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Live Feed and BB AfterDark - 9/6


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FYI...Lizbeth Scott in "I walk Alone" is on TCM then "A Letter to three wives.." or if really desperate there is "Cold Comfort Farm>>" but no, no one can be that desperate.... :animated_shocking: Just sit there and stare into space, perhaps...

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I don't understand why CBS would block the feeds and BBAD if they're going to let there be a live audience? :animated_scratchchin: Doesn't seem to make much sense if they don't want the information to be leaked? hmmm?

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I don't understand why CBS would block the feeds and BBAD if they're going to let there be a live audience? :animated_scratchchin: Doesn't seem to make much sense if they don't want the information to be leaked? hmmm?

No joke - did they really think that they live audience would keep their mouths shut? If they did, clearly, they don't understand BB fans (fanatics LOL) very well!

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