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Rachel - Week 11 Part 1 HoH Winner - BB13 WINNER


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It will be a shame if anyone but Rachel wins BB13.

Adam and Porsche showed us exactly why they don't deserve to win. Imo, both of them gave up without a fight. If either one of them had shown any heart (held on until their muscles went out, vomited, became delirious from the spinning) I would have respect for them even if they lost. But, as soon as it gets uncomfortable or painful they give in and quit.

I agree.

I will give ED his just dues. That man suffered thru the final hoh endurance part. I felt sorry for him. He lasted for like 7 hours and still lost. Adam/Porsche wouldn't have lasted 10 minutes in his comp.

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If Rachel wins HOH, she has to take Porche to the final two. I don't want it this way, but I believe Adam would be the 4th vote that she will need to win because he goes by game play. I know that I am jumping ahead of myself, but I am happy that someone that I wanted to win has finally won the first part of the final competion..one thing that I have forgotten is when do they evict the next HG? And will the live feeds me blocked out again?

Good point about the 4th vote. I think she would win with either one.

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OK I want Rachel to win but I can only see her getting three votes if she's in F2. Brendon, Jeff, Jordan. Dani and newbies will vote for newbie against Rachel. :inquisitive:

Betcha Dani will vote for Rachel and maybe Kalia.....

bank it

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Betcha Dani will vote for Rachel and maybe Kalia.....

bank it

Hi, Marty! I hope you are right...if the Jury members vote on gameplay, not newbie/oldie. The main reason I wanted Dani/Rachel as F2 it would guarantee one of them, most likely Rachel, would win big bucks.

Also it depends on where Dani's head is. Kalia for Rachel? Kalia for Jordan vs Rachel. But Kalia will likely never vote for Rachel. Remember what a bad loser Kalia was? Sour grapes and all that. But we'll know one way or another and I want Rachel to win but am not holding my breath nor betting on her chances. Good Luck, Rachel. :animated_wave:

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The only way Rachel wins is if she takes Adam. Danielle said that Adam was the worse player ever so Rachel should have a walk in the park but if she takes porshe she will lose.

ITA, Janis. Hope Rach takes Adamn. Hope Jury will vote on gameplay, not newbie/oldie. :animated_wave:

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I think Rachel has a better chance keeping Porscha over Adam. She needs Adam's vote. If Porscha is in the jury it could go Dani, Kahlia, Shelly and Porscha voting for Adam - just because (IMO) those four are idiots and jealous of Rachel. Adam, on the other hand, would vote for the best player. Clearly, that person is Rachel. GO RACHEL!!!!

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I have been on record as saying Rachel is my least favorite HG of all time. However, I have to be objective and give this girl props. She has played a good game since B left the game and have come to find her somewhat acceptable now. If she wins I will not be upset with the result because she would be worthy of holding the check IMO. Her game-play has been ok, which is surprising, and she has been very good in the comps when she needed to. I really am hoping for a Rachel/Porsche final 2. The winner of the final HOH between those two should be the victor this season, I see no other fair way for it to be played out then that.

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Ya'll are forgetting the Grod factor here. Its almost as if the "winner" is already determined. Why else would Adam and Porche give up so easily on this part 1 HOH comp? The show is all about roller coaster rides. Its been up/down for weeks. Porche nominated (up), Porche wins Veto (down), Rach gets to stay (up), Jordan has to leave (down), Rach wins part 1 HOH (up)........

Rach prob wont win final HOH (down), People will start rooting for Adam (up), Porche will win the game (down).

There is SO much hype and hope for Rachael at this point, its almost a surety she wont win the game. It has happened SOOO many times now where an undeserving person wins.

I am still rooting for a Rach/Adam F2, with Rach winning the game AND America's Choice.

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Rachel can't win BB13 and AC. F2 don't qualify for the vote so, if Rachel does win AC and she's in F2, BB will give the check to the person that got the 2nd most votes.

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I think Rachel has a better chance keeping Porscha over Adam. She needs Adam's vote. If Porscha is in the jury it could go Dani, Kahlia, Shelly and Porscha voting for Adam - just because (IMO) those four are idiots and jealous of Rachel. Adam, on the other hand, would vote for the best player. Clearly, that person is Rachel. GO RACHEL!!!!

Dani was so mad at Adam going into the Jury house that she may vote for Rachel is if it Rachel vs. Adam. If Dani votes for Rachel you know she will talk Kalia into the same vote. I think Rachel may have this!

