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9/4 - Live Feeds / BB After Dark

Angelo Joe

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mumbling something, smoking, just sitting there, ok someone has arrived, he says good mornin, oh yeah it is Kalia, here we go, she is not talking game yet,she says she was gonna try and get up early like this back earlier in the game but shelly would be out there etc, adam wanting to get his walk on in a bit, now talking about adam had weird dreams about hoboken nj, I cnanot keep up with the dream details, lets get to the game talk

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10:07 AM BBT

Kalia comes outside and sees Adam. "Hi, I woke up and thought it was like 5 in the morning." She thought this would be a better time to do this, versus later when the others are around. By this she apparently means sitting outside.

Adam telling us about the dream he had last night about being in the house he grew up in in Hoboken. There was fireworks and other stuff, we get WBRB. Probably waking the others up.

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music of course ( I do not want to miss this pleading convo that is gonna take place-fatcat)

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ok back now but sure I missed a bunch, just general chit chat, adam leaves, guess I didnt miss anything Kalia complaining she wants to talkk to him but the wake up music ruined that (maybe production did that for adam,lol-fatcat) silence with Kalia jsut sittin on the couch thinkin

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jordan in the hoh with rachel talking but I just came in on the convo, maybe kalia or Porsche, but I think Kalia, yep she is talking that Kalia told her even if she jordan went on the block she would not get voted off, and talking about scenerios, they are hashing they dont think he will but rach said we have to trust him he gave you fara's necklace, Kalia saying she ants to stay, I am in school debt and how she has never seen this kind of money before even if she got 2nd place, rachel breaks in and says this is not charity game, the Jordan says I feel bad for her and then I think"what?" why am I feeling bad for this girl,something kalia said that made Jordan want to keep porsche is because kalia said to jordan thank goodness I dont have to act like a dubmb blonde anymore

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Kalia talked to Jordan this am. "What would it take to keep me. ...I was down for the four of us girls. I will keep you along as much as I can until we have to split up." Jordan assumes Kalia wouldn't take her to the F3.

"Take you along as far as she can? We only have three other people? What does that mean?" Rachel asks.

Jordan was asked to get Adam to use the veto. Then try to get Jordan out. Kalia told her that she would vote for Jordan would stay but Jordan says that's too risky, no way.

Rachel laughs then says that they have to trust Adam. He gave Farrah's necklace and they are at the point where they have to trust someone.

Jordan says she was starting to feel sorry for Kalia and then she realized that she shouldn't be feeling sorry because they are trying to evict her! Kalia told Jordan she'd never had that kind of money before.

"So, Big Brother isn't a charity." Rachel says.

Kalia then proceeded to throw Porsche under the bus.

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Jordan saying that Klaia isaid she is sooooo close and now she is gonna get booted and Porsche will get the glory for her kalias work. Rachel says she understands why she wants to be here and if there were like 8 pl maybe they would not be voting her out, and any way most of what Kalia says makes much sense to rachel

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Kalia says it just sucks and I want to compete and she hates it because the floater are getting by, and she has done so much more, but Jordan just said her gut says get rid of Kalia and Rachel lets out a good sigh, and also Jrdan says Porsche rubs her the wrong way , she has a bitchy sidetalkin about Porsche kept sayin Adam use the veto on me, and rach says I dont trust porsche at all, but jordan was po'd about Porsches bitchiness, yesterday in otev, they asked for the name of the person who lost 17 comp and Porsche said Keith, hello Rachel says why would you say keith

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jordan says she feels bad for kalia but....... Jordan says I know you guys are comin after me and that Kalia said no I said I would keep you as loong as I could but kalia kinda implied no youre good we will keep you as long as we could but its Rachel. I think Jordan said if Porsche wins hoh they will die, but not sure because Jordan was playing with her mic puttin it on, Jordan wants to know what they can say to adam to reassure him, Rach says it is not needed as adam knows they are not gonna keep kalia, and they think that because she won before that she does not need to be there, and Then rach says hey we are fighting not only for ourselves but for jeff and jordan. rach says you deserve to be here Jordan, they go to put on workout stuff as they say the lockdown will be soon

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Kalia: Adam you know that my final 2 deal with you wasn't a lie. I told Porsche yesterday that Shelly was the gift that kept on giving. I swear it was the truth. I'm not just saying that. I've never lied to anyone in this game.

