!! Hope her team does well!


Janelle mentioned all the genital warts Boggie keep burning off his "member"...how does she know this?


Janelle right now is in complete control and she's going to control Britney for a very long time ... Britney is starstruck and will never go against Janelle her "Alltime favorite" My money says Willie will turn on them and not be that concerned over the "Coach" factor he's playing his own game


Janelle is my all-time favorite player. I loved her in both her past seasons and looking forward to this one. I'm torn because I don't think she and Willie will hit it off and I want Willie to stay and stir up drama as much as possible, without hurting Jani. I'd love it if Jani and Willie/Brit would team up and annihilate Boogie's team first.


I love seeing Janey again.. One of my favorite players. Would like to see her compete though.. that's where she really shines.


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