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August 30th Live Feed Updates

Guest ranster627

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Back from FISH (finally)...

BB: I please put on your mic.

A has joined them outside.

talking about the fish.

A asks what they are going to do with the fish after the show.

M is planning on asking in the DR today and then she will have them call Dave to get a tank ready.

Jan in storage, now in kitchen.

H leaves BR and goes to kitchen.

B's turn in the BR.


talking about how all the exercise equip was won last season

discussing how they could turn their chess board into a checkers board by using pawn pieces.. wondering if they need 2 rows or 3 rows of pawns...


They are talking about the foosball table and no one playing it. A said that no one plays it. M said that she did with R before she left. A rolled her eyes and gave a distgusted look at that.

M turned the chess board into a checkers board. She and I are playing checkers.

A looks really witchy today with her expressions to them.


April Ivette Maggie outside sitting at table

I and M playing nwe checker board

A - what do you guys wants to do today

M - play checkers

A - greeeeeeeat

M - that was fun.. so much more fun then chess


A asked M and I what they were doing today and M told her they were playing checkers.

A said 'Great' very sarcastically.

M said she sucks at checkers but she loves it.

She said her grandpa kicks her ass.


12:45pm BBT

F1 & 2 - Janelle, April, Howie and Beau in the kitchen

F3 & 4 - James, Maggie & Ivette in BY - James and Ivette playing chess


Jan - I can't believe the swiss cheese is gone

A - I can't believe that he was going (James) into sequester with the two most boring people.

H - 4 beautiful real boobies

Jan to B - can i use that pan when you're done?

B - yep

Jan - are you done?

B- no

Maggie comes in to ask anyone if they want to play checkers

H comments that they can play tic tac toe on the chess board too

M decides she will make herself a fried egg with an english muffin. She goes through the bread stuff and throws out the moldy bagels.

April wants to play coasters later.


All HGs in the kitchen

BB - HG..this is a lockdown - Outside

A - How long BB? - over and over again

Jan - they are gonna have to wait 'til I'm done (she's cooking)

A - why do you think we're gonna be locked down for a while?

BB - James - microphone

Jan finishes making her BF and they all head out to the BY (except A - changes into Bathing suit, goes up to HOH, THEN out)

Ivette is going into the pool when BB announces for her to put on her mic -

I & James in the pool....everyone else at the table


James and I playing volleyball in the pool

A is worried cause she "took one of I's poopoo pills" and she doesn't know how long they will be out there - she says she will be ball bitch (the one that chases the vollyeball when it goes out of the pool) when her food settles

B is bored....


A says she wants to get a manicure, pedicure, facial when she gets home but doesn't think she will have any money since she doesn't think she will win

M says that she should spend some of the money that she (A) is making in the house right now on herself when she gets out

B - the 9 grand ...FISH

1:17pm BBT

A - well, I'm gonna be tight on money when I get back...if for some reason my job...and I already owe my mom some money when I get out.

Jan is sure her bank acct will be empty when she gets back

M doesn't have any money coming in while she is gone

B set up his bills (car insurance, etc) to be delayed or auto paid while he is in there

James, Ivette, in pool - Howie out there with them

BB - A - please put on your microphone


Outside talk at the table about cell phones, cell plans, switching plans.....A uses Sprint and will always stay with them

Talk switches to real estate. M wants to take the real estate class so that she understands the legalities when buying/selling and wont have to give thousands to a realtor

B talks about one of his best friends Peggy - one of the top realtors in Miami and is also licensed in NY - says she was top; in her field at 21 - is 27 now

M asks if this is the same friend who was with a 65 year old guy..B says no, that is Stacy

Jan - Stacy Milan?

B - no

Jan - Stacy who?



I and James move to the hammock

H pacing around the yard

M and B playing checkers - they say that you can only move diagonally in checkers...no forward jumping

I & James:

J - I feel bad cause when I'm gone there wont be a scapegoat..So far everything that has gone wrong has been blamed on me

I - yep

J to H - I was with a girl with a six pack (half black/half chinese) - it was gross

H - yeah i hate that

J - I like women

I - he likes girls girls

J - once i had 6 women in different states (he's trying to recap where they are all from, but can't remember)

I - how did you do that?

J - it was tough

J - I weighed 175 when I came in here, I weigh 170 now.

I - Howie is the only guy over 200?

J - Michael was probably 200 or over

I - H is like 210?

J - I dunno what Mike weighed..just that he weighed on my last nerve

H- James, please put on your golden power or veto

I - H, what did you weight when you came in here?

H - bout 190 - 200

I - what did Mike weigh?

- they talk about Mike maybe being on steroids

J - he had bitch tits

I - is that what happens?

H - I have known people that took steroids, but didn't work out

J - that's stupid

I - that doesn't make sense..you can't do steroids and not work out. It's like saying I"m gonna make breakfast and then I'm not gonna eat it

Guest StaceyG

Mag, Iv ,Jam& Howie talking about the working up till the window of time BB gave them. Howie quit his job and was off for a month befoe coming here.. went to fish... back from fish. Howie has tried out for Blind date , paradise hotel became forever eden , then made blindate elimadate & BB6.

Guest StaceyG

HouseGuest looking for a game or quarters... Ivette& Maggie janelle is greedy I have won 3 prizes let someone else win one.. umm no


A is showing off her tattoos. H is going on and on and on about wanting to bang her and how she looks awesome with her boobies and her buns that he wants to squeeze. They are all talking about A has filled out and now she has a butt. I says she came in at 1 pound and now she is 2 pounds. She is soaking up and compliments and enjoying them all talking (good) about her.

A says to request more herbal shampoo.

J is in workout room on treadmill.

Guest BigSis

BBT 2:00 pm

A,M,James,I at counter in kitchen eating. Beau is laying on couch. Howie an Jan in BR. I told M to remind her to tell her something. A says, What did you say?, neither say anything.

M tells I she can't wait until she doesn't hear their voices anymore. (Referring to H & Jan talking in BR)

They are talking about A tatoo. Howie now telling A how good she is built. A says Matt is going to kick his axx when he see's him.

Jan walking in WR.


A tells whoever goes in to the DR to request windex, all purpose cleaner.

I says she requested a dust buster. She says that she is tired of breathing in dust upstairs.

B said that he put on his app that he was allergic to dust and pollen. He asks I where James is and if he said anything to her.

I asks B the difference between butter and margarine.

M walks through and says that she is hooked on english muffins.


A complaining to H that Jam is called into DR too often, she says that she won HOH and veto and he was still called in more than her.

H: Maybe he just needs someone to vent too. He has nobody.

H: Beau-Beau's a "WC"

M: What's that?

H: A waste of cock [referring to his size]. That's why I beat you in the pool thing. It was slowing him down. He's trucking a extra load.

A: How big is it when it's hard?

B: Why are we talking about my peepee?

M: You started it, you looked down Howie's pants!

B: I always do that

A: Don't jerk off in my bed no more!

H says that A can brag that her bed was the first place H jerked off. H: "Just think April you've won an HOH, a veto, and you have the bed where Howie first jerked it."

A: Beau Beau how big?

H: 7.5, 8.

B: Depends on if I have a cock ring on or not


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