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Joe, Week 1


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Not that he likes to stir the pot, he is the pot....Joe is such a poor gamer, everytime he hears his name has been mentioned, he goes crazy. He really doesn't have much of a game at all...Byeeeeeeeeeee Joe you won't be in there long.

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Not that he likes to stir the pot, he is the pot....Joe is such a poor gamer, everytime he hears his name has been mentioned, he goes crazy. He really doesn't have much of a game at all...Byeeeeeeeeeee Joe you won't be in there long.

I agree! adios

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He is telling Kara that he told Wil and Ashley to vote for who ever they want LIE Now he is telling her she has a couple of hours to prove to everyone that she is not with Willie are you kidding me?????? Why would you do that she knows she is going home and so does he why do that to someone? He is just mean and he is calling Willie a bully? He is telling everyone in the house not to talk or have anything to do with Willie serioulsy! Everytime he opens his mouth I dislike him even more.

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I knew the first time that Joe told his first lie that he would be trouble.

If nobody finds out soon that he is a liar and a trouble maker.... he may last a

long time in the house.

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Personally, I really enjoy watching him trying to become that alpha male.

What he doesn't realize is that the BB women determine who that is (for any given moment).

Oh, but he's gonna keep trying and I'll be watching until he goes.

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i heard people make that comparison :animated_bouncy:

i hope his kids are grown because i can him getting the same backlash like shelly :animated_bouncy:

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