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Adam - Week 10 - HOH


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final 3

i think he will win part2 and part 3 of final 3 competition

i think finale will be jordan vs adam :animated_bouncy:

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he probably was salivating once he saw that hoh comp :drool:

this really was his week

he got to see tori

he got a comp right up his alley :animated_bouncy:

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Jordan won two competitions?

That said the Heavy Metal Teddy Bear has arisen from his hibernation. However, POV is still the most important power this week whoever wins it basically controls who goes home. This HOH is really powerless the only nice thing about it is you get to play in back to back HOH's.

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Adam is OK I just can't get on the Adam train. When he jumped ship after Jeff got booted and left Rachel and Jordan crying and went and did a final 4 with Dani's devils I had no respect for him.

I just don't like a player that won't stand their ground and fight to win. That is just me.

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He's the best one of the newbies for F3...but who knows. At least he admitted he had turned on J/R during K/P's reign of terror. He was saving his butt. At least he didn't take Kal/Por off block and helped send Kalia out the door.

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He's the best one of the newbies for F3...but who knows. At least he admitted he had turned on J/R during K/P's reign of terror. He was saving his butt. At least he didn't take Kal/Por off block and helped send Kalia out the door.

That's something. LenRay I know you would never dump your Morty's alliance for Jokers. Right?

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Adam really has a different personality then he did earlier in the game. He is very confident and bold and practicing his speech if he wins and.... just not the shy stuttering Adam anymore. hummm

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Adam knows he would beat Porch...if Rach in F3 she will not be taken to F2 unless she wins...

sorry guys I had feeling Jordan would be leaving...

adam earlier mentioned marcellous in his victorious babbling.

FYI I hate Tori Spelling

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It doesn't matter. Rachel will still be on block with Jorday. Now it dawns on me...Rachel got Jordan to vote to save Kalia so she (Rachel) would have Porche's protection assured. Jordan is now personna non gratis...I don't like the looks of this...If Jordan goes, I'd prefer Rachel to lose to Adam or Porch.... :animated_shocking:

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