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Rachel - Week 11 Part 1 HoH Winner - BB13 WINNER


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should come down to rachel n porsche part 1

i give the edge to rachel :animated_bouncy:

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it would have been epic to see rachel n dani in this endurance comp :animated_bouncy:

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Me too. If Rachel is the final HOH, she may take Porsche. I don't want her to get the $50.000 though!!

Maybe not. Jordan was telling Rachel today that if she takes Porshce, Porsche will likely get K/D/S/A's votes and that she should have a better chance with Adam because Dani left the house really mad at Adam and she'd likely want a vet to win over him.

Jordan does know how to play the game.

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rachel vs adam rachel wins easily :animated_bouncy:

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She needs to take Adam. Kalia is pissed at him and Dani wanted him in the jury next. They did not like his flip flopping.

Rachel and Adam final 2 and Rachel wins.

I agree, she really needs to take Adam if she wants to win. I'm just afraid that she won't because she promised Porsche to take her to F2 and she isn't one to break promises...

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It will be a shame if anyone but Rachel wins BB13.

Adam and Porsche showed us exactly why they don't deserve to win. Imo, both of them gave up without a fight. If either one of them had shown any heart (held on until their muscles went out, vomited, became delirious from the spinning) I would have respect for them even if they lost. But, as soon as it gets uncomfortable or painful they give in and quit.

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If Rachel wins HOH, she has to take Porche to the final two. I don't want it this way, but I believe Adam would be the 4th vote that she will need to win because he goes by game play. I know that I am jumping ahead of myself, but I am happy that someone that I wanted to win has finally won the first part of the final competion..one thing that I have forgotten is when do they evict the next HG? And will the live feeds me blocked out again?

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