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Porsche - Week 10 Nominee - PoV Winner


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win pov or go to jury :animated_bouncy:

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This is really terrible BUT...since I'm among friends I'll just say it...just glanced at the "rerun" feeds and saw Porsche. Gurl, she really HAS packed it on this summer. Trust me, I would still like to look like she does in a bikini but I bet she's gained 10-15 pounds...

And I know that says nothing about her game play (maybe her lack thereof...)

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I agree, Deedsy...but should Porch win, send Rachel packing and make final 3, I can't imagine her beating Adam or Jordan.

And of course in fitting fashion she won POV!!! DAMN IT ALL!!!

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Also Dani and Kalia fer sure want Rachel's huge head on that next silver platter that delivers the newly evicted HG to JH. Looks like Porch just delivered the win to Rachel. Jordan's not mad at Rachel. I just hate watching Rachel kissing Porch's ass right now. Blood money, honey. :animated_shocking::cheeseburger::giljotiini:

Have a Marie Antoinette burger, Rachel.

Please BB...no more vets ever ever ever...even all stars.

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Read that Porche wants to vote Jordan out. I don't really understand her thought process. I think if either Jordan or Rachel make it to final 2 they should/will win over Porche/Adam so why wouldn't you take the one less likely to win the competitions in the final HOH?

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Read that Porche wants to vote Jordan out. I don't really understand her thought process. I think if either Jordan or Rachel make it to final 2 they should/will win over Porche/Adam so why wouldn't you take the one less likely to win the competitions in the final HOH?

Dani told Porch don't let Jordan get to final 3 because she will win. (not true but Dani had a lot of resentment of Jordo and Jeff because America loved them)

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Read that Porche wants to vote Jordan out. I don't really understand her thought process. I think if either Jordan or Rachel make it to final 2 they should/will win over Porche/Adam so why wouldn't you take the one less likely to win the competitions in the final HOH?

I hope Rachel takes her ass down!!! Rachel and Adam F2!

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win pov or go to jury :animated_bouncy:

so i see she won pov :animated_bouncy:

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I think Porch had zero game and zero game strategy. She just hung out and won a few comps in the end. It Adam and Porch are F2 it will be the most boring ever. Porsche winning would be really make this whole season stupid.

Future BB seasons they will have a whole cast they refuses to "play" the game and win comps thinking the can do a Porch and win a few crap shoot comps at the end. I am sure that Adam didn't even try to win this last POV so his hands could stay clean.

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I cannot stand this girl. It must have been nice sitting around the whole entire summer while everyone else did all of the work. She just literally slept, ate, and hung out in the backyard and such. She had NO gameplay at all, and won a couple of things near the end. It disgusted me when Jeff said that she did not discuss one bit of game with him until day 53 or something like that. Even when she attempted to talk game with him then, it was pathetic. If she wins this season, it will definitely be the worst player of Big Brother history. She was not a good social game player, won a couple of things when the strongest competitors were gone, and now she's sitting pretty. I wish she'd keep Jordan around because I think it'd get interesting, but of course she'll follow Queen Daniele's advice.

She doesn't have a mind of her own. She is still not playing HER game, she is playing Daniele's. If Adam and her make it to the final two I will be extremely disappointed, but I'd root for him to win. Although I hated his flip-flopping back and forth, he played more of a game than her.

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Porsche...a/k/a LARD A$$...hasn't done diddly squat, except to sleep and eat, ALL season...she deserves NOTHING!

And she studies REALLY hard with Kalia for the FT q's and BLEW IT so her brain is just as mushy as her a$$.

IF she gets to f2 w/A I hope ALL the vets vote for A as P is, in IMHO, a useless, ugly, mean, self-absorbed, egomaniacal witch!

And her little commnts and faces as she gazes at herself in the mirrors are how I determined my opinion of her....that and watching her butt grow!

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Read that Porche wants to vote Jordan out. I don't really understand her thought process. I think if either Jordan or Rachel make it to final 2 they should/will win over Porche/Adam so why wouldn't you take the one less likely to win the competitions in the final HOH?

they all think everyone hates rachel and against her at the final they will get the votes. WRONG!

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I think Porch had zero game and zero game strategy. She just hung out and won a few comps in the end. It Adam and Porch are F2 it will be the most boring ever. Porsche winning would be really make this whole season stupid.

Porsche has played BB beautifully. She kept her mouth shut, and let Keith get evicted so she could obtain a golden key. That was two weeks where she didn't have to do anything, but work on her social game...Send all complaints to BB for that one. Once the keys were no longer in the game, and half of her alliance was gone (Brendon), she quietly moved to a stronger alliance with Kalia, Lawon and Dani....EXCELLENT. There comes a time in every season when a hg must know when to roll on their alliance, and her timing was awesome. Shelly's on the otherhand was not, and we saw what happened. Once Porsche moved to K/D/L side, she became more vocal about her opinions, and bonded with them nicely. To the point where Lawon (Kalia's own partner) went up and out when she or Adam should have. In the meantime, she continued to be friendly towards Rachel and Adam which kept them on the hook and her name out of the mouths of HoH winners on their side. They may have called her names, but she was never nominated by them. She knew Dani was J/J main target, and she let them go after her. Smart, smart move....And once Jeff was evicted, she then chose to step up and play to win in competitions. She won key competitions when she needed to, and that's all that matters near the end. So the girl had game all season long; you just didn't notice her playing.

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