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Live Feed and BB AfterDark - 8/27 & 8/28


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This twist just makes no sense to me, or Im just confused.if Rachel &/or Jordan wins & takes theirselves off, Adam/Shelly have to go up, cause Kalia is safe because she is HOH partner, & if Adam/Shelly win VETO & use it to remove Rachel & Jordan, then Adam/Shelly HAVE to go up because Kalia is safe & there is no one else to put up? Just weird, did they actual say they are playing as duo's or is it just a special VETO that can save both of the nominees? I keep reading on other sites that Porsche didnt say they are all duos again, she said the two nominees can both be saved, like a Diamond Veto or something, while others say they heard her say it is back to playing DUO's again, & Kalia is safe.


Yes perhaps this is the break in the game I needed. Rachel is so so overdue to win something. I can't believe I am rooting for Rachel, but it would be sweet vindication to have Shelly's butt sent to jury!!!

Come on Rachel and Jordan!!! You can do it girls!!!


If J/R wins POV then A/S go up and Shelly goes home. If anyone else wins POV then noms stay the same and Racehl goes home.

Thank you Jammer! You made it very easy to understand! :animated_bouncy: :animated_bouncy:


Ooooh oooooohhhhh the Fortune Teller lady's head is moving & her eyes are flashing... Shelly is telling it to throw her a bone...



Shelly begging for something. She said she will sit here until 6:00. Throw me a bone!

It is freaking her out.


Shelly and Kalia in there with the door locked. They pulled down a shade on the door.

Now Shelly is freaking that maybe Jordan and Rachel have the power already.


Yep she should be freaking out! Should have stayed in the alliance she had....Where is Porche, and Kalia how are they going to further in this game....The two of them have won things, and she has not. She at least had J/J watching out for her...Now she has nothing. Bad move Shelly, now she won't even get second place.


Kalia easedropping on Jordan and Rachel talking. They are only talking about silly stuff and old seasons.



It kinda irks me that when anyone in the BB house remotely speaks about "production", all feeds go to BB music blank-out.

Really!?? After 13 seasons and all the "behind the scene" promos, don't the producers realize they are alienating their dedicated fans who watch the feeds . . . paid feeds, at that?

But, then again, perhaps the percentage of feed watchers is totally over-ridden by the network watchers three times a week . . .


ITA Mrs. Dunn......I don't get it because they don't show palm trees or whatever on BBAD, yet if I watch the FEEDS between 9-12, they keep cutting out......since I'm on the west coast, I would prefer to get benefit from watching the feeds in REAL time because BBAD doesn't go on 'till midnight, so it sucks that if I'm around to watch the feeds I have to ALSO watch BBAD to see what I missed :furious3:


Rachel is worried that she is pregnant and she is getting hormonal on Jordan!! She doesn't want to say what she is worried about out loud, but says that Jordan knows. Jordan says "Oh" and we get palm trees.

Jordan is going to have to babysit Rachel until one of them is evicted.


Shelly promising Jordan and Rachel everything under the sun for them to not vote her out Thursday. It's actually entertaining.


Shelly promising Jordan and Rachel everything under the sun for them to not vote her out Thursday. It's actually entertaining.

Well rachel did say yes to Dani too, but then gave her the SHAFT!!! So they will probably yes her to death and do what they want :animated_bouncy:


Well rachel did say yes to Dani too, but then gave her the SHAFT!!! So they will probably yes her to death and do what they want :animated_bouncy:

From what I'm hearing now the are voting her out. But they are talking to Adam later.


From what I'm hearing now the are voting her out. But they are talking to Adam later.

Good. They are too experienced with this sneak to be fooled now I would think


wow shelly tried to blame adam for going along with daniele plan :animated_rotfl::animated_bouncy:


wow shelly tried to blame adam for going along with daniele plan :animated_rotfl::animated_bouncy:

YES she did! And Jeff TOTALLY did NOT go crazy like people were saying he probably did! He was talking not screaming. Poor Jeff was so nice!


YES she did! And Jeff TOTALLY did NOT go crazy like people were saying he probably did! He was talking not screaming. Poor Jeff was so nice!

SOOOO glad they showed some of that....live feeders were robbed that night! Wish we could have seen the whole hour and a half.

Jeff was a LOT more level headed than I would have been.


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