Adam: Ok, so what about deals you made before or after?

Kalia: I had one with Dani, she's gone, with Shelly she lied to me, with Jordan as far as I could.

Adam: What about other deals?

Kalia: I talked to Rachel of course, she can't play next week and she's doing everything she can to stay. ...If you don't use the veto this week you are basically erasing Newbies to the end, Newbies to the end..... I swear to you, I swear to you I will take you F2 I swear on my life. We swore on newbies to the end and this is the week we are being tested. You have no chance if you go up with Jordan and no chance if you go up with Rachel. The only way any of us have a chance is to be up against each other.

Adam: I knew when they asked me to not use the veto this week that if I didn't make it it was a crap shoot.

Kalia:.... of all the people not to go to the jury house pissed, it's Jordan. She's already over the Shelly stuff, the best move for you is to use the veto this week and make sure all your alliance is off the block. .....I"m telling you Rachel is going to win that final HOH and take Jordan. I'm telling you....

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ok finally I am getting into the covo between kalia and adam, she is telling him that he will not win against jordan and or Rachel, he is just giving her the ok there is much game to be played, and she keeps saying this is a way that none of us have to go home, she is going over and over that it is a do over, and that they literally gave up there power, and now they can take it back, logically it is your best move adam, she is talking really fast, I am gonna tell you exactly what is gonna hjappen and bottom line they are not gonna take you T=if rachel wins she will take jordan, she will not let him get in a word in,she just will not shut up, she wont let him talk( I am hating listening to this_ she says she cannot see a better fi2 then the 2 of threm, now he is sayin he laid sown last night and started thinking and started thinking, I have to quit listening,plz someone else take over fatcat

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10:44 AM BBT

Adam said he thought he had everything sorted out last night but once he laid down he started thinking and started thinking and now he's got to think all the moves through.

Kalia "I'm all but begging you to use the veto and give us our final chance, Adam. I am begging you."

"If Rachel wins the veto then..." Adam says "She won't win the veto, She will not." says Kalia. "Rachel offered me to go to the end"

(Discussion going in circles with Kalia reminding Adam of all the people she got out of the house: Brendon, Jeff etc).

10:47 AM BBT

In the KT Porsche explains to Rach that Kalia is outside talking to Adam and wouldn't let her go outside. "Please vote for me to stay. Please." Porsche says.

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10:54 AM BBT

Rachel to Jordan "I'm getting nervous because she's going to keep at Adam"

Adam comes in the house "You're still not using the veto right?" Jordan asks him "Ummm...... I want my necklace back right?"

He tells Rachel and Jordan Kalia was talking his ear off. He's enjoying how Rach/Jor are saying that Porsche had a pair asking him to use the veto in front of Jordan.

Adam tells them everything Kalia just said, the she says she has an F2 with Rach (Hell no! That Biznatch!) etc etc.

Outside Kalia spinning the conversation to Porsche so it doesn't seem like she said anything negative about Porsche.

(FTR Kalia did not take a breath between Adam and Leaving and Porsche joining her, I didn't realize the convo was changed until I heard Adam inside talking to Jordan)

It's all the same thing they've said a zillion times before.

Rachel is adamant that she never made a Final 2 deal with Kalia. Jordan tells her not to say anything because it will give their plan away.

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11:22 BBT

OD LD. Kalia on the couches. Adam, Porsche, Rachel and Jordan all working out in the BY. Rachel and Kalia were just takling about their dogs.

Rachel sings 'it's getting hot out here' and WBRB.

11:24 BBT

Rachel changing her shoes. Just chit chat going on.

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11:05am BBT - Sign of the times, Adam, Por, Rach and Jor walking in the BY together. But all is not as it seems, as Adam and Por are walking back and forth with hand weights, while Rach/Jor are walking loops. That gives each pair a chance to talk to each other as well as apart. Kal put on her polka-dot swimsuit (the one she got from Shell) and a loose dress over it.