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Guest Corky812

NO WAY I want to see Rachel win BB13 but she probably will because that's what Producer Allison wants!! She's a poor sport she deserves to be on jury having to vote between two newbies.

A while back in DR she said "at least I pretend to be happy when other ppl win..." (I guess that means when HER alliance wins. Never saw her be anything but whiney and bitter when things didn't go her way!)

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noone but rachel deserves to win this game, she has won a lot of the comps has brought back her social game without brendan being there, and has fought like the dvil , more than I cansay for that Slacker Adam, who complaind like an old man, an act like his game has beensoooo honest, wht the heck ever,NOT, and Porsche??? loser loser loser, slep the hwole time, she is sooooo gross, has won a cpl of comps where it counted which was pure luck, and anyway she was playing against weak plaers except for Rach, so gimme a break, if anyone deserves to win it is her, I think she will win

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Part one down; Rachel now gets to watch the two newbies go at it and then she gets the chance to take HOH from either of them and final two from at least one of them. IMHO, Rachel has been playing this game harder and longer this season then either Adam or Porche. For the longest time in the first weeks, I forgot Porsche was even in the house. Anyone else notice that? Than she went and flipped on the person that was on her side from the start. I think Porsche only went on the show to appear as eye-candy for any male that might be interested, waited until the final couple of weeks to do Dani's work and then decided to actually play her own game. Adam flew through the season protected by, mainly the vets. He flipped sides a few times but knew where the real advantage was. Good game play but not strong! Hopefully Rachel will win final HOH, and no matter who she sits beside, it jury members play based on play and not emotion, Rachel will walk away with big prize. That is my hope, oh, and that America votes Rach as Americas Player. It seems it might be a possibility since so many early-game Rachel haters have come to like her. Let's face it, Brenchel may be a good couple personally, but when it comes to game play, Brendon held Rachel down although he was a good means of support when she needed it. RACHEL ALL THE WAY! :clap::eeyore:

Thats what I thought too, but it confused me when they gave the option to vote for all 12. I wonder if they ever announce who got the most votes over all (if in the F2) and then say who the winner is (not in F2).

If America's choice is in final two, shouldn't matter. The jury votes are separate as are the America's votes. If same person wins both, it shows they did well over all and that jury members and America saw it that way.

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Dani was so mad at Adam going into the Jury house that she may vote for Rachel is if it Rachel vs. Adam. If Dani votes for Rachel you know she will talk Kalia into the same vote. I think Rachel may have this!

Agree. Kalia hates Adam's gameplay too. I think Rachel has a much better chance with Adam.

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noone but rachel deserves to win this game, she has won a lot of the comps has brought back her social game without brendan being there, and has fought like the dvil , more than I cansay for that Slacker Adam, who complaind like an old man, an act like his game has beensoooo honest, wht the heck ever,NOT, and Porsche??? loser loser loser, slep the hwole time, she is sooooo gross, has won a cpl of comps where it counted which was pure luck, and anyway she was playing against weak plaers except for Rach, so gimme a break, if anyone deserves to win it is her, I think she will win

I agree completely. Plus, she had a target on her back every single week, despite the fact that Porsche took her to F3. If Rachel wins final HOH that just cements the argument that she deserves the win. Even if she doesn't, no way do Adam or Porsche deserve to win over her. They were both pretty safe all game and just ended up winning comps when the numbers dwindled. I'm not discounting their wins but when I hear Adam saying Brendon should vote him over Rachel because he has just as many, I want to throw up. In what world does he think he would get Brendon's vote over Rachel? Even if they have the same number of comps, there are so many other factors to consider. AND, come on. Brendon is going to vote for Rachel. That is ludicrous to think he wouldn't. I do think she should take Adam to F2 if she wins. I cannot see Daniele or Kalia voting Adam over Rachel, but you never know what happens once they get to jury.

PS - I had a dream that Rachel won the game and got Daniele & Kalia's votes. :P

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For the longest time in the first weeks, I forgot Porsche was even in the house. Anyone else notice that? Than she went and flipped on the person that was on her side from the start. I think Porsche only went on the show to appear as eye-candy for any male that might be interested, waited until the final couple of weeks to do Dani's work and then decided to actually play her own game.

This is the main reason I don't like Porsche. IMO her explanation that Rachel deserted her or that Jeff "kicked her out" of the alliance are both B.S. She wanted to go with the power, so she did. I wish she'd just own it.

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