11:10am BBT - Rachel wonders why they are not on LD yet. Kal popped into the SR and now is in the KT. Rach thinks her shoes are not comfortable anymore. BB calls an OLD. Kal grabs a yogurt and something to drink and she heads outside. The garage door closes behind her, blocking escape into the air conditioned house. Kal sits on the BY couch without any words being exchanged. General talk between the two pairs of walkers.

11:15am BBT - Talk turns to the HoH comp, Rach talking how she was barely walking by the last doughnut, then working together and how well she and (you guessed it) Bren worked together. Adm and Por now doing funny walks (that's what my trainer calls them). These are murder on your thighs. Kal watching from the couches, occasionally pipes in with a comment. Talk turns to what will be on tonight's episode and what was seen Thurs of the HoH comp. And FotH.

11:20am BBT - Rach waxes yet again about how amazing a real celebrity like Tori was in the house. Oh, the Hoffman is a celebrity too, but... Adam loves how they call him the Hoffman. Kal brings up how Hoff went to kiss Jor and they were thinking, OMG, her BF is right there. They talk about what if Jeff had punched Hasselhoff in the face. Talk returns to how slip Tori was even with the baby bump. I really hope you have something better to do this afternoon than read this stuff.

11:25am BBT - When was Adam EVER in danger of being voted out and needed to be saved? I don't recall him EVER being anyone's target when he was on the chopping block. -- You may know that from looking from watching the feeds, but I guarantee you inside the house, Adam never felt safe completely sitting on the nomination chair. Sure he received assurances, but in a game of backstabbing and lies, would you really feel you could trust someone 100%?

11:30am BBT - Speculation turns to what is going on inside and if it has to do with the Fortune Teller (FT). Talk turns to what Shell is telling the jury about what the FT said and did. Jor now sitting by the pool table. Jor back running. Everyone now agrees Shelly will not be happy with the last OTEV question. We'll have to wait until Wednesday to find why. Adm hopes there will be a deck of cards on the KT table when they go back inside. Por says maybe there will be puppies.

11:35am BBT - Rach is now back on the run. Por and Adm jogging back and forth, 5 laps. Kal gets up to use the trash and flip the stack of towels before getting a different one from inside the cabinet. She heads back tot he couches. Jor high-5's Adm as she runs past. Rach high-5's Por as she runs past. Por and Adm now back to walking back and forth. Rach asks if Jor has been counting and Jor says this is their last one. Kal grabs a lounge chair and drags it into the sun.

11:40am BBT - Talk returns to Veto, the fake pies were made different than the Veto pies but looked the same. Rach and Jor are in walk down. Jor says she loves sweating. Rach loves jogging, feels really good when she works up a sweat. Adam says he hates sweating but a workout sweat is a good sweat, not the best. Kal putting on lotion. Talk turns to the original newbie alliance, the Regulators. Also known as first three out. Zing, they say.

Talk turns to robots, Johnny 5, Wall-E. Adam says he was part of the Library Crew, him, Law, Dom and Keith. Kal has her sun dress off and is lotioning up her middle and back. Adm picks up the hand weights and continues his back and forth walk w/Por. Jor and Rach continue walking laps as Por picks up her hand weights. The talk is all over the place. Rach now talking how he sister wants her and Bren to move to Canada after he completes his PHD.

11:45am BBT - Rach says Jor has lapped her like 20 times. So hurry up, retorts Jor. BB told Kal to turn on her mic but she is now eyes closed on her back, soaking in the SoCal rays. Adam and Por now jogging back and forth. Rach stops to put on lip balm, talks briefly to Kal. Now her lips won't get sunburned. She takes a drink of water and then gets back on the road. Adam and Por stop so Adam can move towels from the washer to the dryer, puts a fresh load in the washer.

11:50am BBT - Every now and then Kal moves or says something. Rach & Por jogging again. Por and Adm by the couches. Adm has a beetle on his back. Jor says gross, Por says cool. Kal now in the pool, Por and Ad resting on the couches, Rach stretching her calves by the PT, Jor still walking. FotH.

12:00pm BBT - Por speculating when Shell turned up at the JH. Adam smoking a cig. Adam says 10 weeks ago his life changed forever. 10 weeks and 2 days ago she was kidnapped, says Por. Jor counting 11 days remaining. Rach and Jor calculate that today is Day 65. They debate when the show ends, how many days long the game will be. Adam lights up again. Kal laying on her back on the steps in the pool, wakes up, turns over, and swims a stroke, dunking her head.

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12:10 BBT Por starts to shave Adam's back in the WCA - Por: It's like shaving a Wooly Mammoth.

Discussion with Adam about who he would take to F2 - Por trying to explain that if someone takes Jorday - the jury will be upset that they gave her another chance to win.

Jordan and Racehl in the BY walking laps and discussion scenarios and where certain HG fell in alliances.

12:30 BBT Por now starting on Adam's head. Shaving it pretty much gone.

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12:51 BBT

Just coming into a covo with Rachel and Jordan and Adam on the couches, discussing past competitions, have not heard game talk yet, just past game talk, Adam talking about the dummy PoV and how he and Shelly knew from the git they would not last, then Adam says hey maybe we will have an endurance competition this week, Rachel says no, but Adam says ya never know, Jordan says to Rachel you said otev, and they are jsut saying it is a fun contest fun to waqtch and fun to play, Adam is going to shower

Rachel said well that was good we talk about an hour or so, they are talking about laying out, they may or not want to

Kalia out in the by now and waiting for some game talk but all that is said is Kalia asking if they cleaned up the hair

Porsche and Kalia now alone on the couches, and she Kalia just made the statement that they Rachel and Jordan are going to follow him around (are you kidding me?)

Now she is going over what she said to Adam, we have heard it all, and a plane is going over, Kalia saying who was I hanging on that dummy for, no I was hanging on for you guys, on and on

she is trying to say they did not keep you Adam they got rid of Shelly, cause that is what they wanted, Kalia says HOT, porsche agrees with Kalia they are just going over it and over the same stuff reasoning out why it is better to keep them and not the vets, she is saying he says yeah I know, she is going on how she guilted him about his fans would not want to see him do this

Kalia went in and all you can heat is Porsche crunching, Kalia back and saying she does not know wht other kind of argument she can give, she told him they have never come after him has never lied to him on and on, and Kalia is talking so fast, (again this is soooo annoying to listen to, that I may have to switch cams-fatcat)

Rachel in the kitchen washing something, not sure where she is going, I hope outside, but no it's to the bathroom area, getting ready for a shower, so is Adam, maybe we will get some game talk in this area

well Rachel is going to the HoH for her shower, Adam is shaving getting ready for his shower dowstairs.

I flipped back to the couches and Kalia was still running her mouth a mile a minute with the same stuff we have hear so no need to retype it all out, back to Adam in the bathroom

jordo in the shower stall her and Adam making small talk , asking if she is going to do laundy also, and she says yeah, quiet for now, oh it looks like jordo is changing clothes in the shower stall to go layout

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Adam says he does not want to go outside to get bombbarded again, and Jordan says it's going to be like this all week, dang BB busted in about Jordan get on your mic, and I guess she left it outside so that ended what could have been a good conversation from Adam about how Kalia and Porsche are bugging him,ok they are talking, Jordan is telling him how Porsche said I don't think Adam is gona use the veto and Jordan explained yeah because I will go up and out, and then she says it made her upset when last night Porsche kept saying "Use the veto on me"Adam seems annoyed very much with Porsche and Kalia buggin him

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Porsche says she does want to be there and feels bad for Kalia BUT she wants to be there, Porsche says she is emotional cause it's her period and she is on the block and is scared and just everything, talking about how next week at least week HoH is in f3 and all that matters is veto cause they decide who is going to f3, Porsche is saying that she is nervous about it cause Rachel and Jordan will take each other and they saved Adam, and Jordan says you have to give yourself more credit

going back to what Daniele said about writing a check for the J's, and Porsche says Rachel never even really talked any game with her till after Lawan left??Jordan says well why didn't you talk to Jeff and she says she tried, and Porsche thinks Jeff is intimidating, and Jordan laughs and says Jeff intimidating?? Jordan thinks that is really funny as she says not at all

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porsche sayin that Jordan you want to win money, and she is sayin you are soooo wrong, I helped my family the first time, and I only came back this time to support Jeff cause he wanted to see if he could do it, and now that they are at this point in the game she sure is gonna fight to play and she knows all how it is with Kalia and her tryn to get her Jordan out, and she told kalia she is good at the questions and does not want to go up against her, she is sorry and why am I feeling bad for someone who is trying to get me out trying to get adam to use the veto and get me out

they are feelin each other out about votes and porsche says well yo are close to adam and Jordan tells her hey I have always thought adam is a sweet guy and have always talked to him and not just for a vote or game. Jordan says but Porsche you are close with Adam, and Jordan says she has to do wha tis best for her and that is what she will be doing

quiet now they are laying in the sun , porsche offers oil, and now asking if shelly said alot of bad stuff about Porsche, but jordan saying mostly in the beginning, but then later came to jordan and said porsche is a sweet girl, just young, and Jordan says shelly said a lot of bad stuff about everybody not just porsche

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1:20PM BBT: Kalia is outside with Porsche. Porsche said that Adam went to take a shower. Kalia said it doesn't matter, they are going to follow him around. Kalia telling Porsche

1:23PM BBT: Adam is in kitchen making steak and eggs and he has one piece of bacon he says.

Porsche outside talking to Jordan. Porsche says she is on her period so she is more emotional that she is scared she is on the block Jordan says every week it is different. You can win next week and put me and Rachel on the block.

Kalia talking to Adam in the kit she says Porsche and I don't have a deal me and you (Adam) can have that final two deal. Kalia says I believe in us. They had there chance there own season this is our chance I have never ever lied to anyone in this house. Kalia says Rachel has thrown every single person in this house under the bus and is blaming everything on Shelly. I promise you Adam they told me to vote for you and hung me out to dry.

Kalia says Jordan says all that mattered to me was taking the knife out of my back and sticking it in Shelly's. Kalia says Adam you don't owe them crap. Adam says every week gets harder Kalia says this should be easy. It was hard taking out Jeff. I know you have a relationship with Jordan but I can not believe that you would take Rachel over us I know you won't. Kalia says I will drink that hole bottle of hot sauce, be completely indebted to you and shake on in 400 times if you save me.

Adam just saying he understands and goes to say something and Kalia cuts him off with more begging. Kalia says don't go to the end with Jordan everyone loves her and she will win. Kalia says Porsche is getting nervous Adam says Porsche hasn't had to campaign since week 2. Kalia I know that you think Jordan is a sweet girl she has what all of us are trying to do for us and our families she will be happy sitting next to Jeff having a campfire. She won't be mad at me.

Adam says there is still a lot for him to think about and look at all his odds, and see what is good for him. There is to much uncertainty on upcoming competitions etc. he is weighing his options and can not talk to her about it.

Kalia still begging and pleading her case to Adam. Kalia says Jordan doesn't care anymore about this game and it is not fair for her to stay. Kalia keeps throwing Jordan under the bus and is being very pushy. Kalia said we made a final two and shook on it. Adam said I am considering you. Kalia says I know you are I am going to try and hold it all in but I am very mad at Rachel I have never said anything about her that isn't true, and Kalia is taking turns at throwing everyone under the bus to save her own ass

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Just general chit chat about watching your season after you get out, Jordan says Jeff has never watched his season, and she Jordan only watched way later after things had settled down. saying Shelly's game was the lying, but maybe outside she is different, she always used to say she was in control who was goin' on the block, the Jordan said that Thurs she has never been that angry, Jordan says she knew she was in the kitchen listening, and then Shelly ran in there and came in her face and Jordan went off

Rachel has joined and they are talking bikinis now, hers is from target, also talking cellulite,lol general talk, will wait a min to see if game talk comes,( haircolor talk so I am out for now-fatcat)

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1:39pm BBT

Jor and Por laying out talking about Shelly. Jor says she thinks Shel is another person outside the house. She is a good person, lying was just

her game play. Jor says she told her a lot of personal stuff she says she has never been that mad (that thurs) when Shelly got in her face.

Por says the joke is that Rach was the one holding Jor back. More talk about the fight and rach comes out talk changes to clothes. All of them working

on there tans.

Back in the kitchen Kalia is totally kissing Adams butt, saying how happy she is for him how good he looks, tori spelling, just totally kissing butt

round and round kissing ass and begging to stay in kitchen

in the backyard girls are talking about hair color ect.

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